The morning person is a big overhyped myth. Recently I realized a blog post that was named “how to become a morning person”. This guide showed you how you can conquer your mornings and kick start your day. It’s great when you feel like a powerhouse in the morning. It’s the best feeling in the world when you wake up happy, full of energy and grateful that you can start your new day. Okay, it’s the second-best feeling because nothing beats good sex in the morning or any other part of the day.
But I guess you get my point.
Now many of you are probably wondering why I’m suddenly debunking one of my own blog posts. There are only morning and evening persons? That’s what I’m always told. This is WRONG!!!!! There is no such thing as a morning or evening person. You just got the willpower to get up or you don’t. You take your sleep serious or you don’t. In the end, all these choices will influence your next day and eventually how you live your life. What’s the point of waking up with no to little energy? It’s really a no go for me. Walking around like a zombie with no purpose whatsoever is no way of living.
So let’s break the morning person myth once and for all.
Forget the morning person become a ….. instead
I told you that you could become a morning person because it’s the first step in becoming a new person. This person is called the whole day person. The what now? Never heard of that one. It must be a new type of crazy.
The whole day person outruns the zombie apocalypse all day and every day. He’s the one who has tons of energy from dusk till dawn. The one that will frustrate you with his endless energy all day long.
People will think that you’ve got ADHD, taking some kind of drugs… Most people will break their heads on how you do it and they’ll envy you. They’ll show you respect and tell you that they could never do it. They all act like normal people.
They don’t show what they’re made off. They’re afraid of the fact that they have to put effort into this new life.
It takes time before you’ll get the best results but the best thing happens when you put in lots of effort. At least that’s my opinion. Most people like the easy way. They want to follow someone’s footsteps, they’re afraid of exploring the untraveled roads. Why wouldn’t you try something new? When you suddenly got a whole day to focus on you’re able to make this happening. The untraveled roads are the best one since their full of undiscovered treasures and other things that will make your life better.
The undiscovered treasures that will never be found if you keep on following the herd.
The morning person who hated his own routine
The funny thing is that I discovered that I hate a morning routine. The fact that I have a routine makes me go crazy. It’s like someone else is living my life. It didn’t feel natural at all. So I decided to take another approach and make my mornings and day even better.
I took the Conor McGregor approach and after a month I would look at how it changed my days. After that month I noticed multiple positive changes so I kept this approach.
At least till I’ll find a new one that’s even better. That’s my way of approaching life, always maintain the white belt mentality.
The approach is simple, get up stretch and then you do what you want. Basically you take all the rules and you break them one by one. If you break the rules you’ll get a major advantage. It gives you a head start when you’re riding the highway of happiness.
The morning person wants a routine, I don’t
My mornings are never the same anymore and I like it. I just do what I want in no particular order. I still take a cold shower, I still drink my coffee (coffee is a great pre-workout, read here why) and so on.
Sometimes I almost immediately start working out because I’m full of positivity and energy.
I have to admit that I’m looking forward to the next morning once I’ll go to sleep. I already noticed this change once my morning routine was pretty solid but now this feeling is even stronger.
The routine is a good start but once you’re able to get up in the morning it’s better to switch things up.
I sometimes get up before my alarm goes off.
Sometimes I wake up 15 to 20 minutes prior to my alarm. I just get up and start my day a bit earlier since I see no point in getting back to sleep. Staying in bed is no option either since lying down is pretty boring and it makes you so freaking tired.
This occurs more than once a week and I still feel great. It’s like my mind and body don’t want to be passive anymore. It gets triggered by the fact that every morning contains a new surprise.
My body will never know what will come first. This is the big difference with a routine, you get in a comfort zone and you’ll do everything to maintain it. But breaking with the comfort zone is one greatest thing you can do.
It’s the safest and most overrated place in the world so you better get out. You probably won’t believe me but check out the post that I released yesterday. I wrote a complete guide on how to conquer the cold. I meditated for 10 minutes outside while it was freezing. Can you guess what I was wearing? That’s right, only shorts.
I’m still healthy while other family members didn’t go outside and they’re sick today.
The morning person doesn’t face the painful boomerang anymore
Remember the blog post where I compared loneliness with a boomerang? You don’t get this effect when you feel happy in the morning.
Most of my friends are still sleeping when I get up and most of them asked me if I’m never lonely. My answer is always no. By the time they get up, I already read a book, wrote a blog post, sometimes even worked out or did all of them. I’m not lonely since I can do what I want and once they feel ready to start their day I can take some time off.
So I can meet my friends and do what I love (basically that means reading, blogging, training martial arts and eating). Doesn’t this sound like a win-win to you?
My phone is never on airplane mode anymore during the day
I used to do this till noon so people couldn’t distract me while I was working. After a while, I figured out that willpower was the key to make this even easier. Besides none of my friends wakes up at 6:30 in the morning. They don’t see the point in doing it.
Once I get up I put it on the regular mode and start my day (it’s always silenced though). I don’t always read the messages if I got one or more. I read and answer them when I want to. The same thing goes for snapchat or Facebook. It depends on what I’ve got to do during the day.
I don’t like spending lots of time on social media, it feels like a waste of time in my opinion.
Ten minutes a day is more than sufficient in my eyes. I rather meet people in real life, it’s all about connecting with other people.
I know that many people think these are all extreme actions but are they?
How can you say things like that if you haven’t tried it yet?
The answer is pretty plain and simple.
The answer is one of the strongest words in the world.
A word that has been demonized by society.
The answer is no, it’s that simple.
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You can also follow me on snapchat for a look behind the scenes. My username is alexdw92
Till next time
Funny how you mentioned you hate routine. I was actually thinking about that at work today. It’s all become routine. I wake up groggy because I’m going to a place I don’t want to go, making just enough to eat and keep the lights on, come home tired, maybe train, try and fit some writing in, meal prep… rinse and repeat. some say men need routine… I say we need freedom
Yeah you’re right. I try to switch it up as much as possible. It’s hard to get out of bed once I’ve established a routine. It’s like I’m stuck in a rut