Everybody loves watching the news these days and you’re called ignorant if you’re skipping on it. Some people watch the news twice a day and listen to it every freaking hour. They’re eagerly awaiting new disasters and lots of bullshit. I stopped watching the news after reading The Four Hour Workweek by Tim Ferris but in his new book, I read something extremely interesting. In Tools Of Titans (this is a great book, both of them are, to be honest) there’s one guy who worked at a newspaper and he gives you a solid reason why you shouldn’t watch or read the news. He told Tim Ferris that they had to pick the worst imaginable news and only that would be printed. So the news is a big scam. It’s a big “reality show”. So basically it’s fake and full of sensation.
Yesterday I was visiting my grandmother because I’m a family guy. At one point she asked me if I wanted to see the news. I knew that she wanted to see it so I told her that I would watch it together with her. I didn’t pay too much attention, to be honest. My gut made me think twice about paying a lot of attention. I’m never watching the news again and here’s why.
The news is the normal people their reality show
Remember when I talked about the normal people and why they bore the shit out of me? The normal people are always looking for sensation. They make the news and they watch their part over and over again. They record it and show it to all the people to impress them. Those people have been on television for 30 seconds and they are already acting like celebrities. They also laugh at others’ mistakes while they’re doing the same dumb things.
The normal people are attention whores who need to share their expertise on almost everything but they’re no experts at all. I’ve heard some terrible advice on the news like the fact that you should eat low-fat diets to be healthy. I’ve taken a close look at the person who claimed it. He didn’t look too healthy in my opinion. He looked like a walking zombie with low testosterone. His eyes looked depressed and his face was screaming for sleep. I was worried that he would drop dead every second. The reporter said that the guy looked great and suggested that we all should try this approach. Do you get why we’re living in a pussy generation?
The news is freaking depressing and puts you asleep
I could broadcast the news, it’s not that hard. It’s 90% sad news and cruelty, 5% bullshit (I don’t care about which celebrity cheated on who) and 5% sports. It’s more than 90% sad new when your own sports team lost. 3 main subjects reoccur all day and every day: war, racism, and destruction. We get reminded every day of the suffering in the world but we’re too blind to see it in front of our own eyes.
You are suffering at your job when you’re bored to death but you’re too ignorant to see it. I’ve heard people complain about the fact that so many homeless people are starving on the streets. Seconds later they were throwing away food while a homeless guy was sitting almost next to them. You’ve become blind to your suffering and the suffering of others. Many friends read my story and they were all surprised by how depressed I was. None of them knew how I felt but they all knew what was happening in the rest of the world.
Don’t get me wrong I don’t blame them that they didn’t know. Maybe it’s time to stop listening or watching the news. You’d be surprised by how many problems you’ve got in your own life and close environment. Your own life will never be bad if you keep on comparing it to all the misery in the world. It’s a dangerous mindset that will make you depressed and eventually broken.
My most popular blog post is a clear sign …
My most popular post so far is called “unhappiness makes people do crazy stupid shit”. There’s a reason why it’s so popular, most people are unhappy but they don’t do anything about besides reading the post. I’m pretty sure that they say things like “this young fellow has got a point”.
You can’t do anything about it
You can’t prevent a war in another country. Who do you think you are? Some kind of superhero? Most of us don’t even want to change it. Listening to the news won’t make a difference if you’re not going to make a change over there. So why do people still watch it then? The answer is pretty easy, they wouldn’t have anything to talk about. Plus they want to show that they care but in reality, they don’t give a damn about it.
I’ve seen a lot of people complain about the fact that Trump became president of the United States. They were all Belgians who don’t have anything to do with the country and didn’t know anything about the elections. It was pretty sad to see that suddenly everybody turned into a politics expert. Everybody with a Facebook account is an expert these days. Social media zombies tend to be extremely active when it comes to those things. They’re just craving for likes and attention instead of brains.
You’ll never reach the state of mushin due to the news
Mushin is the state of mind where you’ve got no thoughts. Have you ever experienced this state of mind? Your head is clear and you can enjoy the moment. It’s crazy how relaxed you are when you’ve reached this state of mind. The best ideas or best responses come from an empty mind. My best blog posts were the result of thinking about nothing.
Is the news relevant to your life goals? I highly doubt it to be honest. Just stop listening to the news for a week and see how positive you’ll become. You won’t miss out on a lot, trust me. Other people will tell you when there’s happened something really important. Mostly months pass by before someone tells you something really important.
Clear your mind and you’ll notice that life isn’t that bad after all.
They’ll call you ignorant but……
Most people call me dumb or ignorant when I’ll tell them that I’m never watching the news. I get a lot of questions like how can you sleep at night when there are so many horrors in the world or how can you live like this. The answer is pretty simple. There have always been wars and murders throughout the history of mankind. We’re not that different from our ancestors although we claim to be. They just didn’t have the news. The news makes people afraid and keeps them in check.
I’ve heard some people complain about the fact that some people never give back to society or that there are so many horrors in the world. They don’t do a thing about it, they just complain over and over again. They’re satisfying their monkey minds aka the worrying mindset.
The monkey mind will make sure that you keep on doing the same depressing job, even if you hate it because it always comes up with a worst-case scenario. People with a monkey mind will eagerly wait till you fail when you try something new. They didn’t do it because their monkey mind talked them out of it. Watching the news could silence your precious monkey mind once and for all.
So you think that I’m done because I dropped out of college and stopped watching the news?
I beg the differ (I wrote this last sentence with a big smirk).
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Till next time
Very true my man. I think that the news and social media is what has so many people fall into stress, anxiety, and depression
yeah those are probably the reasons why people become so paranoid these days