Today we’re going to talk about money and the money mindset. A lot of people have the wrong mindset but they don’t even realize it. I had the wrong mindset as well and I only realized it after I read Rich Dad Poor Dad and The Richest Man In Babylon. I suggest that you read The Richest Man In Babylon first. Or you can pick up a copy of my book off course. Since I cover the money mindset in it as well. Now it’s time to take a look at why you’re doing the wrong thing if your eyes are filled with cash signs. By the way, you’re even more fucked if you’re chasing girls as well.
So you’re chasing money? Man, you’re funny!
I think that it’s safe to say that most people want to have a nice bank account. Most people want it so that they would be able to quit their job. So they play the lottery and complain about their dead-end job till they hit retirement. There are 2 things that you should learn here:
Get it? Good, let’s continue. So you want to be rich? That’s a pretty unfulfilling goal, isn’t it?! Like how much money do you need to have to be rich? Do you have a number set or do you just want millions? It’s a goal that will make sure that you live a very frustrated life. Let’s take a look at how people chase money and find unhappiness.
Chasing money: marry rich
This is my favorite mindset of all time. People who want to marry rich want to make sure that they’re set for life. That’s the dumbest requirement that I’ve ever heard. So you only care about the money and not about the person’s personality? Oh man, you’re completely fucked. You’ll end up in a sexless marriage where you can’t talk to your partner. Rich kids mostly don’t know the value of hard work since they live off the parent’s wealth. I’m just trying to warn you before you make this mistake. Pick the right wife for the sake of your life. Get it? You’ll do dumb things due to unhappiness if you’re choosing to be with a girl just for the big bank account.
Chasing money: well-paid jobs
This is one of the biggest traps in our modern-day society. The money jobs. Even a raise is pretty dangerous if you can’t handle money. Anyways, the well-paid jobs are well paid for a reason. They suck and are mostly in shifts so you’ll have little to no time to spend with your family. Some even work in a shift during the weekends which makes sure that you’ve got no family time at all.
I’ve never taken a job just because it got a good paycheck. The money goal just can’t motivate me. I rather do a job that I like for a lesser amount of cash. But yes you’ve read it correctly. I don’t do things purely for the money. It’s an empty goal that will leave you behind with an empty feeling. Don’t worry I’m going to explain it.
Chasing money: empty goals and failure
You’ll pay a price if you’re chasing the big paychecks. There’s no learning process and you can’t get any better at what you do. So this means that you’ll probably give up as soon as you fail. People who have a better goal fail forward. You just fail and give up. But there’s more. You’re trading your soul for money. You’ll get your money but you’ll lose friends, hobbies and so on. Is it worth it? Just to get a bigger paycheck? I highly doubt it to be honest. You only live once and I assume that you’re either not aware of it or just denying it. Otherwise, you would make smarter choices. That’s just my 2 cents. Do whatever you want. Well besides complaining that you’re unhappy of course. Nobody ever got better by doing that.
What if……?
So what if you find a job that you like that pays well? Well just do it.
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