
Why you should pick the right life partner.

By July 3, 2018 March 1st, 2020 No Comments
You should pick the right life partner and there's one very solid reason why I tell you this. You see, most people don't think about this.

You should pick the right life partner and there’s one very solid reason why I tell you this. You see, most people don’t think about this. They never think about the long-term future. They just think about either getting laid or not being single. It’s weird but loneliness makes people do some weird stuff. They just want the instant gratification and complain when they suddenly have to face long-term frustration. I think this is a big problem in our current generation. A lot of people tend to settle for less or get comfortable and completely wreck the whole relationship over time. But why should you carefully pick your life partner? That’s what you’re probably wondering, aren’t you?! Well, here we go.

Why you should pick the right life partner.

Imagine that you date the wrong person. It’s not that bad when you don’t end up together right? Well, it might suck at first but you’ll soon figure out that she wasn’t the one after all. But what happens if you’re together with the wrong person for a long time? Well, you’ll have to clean up a giant mess when you break up. A break up is never fun and dating the wrong person might also get the worst out of you. You might become a lesser version over time of yourself and now you have to deal with a breakup and a lesser version of yourself. So dealing with the break up will only be harder now. Don’t worry I’ve got a guide on how to get over a breakup.

That’s it. Dating the wrong person will drain a lot of energy out of you and you could use your energy for better things like starting a new project (could be a blog). The relationship and the break up will all zap your energy away and your ambition might fade away or be stronger than ever. That’s something that you don’t know until it happens. But why take the risk? Why don’t you pick the right person from the start? Just follow your gut feeling and you’ll end up with the right person! Your gut feeling is like a superpower so use it! The right person will lift you and help you reach your potential. The wrong person will take you down and take you far away from your potential.

Why you should pick the right life partner. Forget about the checklist!

People mostly have a checklist to describe the perfect partner but do you think that it makes sense? Have you ever met someone who’s completely perfect? It’s an illusion! You’re chasing a mirage and you don’t even get it! What if you meet a girl that matches all your demands except one? Will you dump her because of that? I mean you’ll always find someone who 99% of what you want but never 100%. So what do you do? Keep on trying until you’re old and lonely? Let me tell you something, it all doesn’t matter. Well, some things matter like mindset (thinking about the future instead of the next party), personality,… But you should keep on dating if you’ve got a good time. Forget about the checklist! You don’t need to date a cover model.

It all doesn’t matter.

You need to date a classy girl that will make your future even better. Stuff to reflect on because people this day and age are extremely selfish and needy. People want to be taken care of but they don’t want to take care of someone else.

Suddenly they’re single again and they’re wondering why. Probably because they’re complete assholes but that’s something that they don’t get.

Or they can’t get a relationship and don’t get why. Well probably because they’re too picky. She doesn’t need to be a cover model, she doesn’t have to be rich and she doesn’t need a fancy degree. She needs to be life smart instead of school smart. Knowing when world war 2 ended won’t make you be able to deal with failure. Knowing how to deal with failure might make you smart enough to Google history dates because they just don’t matter.

Don’t forget to check out my book. The ones who read it liked it.

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