Time is your most valuable asset, not money. I’m pretty surprised that I’m writing a blog post about this. People should be able to figure this out on their own but they can’t apparently. Most people are just chasing money and that’s the only thing that they care about. Their eyes are filled with money sign but deep down inside they’re empty. They wanted instant gratification but they got long-term frustration. The feeling of emptiness will only increase over time. You don’t believe me, do you? But how do you feel when after you wasted a lot of time? Are you feeling happy? I’m pretty sure that you’ll feel tired and unsatisfied? Or how do you feel while you’re working overtime to gain that extra amount of money?
Let’s take a look at how I came to the idea of writing this blog post.
The story behind the blog post.
So there was a point where I had to work 3 weeks in a row at my job. Man that sucked and my body was completely out of wack but I survived it. You get something in return for the extra days that you work of course. So you were free to choose what you wanted. You either got paid for the extra hours or you got some free days in return. Most people told me to take the money but I took the free days and booked a 9 day trip to Stockholm to train over there. They told me that I was stupid and crazy. I didn’t even listen, to be honest. I’m glad that I made that decision. It’s the inevitable return to the city that stole my heart the minute that I arrived.
Time is your most valuable asset, not money.
Imagine this: you just finished your workweek. It’s Friday or Friyay as most people like to call it. The weekend is at the door and you don’t have to work. You can do whatever you want and you decide to spoil yourself. So you go online to check how much money is left in your bank account. You look really good and notice that your account is empty so you decide to call the bank to fix this. The bank informs you that they’re hacked and that you won’t get your money back. Will you freak out? Probably. Will you cry? That’s a possibility as well. But the next question is a lot more important: will you find a way to make sure that you get some money on your account again?
Of course, you will! You can always find a way to get your money back. Money is man-made so there’s plenty enough for everybody. This might be an extreme example but you get where I was heading, don’t you? You can lose all your money but you’ll gain it back as well if you just work for it.
But why time you ask?
Now imagine this: somebody wasted your time. Say for example that someone is bored and tries to stay in your company just to be sure that the person isn’t alone. It’s a dick move but a lot of people do it. Another example could be that you’ve got your yearly 2 weeks holiday from work and that you do nothing in those 2 weeks. Just imagine that you wasted 2 weeks with or without another person. How will you feel? Frustrated? Probably. I’m pretty sure that you won’t feel particularly happy after this. You’ll feel drained and sad. But will you be able to regain that time that you’ve wasted just like you could get the money back? Just try it. You’ll never be able to regain your wasted time.
That’s something that most people realize when they’re close to dead. I mean face it, you’re going to die one day. People reflect on a lot when they’re about to die but why should you wait until you’re about to die? Why take the bet? Do you want to die with regret? Do you want to die with such a feeling? What’s the point of having a lot of money if you’re still crying about wasted time?
Never cry over wasted time!
Wasting time is something that we’re all guilty of. Yes, I do it as well from time to time but I never cry or complain about it. So many people waste time and then cry or complain about it. But what are you achieving by doing something like that? What’s to point of doing it if you’re wasting even more time by doing it. So now you can complain about the fact that you wasted time complaining about the fact that you wasted time. A lot of people get caught in this pattern but I just acknowledge it. I’m like “ok I wasted some time but now I just have to do what I intended to do”.
You can never change something that happened in the past so why would you even cry about it? You’ll be depressed in no- time and that’s something that you should try to avoid. I wasted a lot of time before the age of 23 and I never cry about it. It happened but it’ll never happen again because I got my act straight. You can do it as well because I was able to do it.
Do you get it now?
Remember that I had to choose between extra money or extra days off? Did you think that I was stupid for declining the money? But what’s your opinion on the whole matter now? Still the same or did it change? Let me explain my decision to the ones that didn’t get it. I had to offer days of my free time to work and they would offer me money or days off in return. Why would I take the money? Only people who don’t value their time would take the money. They can keep their money My time is the most valuable asset that I have and that’s why I want it back. I work to live and not the other way around. I don’t want to be the guy who’s constantly clustered to this desk. My time is also more precious than the paycheck that they offer me.
But that’s the problem when it comes to most people. They don’t value their time because they’re denying the fact that time is running out. Invest your time, don’t waste it. Why do you need the extra cash anyway? To buy stuff that you don’t need to impress people that you don’t even like? I don’t see the point in doing it. But that’s just me of course.
In conclusion: it’s time.
Time is your most valuable asset, not money. So stop wasting it on people or things that don’t matter! That’s it.
It’s all about investing your most valuable asset. The money will follow make no mistake about it.
Don’t forget to check out my book. The ones who read it liked it.
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Till next time