Unhappiness is a state mind that’s unnatural but still, there are so many people who suffer from it. In the Western world, the majority of people are probably unhappy. Almost everybody has a smartphone with an internet connection. We’re all searching to buy Happiness Inc. but nobody seems to find it. No store or app store seems to sell it. Well, ain’t that a bummer.
Not even our good old friend Google can give us a solution. Suddenly people start to act crazy and do dumb shit to try and make them happy. Young people go into a relationship that is doomed from the start. All because they think they don’t deserve better. Keep reading till the end if you’ve got this mindset. The quote, in the end, will give you some proper motivation.
But not only the young ones make mistakes. Old guys suddenly buy a motorcycle, cheat on their wife with a younger girl, get a tattoo… But their so-called happiness doesn’t last that long, after all the dumb mistakes they made they buy some flowers and go back begging on their knees. They’re begging their wife to take them back. They’ll say tons of times sorry just eagerly waiting till they are forgiven. You need to face the consequences once you make a mistake.
Let me get something clear, I don’t like politics and I think political correctness is a real waste of time. I don’t follow politics and I never will. But politics are the perfect example. They prove that unhappy people make stupid and crazy decisions. It’s like they all forget the valuable lesson from their history classes or maybe some of you guys cheated real hard to pass the tests.
Big changes in some aspects are almost never good and they’ll never be good. You’ll be like the old guy who cheats on his wife… You’ll realize that the grass wasn’t greener on the other side.
Nazi Germany was the perfect example of the big change that people made come to their senses. But we don’t have to go back in time to see those mistakes, we have multiple examples in 2016. Just think about it.
The so-called greener grass turns into a nightmare, suddenly the grass becomes dry and makes the place for a dessert. Suddenly you realize you just were witnessing a mirage, you saw what you wanted to see.
People seem to lose their minds in a complete unhappy state and become unhappier after the big change.
But what if I’m in one of the worst relationships, jobs… of my life? Well, maybe you’ve been staying in the desert for a long time. Maybe you just didn’t realize it, welcome to the comfort zone, my friend. This is the place where you can be unhappy as long as you want, you just don’t change it because it feels familiar. Well, you don’t change it yet…
According to The Huffington Post being unhappy was one of the reasons why people eventually left. The only thing that’s missing is how they turn out after the divorce.
A remarkable quote about unhappiness
I found this quote by accident but it contains the truth and nothing but the truth. Read it well and give it some thought.
Happiness, like unhappiness, is a proactive choice – Stephen Covey
I’ve already admitted that depression was a monster that I created myself. It’s never too late to change the outcome of the boxing game (a.k.a. life).
A brief conclusion
Get out of the desert, go for the real green instead of unhappiness ever after.
Till next time
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