
The beauty of unrealistic goals.

By June 12, 2019 March 1st, 2020 No Comments

Have you ever set unrealistic goals? It’s hard to do because most people will never understand this mindset. They’ll claim that you’re stupid/delusional or that you should be more realistic. That’s because they teach you early on to think small and people just pass it on to their kids and others. That’s just what happens when you never challenge your beliefs. This is kind of weird if you ask me. Most adults aren’t really happy with their life and they pass on the same lifestyle to their kids or others. So I take a different approach because I don’t want to live that unhappy lifestyle.

It’s kind off the same approach as the “I have high expectations in certain aspects of my life” approach. People shy away from this because they mostly don’t want to be considered a failure. Because people will judge you, they will hate you and they will mock you if they know that you didn’t achieve your goals. So what do we do then? Set no goals at all and just take life as it comes? That’s a possibility and also what most people do.

But they then hate life because life seems so unfair to them. They can’t be surprised, to be honest, they go with the flow and they crash when the flow crashes. It’s a victim mindset that’ll never get them set. Ladies and gentlemen, you should set unrealistic goals and you should do it every month and here’s why.

The beauty of unrealistic goals.

So why should you do it? Well because those unrealistic goals will make you work harder. Putting in the work will make sure that you achieve a lot. You can aim for the moon and reach the stars when you start. That’s not too bad, is it? I mean you aim for the top and you improve along the way while you get closer to the top. After that, you reflect, look where you went wrong and set new goals. Life is all about progress and it isn’t bad that you didn’t achieve what you wanted. What matters is that you came closer to what you wanted. You have to be patient and play the game in the long run. Life’s a marathon, not a sprint remember?!

I didn’t achieve a single goal that I set out to achieve in Thailand but I did get better. I improved a lot in every single aspect that I set goals in. The main takeaway is that you never know how much you can achieve when you try something new so you just set goals and work your ass off. You set unrealistic goals and achieve things that you probably didn’t even know you could achieve. Steve Jobs did this and Apple became one of the most dominant players on the market. So take notes, set unrealistic goals and crush them one by one along the way.

In conclusion: The beauty of unrealistic goals.

Don’t get discouraged when you don’t achieve what you wanted. You’re not a failure because you didn’t get what you wanted. The only way to be a failure is just giving up. You just have some lessons to learn and those will make sure that you get closer to the initial goal. Aside from that, you’re trying something that 99% of the people don’t even imagine doing. That’s an achievement on its own.

So set unrealistic goals and when people ask you “why?” just ask them “why not?!”. Life’s to short to be realistic.

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