Our society doesn’t like a real man but why does this occur? This is a good thing right?! It’s a strange world with a lot of hate but there’s one thing that you can never extinguish and that’s the real man.
In my opinion education at a young age is a waste of time for 90% of all those boys. Boys are active and don’t want to be tied down, they want to be free and don’t care about studying. Once they get older they get that education is an important part of life and they start studying again.
I think many men can relate to this, they just want to work as a young guy.
They want to make money and explore the world and they get labeled as lazy or dumb. You’re doing things right if you work in a grocery store and become an engineer once you turn 35.
It can’t be a coincidence that I didn’t read any books for ten years. I voluntary picked up a book again when I was 23 and now I’m reading a book per week.
Like most guys I thought that books were for the nerds and the guys without friends and I wanted to be the popular kid.
I was the overactive kid that was got the label of ADHD put on my head at a very young age.
I needed to take pills for my own sake. Those pills will make you better according to my parents.
They didn’t, those pills turned me into a houseplant. I couldn’t function properly anymore, I took those pills a long time but when I reached the age of 21 I was sick of it.
Those pills made me feel worse and I was already completely unhappy.
I was the sheep in wolf clothes but I didn’t release it yet.
My mother still remembers this day very clearly as if it was yesterday. She was sitting in the kitchen and I came in with all the pills that she already had bought for me. The doctor gave me a prescription for six months so she bought a little stock. I looked at her and said I’m never taking these again, it’s garbage and it makes me feel like garbage. I opened up the trashcan, threw them in and walked away.
But how does society makes this evil?
A real man tells the truth and the truth hurts our society
Real men will tell in front of a whole audience that things go wrong, they’ll be critical put they tell it just like it is.
Many like those men because they represent the discontent of the people. But whenever this happens those men will be humiliated in public, forced to say sorry.
We live in a democracy which means that people have freedom of speech. Too bad that some people turn this democracy into a dictatorship.
I mean how many big CEOs went to prison after the housing market collapsed? They did major crimes and not one of them has been into a prison.
They gave themselves big bonuses while the rest of the people were homeless or in extreme debts.
Some people wanted to make new rules and make sure this never happened again but have you heard anything from those people lately?
The answer is no, society is going wrong but this is great for a minority of people. This minority has a big influence and they’ll use it once somebody tries to bring them down or point them at their mistakes.
The people who take society down should be the ones who are punished and not the ones who try to make it better.
Active little boys get the label of ADHD
Little boys are active this is a common fact and parents don’t know how to handle these kids.
The solution is simple: give them less sugar. Even the inventor of the term ADHD admitted that it’s a bullshit term.
More and more kids are stuffed full of pills to make them less active and make their parents happy.
I’m still “overactive” according to most people these days, I’m always full of energy, a real powerhouse but that’s because I eat right. I fuel my body with real food and that what it needs.
I’m even more active than in the time when they put the label of ADHD on my forehead.
Being optimistic and active all the time isn’t a sign of ADHD; it’s a sign of being healthy.
Kids need to be active instead of tied down, they need to run around instead of taking those pills.
Just take a look at the side effects of the pills you give them. Depression, anxiety … can all be “side- effect” of those pills.
Those companies use those terms like they aren’t a big deal and that’s not the right mindset. The potential side effect is really dangerous for your overall health and overall development.
This is a wake- up call, ditch the pills and the sugar and start living again.
Dominance has a bad name
A real man is dominant but it’s dominant in a good way. A real man takes care of things and makes sure that problems are solved quickly and properly.
Whenever I’m dominant in a group assignment or life in general people will tell me I’m arrogant or women unfriendly.
This is utter bullshit, why should I be women unfriendly? I’ll laugh at people who make those claims, they don’t make any sense.
I’ll put every nitwit in his place when he makes a woman unfriendly joke to a girl if it hurts her of course. When I see two kids pick and bully on another kid I’ll step in and make them stop.
That’s what real dominance is; too bad this gets a bad name by most people. Sometimes people get aggressive and they’ll challenge you for a fight.
Whenever someone challenges me for a fight there are two options
- They back down
- They go down
I don’t suggest you should challenge people for a fight but don’t let people pick on you.
There will always be people who label me as weird, dominant, aggressive, the kid with ADHD…
You can summon their labels in one term; I should be put away in a madhouse or at least something like that.
People don’t look at the bigger picture, they just won’t stay as comfortable as possible and I’m taking them into their stretch zone. Besides what’s the beauty of a comfort zone anyway?
Outsmarting people makes you public enemy number one
I know nothing about building bridges, the history of certain countries, how to build a car…..
I don’t have a common knowledge that most people have; when you know little things from everything you know nothing.
Normal people like to pretend that they’re the so-called experts.
I correct those people (in a respectful way) and I don’t care if their and authority, CEO or whatsoever. Being modest will get you nowhere in this case. If someone calls himself an authority he needs to put work in updating his knowledge.
If he doesn’t do it you can make him do it and in the end, he’ll hate and thank you at the same time.
This can come across as arrogant but that’s because you’ll look at this matter with the wrong perspective.
Always respect people who have lots of knowledge and phrase your feedback with respect. Most people just can’t handle this. You can take them out of their comfort zone and make them grow.
Be a champ and make other people around you better. When they grow you’ll grow too, this is a win-win and that’s what you should aim for.
