I’d have never sat on this spot if I didn’t go all out.
I’d probably never fought if I didn’t go all out since I was almost done with the sport (too many horrible coaches and pretenders in this game).
Did I take a risk? Absolutely.
Was it hard from time to time? Absolutely.
But in the end, fortune favors the bold.
You see, most people face a setback and cry.
I, on the other hand just try.
Trying got me a lot further in life than crying.
Think about that next time you watch a motivational speech or read a motivational self-help book.
That book will make you feel good and collect dust on the shelf as soon as you finish it.
You don’t need any of those. You just need to get after what you want and adapt along the way.
The ones that’ll claim you’re crazy will envy your life down the line.
Action, just like inaction, has a price.
That is what we call, the reality of life.
One that only a few are willing to face.
Till next time
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