The natty delusion is something we all suffer from or at least suffered from. We all think we’re going to be the biggest and the strongest guy in the gym but soon we’re overtrained and we’re feeling extremely frustrated. I recently visited my old gym again and some guys still didn’t gain one gram of muscle. I’m gone a since March so that’s a pretty long time, isn’t it?! They all want to look like the biggest badasses in the gym but they’re just making a fool out of their selves. I’m going to share the truth with you guys and nothing but the truth. Yes, it will hurt but it’s time to set the record straight. I’m sick of all the guys claiming that they can’t get the physique they want.
The natty delusion: supplements will make me big
Supplements can help you recover quicker or help you get through mineral deficiencies. Most people think that these pills and powders are miracle things. Others claim that they want to stay natural and avoid it. Suck to be both groups since they’re both wrong.
The things aren’t miracle products and you’re still natural when you use them. I witnessed a guy who took out a box full of pills. He took a handful of pills and drunk a shake. After that, he went into the gym and I had a slight feeling that he had no clue what he was doing. His form was extremely poor. I didn’t get why he didn’t injure himself.
The natty solution: don’t focus on supplements. You don’t need them but they can help you. Make sure that you research before you use them. Just don’t assume that all the supplement magazines tell you the truth.
The natty delusion: I’m going to be the strongest guy in the gym
I was pretty strong (I could do chin-ups with 37.5 kg’s between my legs) but my other lifts were not that special. I never hit twice my bodyweight with squats or deadlifts (I was close though) and I didn’t need to either. Most guys in the gym are ego lifters. They want to break all their records but their form is lacking big time.
A personal record doesn’t count when you’ve got a shitty form.
There was a guy in the gym who tried to do a cable crossover (at least that’s what I assume). He took too much weight, almost exploded while she performed the exercise and it looked so painful. I thought that he was going to injure his lower back. Just look at people who’re using too much weight. It doesn’t look pretty healthy but that’s just my opinion.
The natty solution: forget about your precious ego and lift lighter weights with a better form. Nobody cares about the amount of weight you can lift. Most of them just want to mock you. Yeah, that’s how the normal people treat you. They just want to make fun of you while everybody is listening.
Besides a clean muscle-up is a lot more impressive than a heavy bench press.
The natty delusion: I’m going to be the biggest guy in the gym
Ever seen a big natural guy? This is probably the biggest natural delusion there is. There are guys with some supreme genetics but 99% of the natural guys aren’t big at all when they’re wearing shirts. An example is Jason Statham, his physique in the Transporter is achievable naturally but he doesn’t look that impressive when he’s wearing clothes. The same goes for a lot of martial arts guys. Skinny when they wear clothes but nice physique once they remove their shirt.
Guys who look unnatural mostly are. They will never tell you that they use steroids. I mean why would they?! Embrace the fact that your chest will never come out of your shirts. Face the fact that a lot of girls will call you skinny when you’re wearing a shirt but responds with some humor.
I mostly say something like: I recently learned to live with the fact that my body is a huge disappointment to the world.
Well at least till I go shirtless. Then they claim to see the results. Girls still like the natty physique so don’t become delusional. Just be the “skinny” confident guy you are and keep on training.
The natty delusion: fancy exercises equal gains
This is a natty delusion which most personal trainer suffers from. They make you do deadlifts on stability balls and other really weird shit. Sometimes those guys give me the feeling that you’ve got to do backflips while you’re performing barbell curls just to get some muscle gains. Don’t do it, it’s freaking weird.
on the other hand: make sure that you film it when you do some backflip barbell curls. I’ll promise that I won’t laugh (you know I’ll do).
The natty solution: stick to the basics those worked years ago and guess what. They still do.
The natty delusion: I have to work out 2 hours a day
You can get a lot more results by training 45 minutes. It’s better to train a good 45 minutes than a bad 2 hours. I can break you in those 45 minutes and myself of course. I just go in making it count and go out. There’s no need to stay in the gym for 2 hours.
You can use that other hour to do something useful like reading, spending time with friends and family.
Just take a look at the training routine that I used to prepare for an obstacle run. Most workouts lasted about 45 minutes except the HIIT cardio workouts of course.
The natty delusion: I can eat what I want and still be shredded
There’s a new hype that’s called If It Fits Your Macros (IIFYM) and this is not the way to go. You stuff yourself full of crapy foods and you hope to stay shredded. Just eat healthy and good. You’ll turn into Wolvelean in no time.
IIFYM will only work if you want a dad’s bod or are using steroids.
The natty solution: You can’t eat fast food and hope that you’ll have high testosterone. Learn to cook and make healthy food delicious. Yes, sometimes I’ll eat BBQ sauce or mayonnaise. I just make sure that it’s homemade mayonnaise with olive oil.
Eating healthy is far from difficult, people just make it seems that way. Oh, the most fun part is that you can eat bigger portions than when you’re eating fast food. Just check out my Instagram, it’s full of big meals and yes I like eating this way.
Moderation is the key to a better life.
The natty delusion: working out will get me all the girls
Most guys get into the gym just to impress girls. This is the wrong motivation, you need to do it for yourself. Being selfish (in a good way) is one of the 6 rules for building your best- self with a reason. I admit that I started working out to impress my ex-girlfriend but some guys stop working out when the relationship ends. Just do like me, I kept on training because I just liked doing it. In the end, your next girlfriend will like the results.
I was never the biggest guy in the gym (I never will be either) but you could be damn sure that I was the hardest worker in the room.
the natty solution: Never chase girls. Work towards the best you and the right girl will eventually follow. I’m turning 24 in one exactly one month. I have friends who’re settling down, I have friends who’re about to marry and I’m almost 3 years single. I work on my blog instead of bitching about it.
When you whine, you show a lack of spine. When you complain, you accept unnecessary pain.
Trying to impress people will always have the opposite effect but most people neglect this.
The natty delusion: winter means that I can be fat
Most people think that it’s good to be fat in winter and shredded in summer but it’s wrong. Being fat is not healthy at all. This is the classic bodybuilding approach but isn’t it better to stay in shape all year long? I can tell you that it’s great. I’m one of the few guys that stay in shape year-round and I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.
Besides what cool about busting your ass off to be in shape for 2-3 months? Most people go completely overboard when summer is approaching. They go overboard while I’m able to chill and workout like I always do.
The natty solution: get in shape and stay in shape 365 days a year. Except when it’s a leap year, then you’ll have to hold on one day longer. Yes, the struggle is real.
It’s all about breaking the rules and beating the fools.
image credit: Trainer Academy
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Till next time
Well working out may not have gotten me ALL the girls… But it certainly got me one keeper!
But you’re right, getting strong and huge as a natural is next to impossible and you’ll die trying. We can however get and stay pretty damn lean with diet and training alone. This will still impress without looking like some kind of freak. And being lean will actually give the illusion that you’re bigger, but like you said once you have a shirt on its unnoticed. But hey, aside from if you’re up on a bodybuilding stage who cares if you’re that big anyway??
hahahaha you just need one girl.
Yeah you’re right, there’s no better feeling than being in shape all year long. Yeah it’s a bit too huge in my opinion. Arnold had a nice physique but the modern day guys are too huge. Luckily more and more guys want to stay natty
True that. I just wish there weren’t so many guys out there on juice claiming to be natural and giving the true naturals false hope
You’re right the fake natties are becoming an epidemic