Ditching people who always complain gives you a label that you’re colder than a stone
You can either fix your mentality, lose all your friends or have friends who are negative all the time.
This law of attraction is based around this principle; you’ll attract people who are just like you.
Some people say that this law is full of bullshit but I believe this law is full of the truth.
People asked me where my empathy was when I told them that I ditch people who are negative all the time.
The word that everyone uses whenever they want, empathy is the negatives man favorite word.
These people crave for pity and attention all the time. There is a difference between having problems and being a pussy.
Taking care of your problems means that you take care of problems and people who become a problem. That’s what a real man does.
Is this not being empathic? Are we getting this far that men can’t be men anymore?
When you don’t tell how you overcame failure you’ll be an ass
Some people fail and keep failing until they eventually give up.
People are always looking at successful people and always ask how they do it. You’ll mostly get the same vague answer over and over again.
They tell you that they just do it and you are disappointed that you didn’t get a real answer.
The only thing you can do is learn from your mistakes and that’s the only advice I’ll give you.
If they can do it, you can do it.
This isn’t rocket science, this is easy and I just do it.
Sometimes you just need to become older and more mature. This will turn you into a real man.
Some older men will be able to relate to this
I say some older men because some will never learn how to deal with life.
Men’s Sana in corpora Sano, a healthy mind in a healthy body is what you should aim for.
I always liked sports and competition and this will never change.
Like I said I didn’t read books for ten whole years and now I’m injecting myself with knowledge over and over again.
My body was healthy and the rest followed but it took time. The best part is that I don’t regret my life for a minute, it shaped me in the way that I’m now.
You hear people ask older men all the time what advice they would give their younger self. Mostly this advice is something like don’t rush things, study better…
I wouldn’t give the young me a piece of single advice, I’m made it so he’ll make it too. I struggled through a lot and I’m still alive (that’s what counts in the end).
I’ve beaten a big depression and low testosterone.
I faced my inner demons and took care of them one by one.
Don’t be the one that is old and regret his life.
What’s the point in that? Regretting years and years of experience is a waste of time.
Take action and life a life where you can’t have any regrets. You’ll know when you’ll do things that you’ll regret.
Make a better choice before it’s too late.
When you avoid political correctness, people label you as stupid
People like to discuss politics all the time even when they are drunk, it’s like they’ve got so much to prove when it comes to this subject.
Discussing politics is a waste of time because you discuss opinions so you can never win. Politics are a dirty game full of fraud and lies.
It’s a waste of time to follow this on foot and it’s even a bigger waste when you spend hours discussing it.
So how do I vote? Simple you ask multiple people who follow this on foot why they choose a certain political party and you make a choice.
This has worked already two times for me and it will keep on working for the rest of my life.
People tell me that I’m not intellectual because I avoid politics like a disease, they even called me stupid.
But I wonder who’s the dumbest: the one who spent hours in front of a TV or laptop googling about politics or the one who works hours to make his and other lives better?
I guess the first one but that’s just my humble opinion.
Avoiding the news will make it look like you don’t care about anything
The news, most people hear it every hour and then watch it in the evening. They watch what they’ve heard approximately seven times during the day.
I can’t remember the last time that I’ve watched the news, it’s filled with political correctness and depressing.
When you stop watching and reading the news you’ll become more optimistic.
The Romans had bread and gladiators. We have fast food and news.
You can divide the news into four parts
- The no brainer news, for example, that there are two pandas born in a zoo
- The political news, mostly bullshit about the fact that politicians are morons
- The drama news, terrorist attacks with bloody images, the bloodier the better
- The sports news
When we had the terrorist attacks here in Brussels I didn’t watch the news for a second and I still knew what was happening.
Other people were glued to their phones, tablets or televisions spending hours watching the same clips over and over again.
Do you know how many times there happened something worth sharing in the month after these attacks?
Nothing, literally nothing.
So tell me to do you think I don’t care or do I spend my time more useful than most people?
A real man is honest and this makes most people speechless.
I was working when a woman approached me to ask a question. She wanted to record is for a show. I agreed because and she was extremely happy that I wanted to help.
She asked questions about crying like would you cry in public. My answer was yes because I’m only human. The last question was what my favorite place to cry was. I told her that the world was my favorite place to cry.
She was a bit surprised, thanked me and went away but eventually returned. She wanted me to repeat the part where I told her that the world was my place to cry.
Do you know what she said? Only a real man can be so honest.
Women like real men but most men don’t
Women are craving for a real man, they just want a man who has a passion, shows determination, has self- esteem, integrity, discipline and can take care of them. A real man shows that they got balls and will never be afraid to show it.
Honesty will get you further than lying to yourself and others.
Why would someone respect you if you don’t respect yourself? Why would a girl take you seriously if you’re not able to do it yourself?
When a man shows all of these characteristics he’ll stand out pretty quick from the crowd, women will notice something different about him. But not only women, men too and those will envy him.
Real men make other men look like they’re even more feminine. They will envy you and will gossip behind your back but their lies the real strength of a real man.
Real men don’t care what other people think and especially not the ones that try to take them down.
Instead of chasing a girl it’s better to chase the better version of yourself. It’s better to unleash your real potential.
Start with yourself and the rest will follow eventually.
Till next time
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Great Article! keep it UP!
Thanks man!
a quick fix mentality is never good according to you
True because it isn’t