In life, you either win or lose it’s that simple. Well, that’s what most people assume. But is it that simple? People hate losing because they can’t wrap their heads around it. People always focus on the win but that comes with a potential side effect. Most people keep losing at one point in life so they start to focus on wins from the past. They brag about the things that they’ve got achieved and can’t move forward anymore. These people stop growing and won’t achieve anything if they’re not breaking this vicious cycle. You need to be present in the now. People have the wrong approach when it comes to a win or a loss. I’m here to teach you how to win and lose in life. It’s not the approach that most people take but I don’t like following the herd.
A win or a loss shouldn’t define who you are
People who win are winners and people who lose are losers according to most people. This isn’t true since some people become stronger after a loss. They come back as a changed man and surprise everyone. Most people can’t handle a loss because it hurts their ego. I mean how many people haven’t claimed that they didn’t deserve this? That’s ego-bound thinking. You don’t deserve anything in life. Nothing Alex? Absolutely nothing. Your life was the only gift that you’ve ever got. The rest is up to you but that’s something that most people don’t realize. Let’s take a look at how you should handle every loss in life.
How to handle a loss in life
Losing isn’t tough; it’s just a part of life. It stings that’s for sure but everybody losses in life. Most people just give up way too soon. Let me explain. What do you do when you break a bowl? You clean it up and throw it away, right? Well in Japan they repair it with some kind of golden glue. It’s called Kintsugi. It’s to help them remind that the bowl is now stronger in the places that have been broken. But most people break and never recover from it. You should celebrate all adversity. You should take it head-on because you will become better at it. There’s no place for excuses. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger so why would you make yourself weaker? Just carry on and learn.
A win streak in life is dangerous
People like to win since the feeling is extremely addictive. You get a boost in testosterone and completely lose it. You become so confident that you’ll become overconfident after a while. You’ll get into a comfort zone and that’s when you’ll suffer your devastating loss. It’ll hurt without a doubt. You can’t learn anything from a win and that’s what most people don’t seem to realize. They want to be winners so they focus on the winners. Those people miss the point completely since they neglect all the losses from those people.
Forgot about a win or a loss
So some people call themselves winners and others call themselves losers based on their experience. It’s all a matter of perception and you need to realize that. You aren’t a winner or a loser. You’re a human being on a journey. You see you just have to work your ass off. Give it your all and realize that you still win even if you lost. Others remember only winning and losing but you should focus on something completely else. Focus on the process since its so addicting. That’s the only thing that you should ever remember. I wrote a blog about what I learned over a year and I never claimed that I won or lost anything. I just loved the whole process no matter what happened. Yes even if life gave me some hardship since its all part of it.
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