Kevin Ross is also known as the Soul Assassin. He’s an American Muay Thai fighter who’s currently competing as a kickboxer in Bellator. I’ve always been a Kevin Ross fan since he always puts up entertaining fights. He is one of the pioneers in the States for making Muay Thai famous. Because there wasn’t a Muay Thai scene when he started. But I didn’t ask Kevin Ross to be on my podcast just because he’s an amazing fighter. He’s also a blogger and he has an interesting perspective on life. His post about social media fighters is to this day one of my favorites but the other ones are amazing as well (you can read his blog here). You’re missing out if you’re not following his blog or following him on social media (you can follow him here).
Taking Souls With Kevin Ross: A Prelude To The Podcast.
This podcast was recorded in the middle of July when I just came back from all my travels. Back then I was figuring out what my next move would be because I knew that I didn’t want to stay in Belgium but had no clue what I was going to do. I had an opportunity to leave Belgium again and go to Chiang Mai but hadn’t acted upon it yet. After this podcast that all changed. In this podcast, we talk about facing adversity, turning your life around, chasing your dreams and the sacrifices it takes to pursue what you want in life.
In addition to that, I would recommend Kevin his blog about sacrifices (read it here) and my blog about the subject (read it here).
My book, discounts, social media and more.
Don’t forget to check out my last book “The Year Of The Alpha”. You can buy it here.
The Year Of The Alpha: 366 Lessons On Adding Meaning To Your Life
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You can also follow me on Snapchat/Instagram for a look behind the scenes. My username is alexdw92
Till next time