What are you made off? Maybe you’re full of excuses or full of dedication and motivation? Are you aware of the fact that testosterone can be your best friend?
Are you ready to take this simple test?
Imagine this, you’re running on a long road that just keeps going straight on. Suddenly you arrive at a T junction and realize you’ve got to choose whether you go to the left or the right. You’ve got to face a heavy headwind if you go left. But it’s also possible that you’re the person who likes taking the right turn. This means that a tailwind will be pushing you in the back.
It doesn’t matter if you go left or right because you’ll end up in the same place.
What do you do? Do you go left or right?
Your choice says a lot about how you deal with things in life. This shows what you’re made off.
You’re a person who’s always searching for a quick fix when you chose to take the right turn. You’re constantly looking to avoid all the efforts that are needed to deal with the struggles in life. The headwind will eventually catch up with you because that’s just part of life. It’s like avoiding certain people. You’ll always see the ones you want to see the least or are eagerly trying to avoid.
Nothing worth having comes easy and we all get what we deserve. So always taking the easy route will make your life a lot harder in the long run. You don’t have to believe me but I warned you.
If you chose left you’ve got the right mentality, congratulations you’ve got the mindset of a winner.
The quick fix mentality
Now back to the people who chose the quick fix, those people quit when they’ll have to prove themselves in the most difficult situates. Well, they label this situation as extremely difficult or even impossible but nothing is impossible right?!
If you don’t want to put your effort in struggles you’ve got a miserable ahead of you.
They think that owning a YouTube channel is easy; they’ll launch a blog because putting articles online isn’t that hard is it?
Guess what these people fail and keep failing over and over again. Making a YouTube channel or making a blog takes more time than most people think.
I don’t have viewers after one month well that’s that, time to quit. Nobody reads my blog time to get a 9 to 5 job.
Nice job, you’ve wasted precious time and achieved nothing and you know why? Because your drive isn’t the right one.
Do you have the right mentality?
People can easily spot what drives you. They see if you’re the main goal is money or something like helping people.
I write for two hours every day and I love doing it. Yes you’ve read it correctly I do it every day for two hours and I bleed on the paper. People know my story; they know I had to face bullies and was a sheep instead of a lonely wolf.
When people hear that I write that much they call me crazy and ask how I do it. The answer is pretty damn simple I want to help people, motivate them and make their lives better. That’s the drive behind whole this blog and that’s why I love doing it. Nobody can take away that drive because it’s more than a passion, it a burning desire. I call it a healthy obsession. When people thank me for changing their lives I feel really good.
I’m thankful that I could make a change in their lives.
So what’s the deal with quitters?
That’s something that the quitters lack. Those people don’t understand that helping people can be the burning desire behind everything.
These people can make hundreds of plans but never start with one.
Get rid of the “I want to get rich quick mentality” and make a choice either you stay working from 9 to 5 or you start something with a pure goal.
So if you don’t want to change just stop reading and do whatever you want to do. I don’t care what you do with your life; you’re the one who makes the choices I’m only here to help and motivate.
I present you the words and you’ve got to take action and that’s where it all starts. Taking action is how you distinguish yourself from the average.
People are funny there’s no doubt about that, people tend to forget that you have to work to achieve something. They’ll just look at the luxury and other stuff they’ll crave for.
Now it’s your time! Show people what you’re made of, unleash your inner alpha and become fierce with your goals.
Releasing your potential 101
How do I unleash this so-called potential? How do you know that I’ve got potential?
Everybody has got the potential to do great things. Do you know what the difference between the ones who do it and the ones who avoid it?
A lack of self-belief makes a difference. If you don’t believe in yourself nobody will do it. When I started this whole project I believed more than 100% in myself, I knew that I had the potential to launch a big project.
I didn’t wait anymore, waiting for tomorrow is just another excuse to keep you in your comfort zone. The project didn’t give me any stress so my health and testosterone didn’t suffer from it.
Suddenly it became an addiction to take risks, I’ve taken bigger risks than this one but more on that later.
Showing what you’re made off and others
Once the ball got rolling other people suddenly started believing in me, this never happened to me before. At least not that many people at once.
Suddenly everybody said you’re going to make it and it gave me an even bigger motivation to succeed.
Stop putting your plans in the background, you’ll win nothing by playing video games.
It becomes a lifestyle
It becomes pretty damn addictive to always show what you’re made off. Sports are the easiest example to see what people are made off. Practicing sports regularly shows that you’re pushing through even if you don’t like it.
The best workouts are the ones on the days you’re not feeling like doing it. It’s hard to do this one and you’ll have to push yourself but you’ll feel better in the end.
You can’t always be driven and have 100% motivation. It’s not human and completely impossible. Even the most elite athletes don’t always feel like training but they’ll always show up. It’s normal to have less productive days but that doesn’t mean you should avoid the fact that you’ve got to work hard.
Get the fuck outside and do the work.
It’s pretty easy to show what you’re made off
I wrote a post about the lessons you could learn after watching The Revenant and the post was one of my least popular posts. Some of my friends had warned me that it would never be a popular blogpost since they claimed that it was a boring movie.
I realized it anyway since I knew that there would be people who would use the post as motivation. You’ll find some valuable information that will make you step up your game.
Showing what you’re made off is easy, it’s just to bad that most people never give it a try. They’re always claiming that they’re not ready.
Let me debunk the not ready myth for you.
You’ll never be ready
But Alex, I’m not ready….. Do you think that I was ready when I started writing this blog? I had never written more than one page in another language. Hell English isn’t even my native language.
I just started my journey and kept on researching the things that influence testosterone production.
No one is ever ready so you can start today, make the difference, try to make people’s lives better.
If you decide to keep your plans in the background you’ve got to realize one thing, other people will eventually get a similar idea and launch it. If it becomes successful you’ll nag and regret the rest of your life that you didn’t release it.
The worst part is that most people won’t believe you if you tell them it was originally your idea. They’ll think you’re jealous and will attack you personally.
Do you want to be that guy?!
You know that I’m right so what are you waiting for? What holds you back?
When your potential awakens in your head and the rest will follow.
Unleash your potential and become greater by doing it.
In conclusion, we can state that you should show what you’re made off.
Most people don’t realize that you’ve got only one life and it’s pretty short too.
So start hustling and stop wasting time.
Till next time
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Great article man. So many people run from adversity. I say embrace it. Whether in the gym, maintaining a healthy marriage, becoming your own boss, no matter what life throws at you you have to push on to achieve what you were put here for.
thanks man. You’re right, running from adversity is the only kind of running most people do.