Are you ready to dive into the busy people’s workout routine? This is one of my favorite routines when I’m short in time or feel less like working out. There are tons of people who skip the gym regularly because they have no time to work out. Well, they all claim to have no time but they always find the time to watch a movie or a television show. Most of them eat some unhealthy food while they’re doing this and you know what’s the funniest about it?
They mostly watch movies that feature actors and actresses who’re in incredible shape. They all want to look like them but don’t want to work for it. Working out is hard, I get it. It takes you completely out of your comfort zone but isn’t life all about getting out of the comfort zone?! You’ll never get into great shape when you’re constantly making up excuses. Besides most people are already sick of those lame excuses anyway.
First, you have to break out of your natty delusion but after that, you can enjoy the busy people’s workout. I’ve completed it today and it took only 25 minutes.
The busy people workout doesn’t allow excuses
The no time excuse is probably the excuse that’s been used the most in this day and age. It’s easy to spot people’s priorities when they use this excuse. The busy people workout doesn’t allow this excuse since it only takes 25 minutes and I have a beginner and a harder version. So what other excuses do you have?
I know that they’re still people who’re going to claim that they have no time but I’ve never met someone who can’t take 25 minutes of his day to workout. Or maybe you should sleep less?! You only need 7- 8 hours of sleep so why would you sleep 10? You’ll wake up groggy and with less motivation.
You could try to become a morning person (it’s great, you can take my word on it. I wake up every day at 6:30).
Or maybe discipline is the problem? Luckily for you, I wrote a blog post to solve that issue (you’re running excuses aren’t you?!).
Oh, you don’t need a gym so you are officially done making excuses.
The busy people workout is based on one of my favorite training routines
My favorite training routine is pretty simple it’s a full-body workout that takes about 45 minutes (without a warm-up). It’s a pretty advanced routine but defiantly give it a try if you’ve got the opportunity.
The workout routine
Muscle-ups 5 x5
push-ups 5 x 20
chin-ups 5 x5
pistol squats 5×5
Take 60- 90 seconds rest between each exercise to make sure that you’ll make it to the end.
The busy people workout is good for endurance as well
The protocol for the busy people’s workout is pretty simple. It’s a circuit training and you decide how much rest you take between each exercise BUT you can only rest 30 seconds max between each exercise.
You rest for 90 seconds after you’ve completed the circuit and hit it again. You’ll feel great after four rounds. Well, you’ll have a higher heart rate, your breath will be a bit heavier but a short good workout is better than sitting on your couch all night.
So let’s dive into the workout.
The busy people workout for beginners
Australian pull up (8
dips (do them assisted if you need to, I’ll explain in a minute) 8
Australian chin-ups 8
push-ups 12
hanging knee raises 10
jump squats 12
Rest 10 to 30 seconds between exercise. Rest 90 seconds when you’ve completed the jump squat. Repeat the whole workout 4 times.
The assisted dip can be done in two ways. You get into the dips station and you cross your feet so a workout partner can guide you through the motion. Your workout partner is there to make sure that you don’t fall.
Another way is just by using a box, chairs… to put your feet on (put them a bit behind you). You don’t need a workout partner in this way.
It’s possible to do pull-ups anywhere and the same goes for dips. You can dip between two chairs and put a broomstick on them to do the Australian pull-ups. It doesn’t get much easier than that.
The busy people advanced workout
Pull-ups 8
dips 8
chin-ups 8
push-ups 12
hanging leg raises or toes to bar 10
jumps squats (you can do these weighted) 12
Rest 10 to 30 seconds between exercise. Rest 90 seconds when you’ve completed the jump squat. Repeat the whole workout 4 times.
It finished this workout before noon and after that, I enjoyed my well-deserved burritos (yeah I eat two of them).
The busy people workout music playlist
The busy people workout requires a playlist that gets you fired up at once so here are some of my suggestions.
Superbeast- Rob Zombie (since this training will turn you into one)
Welcome To The Jungle- Guns N Roses
Here Comes Revenge- Metallica
Feel So Numb- Rob Zombie
Soldier- Eminem
A Greater Foundation- As I Lay Dying
Light It Up- Major Lazor
Boom- Major Lazor and MOTi
Enjoy the workout and check out how I prepared for an obstacle run in a testosterone friendly way.
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Till next time