I think that it’s safe to say that Tinder is one of the most popular dating apps these days. I used it as well but I stopped using it after I released my second post about chasing girls. I was just bored with it, to be honest. It didn’t have anything useful to offer. Most people weren’t interested as well. I can count the interesting girls that I talked to on one hand. Tinder is just a waste of time. Most people just don’t get that they’re wasting time and are adding extra drama to their lives. Those people are the first ones who complain about the fact that they’ve got too much drama in their lives. I seriously wonder if they realize that they’re the source of their problems. I highly doubt it to be honest.
Most Tinder matches don’t want to do the effort.
So you match a girl and that’s where she’ll stop doing the effort. They assume that you’ll take over from there. Most people see Tinder as a quick fix. They can’t find their soulmate so they’ll swipe to find their soulmate. Because that’s what smart people do right? They look for the shortcuts in life and assume that they’ve got it all figured out. Those people mostly live the same frustrating life as they did before they discovered the shortcut. They just don’t want to admit it because they’ve got a giant ego. Sad isn’t it? The hunt for the quick fix is real. Tinder must be booming during the weekends since most people have way too much time during the weekends.
Most Tinder matches are just looking for some attention
Most people can’t be alone in this day and age. They are constantly on the hunt for your attention. Most guys don’t even realize it because they’re just to dumb to care. Yes, I mean what I’ve just said. Some people are too dumb to care that they’re being used to feel another person less bored. It’s a selfish act but most guys are willing to do it since they just want to get laid.
Another option is that people get on Tinder because they’re single again. Tinder makes it a lot easier to meet the one once again. They just swipe to avoid loneliness and bad feelings but the swiping is lonely and probably frustrating as well. Zero problems were taken the day that they installed the app.
They’re on Tinder for a reason
I constantly saw the same people reappearing in the 3 times that I installed Tinder. They remained single and assumed that Tinder would offer a solution. I learned that you should stop doing something that doesn’t work. The definition is: doing the same thing over and over again but expecting a different result. That’s what the app does in my opinion. It’s like playing Russian roulette. You could be lucky but you’ll mostly shoot yourself. It isn’t worth it. Most people don’t change and you’ll soon realize why it didn’t work out the first and/or second time.
Tinder kills your productivity
The app sends you a notification when someone super likes you or likes you in general. You’ll have to swipe to find those people. It’s a pretty smart move by the developers but I was sick of it. What’s a super like anyway? How can you even super like someone that you don’t know? Why does nobody even think about that concept?!
I only super liked someone once because I wondered what the blue-button was for. Turns out that I super disliked her personality instantly.
Tinder is all about the small talk
I hate small talk and I suck at it. The problem was that most girls on the app didn’t like intellectual questions. So most conversations didn’t last that long. I don’t mind, to be honest. I always wondered why I kept the app on my phone after I came back from Stockholm. It’s just an app that sets you up with great expectations that end in one big disappointment.
Tinder is not natural. How about that?!
It’s fake as fuck. You know that you like each other’s appearance when you’ve got a match so you start dreaming. But how many matches turn out not to be the one?! How many matches don’t look like their photos at all? It’s just fucking fake. The best dates in my whole life where the non- Tinder ones. Those were real and exciting. You don’t need balls to date someone from Tinder but it takes a lot of balls to date someone that you met in person. That’s natural. I’m the real deal so I want the real deal. I’ll date the old- fashioned way. No fancy app required.
But I know one great couple that got together after they matched on Tinder but they had met before. So does it count?
So you’re done with Tinder?
Yeah, I’m done with it. I’m still single but I highly doubt that I’ll meet the one on Tinder. I rather meet the future wife in real life. I advise you to the same. Stop wasting time by swiping all the time and start living. Live a great life and you’ll suddenly meet the one. Chasing girls is just a big waste of time.
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Till next time
Nice article man. I think it boils down to the instant gratification of people meeting potential hook ups without actually having to go out and meet people.
Thanks man! Yeah I assume that you’re right. It’s not natural that’s for sure. I think that it’s so popular because you don’t have to do a lot of effort and that’s what people like.