Ever wondered what the reason could be on why people want to see you go down? They want to see you fail. Doesn’t sound like a ton of fun, doesn’t it? It simply the truth but they have a good reason or maybe even multiple reasons why they do it. Life isn’t very difficult at all. If you don’t want any haters you better don’t do anything new or exciting. Just follow the herd and no one will make a noise. You can breathe but you will never succeed. I quickly realized this when I decided to drop out of college and do my own thing. People like to hate on others, well not all the people, but a lot of them.
That’s the reason why so many successful people claim that you need to take a good luck at your surroundings. They matter because they should be the ones that support you.
My college drop out is not the reason
I just had to finish one year in college but in my head, I had already left school before it started. In my mind, I dropped out of college in January but I took advantage of our school system that last semester. I knew that I had tons of spare time because I could skip classes and I didn’t have to go out if I didn’t want to. So I decided to do the things I liked the most: reading, writing, and training. I spent only the amount of time that was necessary for school. In the beginning, it was pretty hard since I had never written before but I kept on pushing and I was writing every day before I knew it.
But suddenly the finals arrived and I’ve got to admit I had completely forgotten about these. Then I told myself I had to take the risk and drop out. I had to do it because I was pushing away my dream further and further away. I didn’t want to wait another year to start, I wanted it to do it now. You can’t neglect in anymore when you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe. So I glanced at my grades because my parents asked me too and I told them I was dropping out.
I thought it was going to be easy but they didn’t want me to quit. All those years they told me I had to work but now they didn’t let me too. It took me a while but soon they realized that I wasn’t going to change my mind anymore and that’s when all hell broke loose…
Always remember that no is the most powerful word there is.
Bell means hell
My parents were furious and every day I was called a loser, quitter…. I would end up selling drugs, end up in jail, end up in poverty… Sounds like a bright future doesn’t it? I had to take the beatings every day but I had an indestructible mindset. I took the beating time by time but I didn’t beat back. Instead, I did the opposite, I was just holding up my defense because I knew one thing for sure: At one point they can’t neglect you anymore because you get results and that was the only way I intended to hit back. I just showed them a smile and stayed silent.
I was following my gut feeling but they didn’t get it. They didn’t believe that this was the reason why I dropped out.
One of my biggest mistakes was part of the reason
I tried to explain to my parents what I was going to do but they didn’t get it. They thought that I was suffering from delusions so I tried it one more time and never did it again. They were claiming that I was losing reality and that I needed help. I was smart enough to retreat and work my ass off every freaking day. I didn’t time my workdays anymore I just read, wrote and trained over and over again. They got curious and started asking questions but I didn’t answer them I mostly said “you’ll see” and the hate continued towards me.
I had to fight all my life against negativity and I did it with low self-esteem at the time. Now I’m fighting it with high self-esteem and I’ll win because I won’t quit. No matter how tough it gets I will always keep on pushing and grinding till I make. I can succeed, I will succeed and I won’t stop till I make. This is something that I told myself multiple times. I read my goals every morning and every night before bed. These goals are written on a piece of paper but that piece of paper was and still is priceless in my eyes. It was a ticket to my dream and I wanted to take the whole trip. I always carry it with me in my wallet.
The goals and the wallet
I wrote these goals after I read a book called The One Thing. This book was a complete gamechanger for me. This book helped me establish my morning routine and I got a lot more productive. I stopped spending so much time on my phone and social media all thanks to this book.
But why do people hate on others who pursue their dreams? You’re not the reason, their mindset is the reason. Some people will be offended but I guess the pick-up artists felt the same after I wrote a post about the industry.
I offended a lot of people when I released the blog on why I’m never drinking alcohol again.
Maybe all those people should team up and start a hate page on Facebook. Don’t forget to invite me when you do. I wouldn’t want to miss an opportunity to share my new blogs.
The reason is that they were/are afraid to do it
All the people in the world have dreams but not many of us try and pursue it. They’re all afraid to fail and that why most people won’t start in the first place. I take tons of courage to do what nobody else did. It takes some balls to suddenly make a drastic change. I have to admit that mine was made after a period of extreme unhappiness and I’m glad that I made that change. The hard times learned me a lot and now I will keep on improving as a person.
The reason they think that it’s impossible is……
Most people think that things are impossible because they couldn’t do it because they failed. It’s even worse when they didn’t even try it. They are afraid that you’ll succeed because they’ll get a pretty big slap in the face. This means that their dreams were possible as well. They won’t have any excuse to cope with your success but they won’t have an excuse for why they failed either. It’s always possible when someone else did it and otherwise, you make it possible. I never heard of a successful blogger in Belgium but I still tried it. I just have to create my path.
They stayed too long in their comfort zone
People who work their whole lives from 9 to 5 don’t know the other options so they can’t give them to you. They don’t believe that the other options work because only the minority of the people get them. The minority are the 1% that succeed and live a happy life. The majority will probably never live their dream and that’s a shame. People should be thought to live their dreams instead of being brought down. There’s a reason why so many people feel cheated by life.
It’s only impossible when you claim that it’s impossible. It’s only possible if you make it possible.
Impossible? Just watch me!
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Till next time