Two strikes and you’re out that’s it. Do you get where I’m heading with this blog post? You don’t? Well, you’ll have to keep on reading then. I have a principle that I call “two strikes and you’re out”. You see I don’t want a lot of unnecessary drama and bullshit in my life. Yes, you’ve read it correctly, I don’t want it. I can take a look at my life right now and I don’t have any drama. Now I’m not claiming that my life is perfect. I still have a lot to learn but there’s no unwanted drama. You’re just a slave of your ego if you’re claiming that you’ve got it all figured out. Anyway, let’s take a look at the two strikes principle. It might change your life.
Two strikes and you’re out. Why don’t people use this more often?!
There are a lot of people who live a life that could be part of a reality show. Those are the people who like to watch reality shows as well. It’s pretty logical since they just want to laugh at other people’s pain to forget their own. These people don’t get that they inflict all this drama onto themselves. I mean they make the choices and nobody else. Those people mostly haven’t got a single clue what they want and like in life. They mostly don’t even have their own identity. They’re a stranger to themselves. So they always give people ‘one more chance’ when those people hurt them.
Can you guess what this means? They still have an unlimited amount of strikes before they’re out. So these people get hurt all the time because nobody takes them seriously. It’s like a full- time profession to them. The sad part is that they don’t take action. They always ask: why always me? Zero problems were solved after asking that question.
Two strikes and you’re out. I’m not kidding
You can try to pull off something with me twice but you’re out after that. There are a lot of people who assumed that it wouldn’t happen. So they tried to pull off some kind of behavior on me. Those people didn’t take the warning seriously the first time. They were all out the second time. No hard feelings but those people will never be a part of my life again. Two strikes are what it takes. You see I have clear boundaries and you better not try to pass them. I tell people that they crossed the line. I’m not afraid to get out of my comfort zone and confront people with their behavior. Some people are just full of shit or too dumb to care about you. That’s why I used this principle. Now I guess that you wonder why I only give people two strikes.
Why only two strikes Alex?
Because most people never really change. They get a warning the first time and are surprised that I made my boundaries clear. They just improve their way of lying instead of their mindset and this is the sad reality for most of the people. I don’t know that many people who’ve changed for the better, to be honest. Most of them became dumb and dumber at a certain point. That’s why I make sure that I don’t give them a third chance. They mostly fuck it up anyway so it would be a waste of time.
But Alex what if they change after the second strike? Well, that’s a possibility off course so there are two options here. You either meet again or you’ll never know. I seriously wonder why you would even think about it. Just be present at the moment and see what happens. I wish all the people that I removed from my life the best but I’m not focused on what they’re doing. It’s safe to say that I don’t care to be honest. But seriously I have the stuff of my own to take care of. I’m focusing on what matters in life. Focusing on others is not important to me. That’s just a big waste of time!
In conclusion: two strikes and you’re out. Get it? Good, so don’t act like an idiot twice in a row.
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