
Why you’re stuck at mediocrity.

By December 5, 2019 March 1st, 2020 No Comments

Have you’ve ever wondered why you’re stuck at a mediocre level in life? Or do you aspire to get more out of life than mediocrity? The thing is that it’s hard to surpass mediocrity and that’s why most people fail to do it. People mostly want instant gratification and that is not what’ll lead to great results. It’ll give you the opposite result but that’s what people fail to realize. They want a good feeling now and don’t care about the long-lasting frustration later on in life. They’re stuck at mediocrity and come up with all kinds of weird excuses why they’re not at the top in life. This slowly puts them to sleep and then the famous phrase of defeat pops up into their head. The phrase goes as follows “Well I tried everything but it won’t be for me in this lifetime”.

After that frustration and disappointment set in. But that begs the question: did you do everything? Or do you assume that you did everything? There’s a big difference between the two. A difference that could change the whole outcome of your life.

Why you’re stuck at mediocrity: You have a wrong belief system.

A lot of people have these weird beliefs that hold them down and weirdly enough they pass them down to other people.

  • talent
  • good genetics
  • the 1%
  • luck
  • gifted

You get where I’m going right? Those are mostly people with poor habits. I say mostly because some people have good habits but a bad belief system and that’ll lead to mediocre results as well. Believing that someone has good genetics, talent, is part of the 1% … is a self- destructive, arrogant and absurd belief. You disrespect the work these people have put into the things they’ve achieved. You also put yourself on the sideline for life. Other people are lucky and you’re not so why even put in the effort?!

You should challenge your beliefs from time to time and ask yourself if your thoughts aren’t putting limits on yourself. Because assuming that people have an edge on you by birth is stupid. You’re already in the losing pool in life because if your beliefs. No wonder you’re stuck in mediocrity!

You don’t put in the work so you’re stuck at a mediocre level.

Getting good at something takes work. A lot of work. Recently I saw a video of Gordon Ryan (best no-gi grappler in the world right now) sitting in a restaurant while he was watching a grappling event. He puts in a shit ton of work and that’s why he’s on top. The same thing for other top performers in other aspects of life. You get what you work for not what you’re wishing for. People who do the necessary will never be great because doing enough to get by is not what people at the top do. Doing enough to get by makes sure that you’re not at the bottom and not at the top. Guess where you’re at…

Why you’re stuck at mediocrity: you have a losing mindset.

Most people have a losing strategy in life and they’re not even aware of it. I suggest you check out this blog post to get an in-depth breakdown of what I mean. The main thing is that your mindset/approach in life set you up to lose before you even started. You might not be aware of this but you should do everything do become aware of this before you get frustrated and claim that life is unfair. You set yourself up to lose and lost so how is life unfair? Isn’t it fair that you lose if that was your goal deep down inside from the start? You proved yourself right and now hate the result.

The wrong environment can lead to mediocre results.

People always wonder if your environment matters (it does!). Most people are surrounded by people that don’t challenge them or people who drag them down (which is even worse). Always aim to be surrounded by people who lift you and make sure you better yourself. You don’t want to be surrounded by boozers and losers. That’s the last place you want to be when you aspire to achieve something more than mediocrity.

A good saying to keep in mind when it comes to this is: You need to hang out with people who fit your future, not your history.

Why you’re stuck at mediocrity: comfort.

Comfort puts you asleep and most people are extremely comfortable these days. Most people never know what it even means to struggle or face some real adversity. They wake up in silk sheets, insult people miles away from them and then order food that can be delivered right at the doorstep. No wonder we’re considered a weak generation. Most people think it’s normal to have a lot of luxuries while it’s not. Learn to be uncomfortable again or you’ll end up on the bench of a sports team, in a job that you hate for 40+ years…

Why you’re stuck at mediocrity.

In the end, it’s all up to you. You have your faith in your own hands, well kind of. You have control over the things that are entirely up to you. So why not aspire to be better? Why not aspire to be great? Why shouldn’t you strive for greatness? You only have one life so it’s better to make the best of it!

The Zero To Alpha clarity calls.

From now on I offer targeted one-hour calls. You cand send me an issue you have via mail. I see whether I can help or not. I don’t want your money if I can’t help you. But if I can help you, we can set up a date and talk about the price.

I’m pretty sure that the answer to most questions is already answered in one of my 2 books (check them out here) or in one of the 412 blog posts that I’ve written so you can check those out as well. In the end, it’s up to you. I’ll help you if I can help you but there’s a price tag attached to it or you skim this blog and the internet looking for answers. Works either way. Topics can vary from training to fighting, mindset, nutrition, women,…

You can get in touch with me via mail here.


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Till next time



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