Ever had a wake-up call? You’re probably thinking about it right now and your answer will be either yes or no. “Maybe” can’t be an answer. You had it, didn’t need it or completely denied it. That’s it. I had two wake-up calls where I’m aware of. Well, 3. But maybe there were a lot more. I had 2 burn-outs in a single year, but I had suicidal tendencies the second time that I faced a burn-out. But I also had to take pills to control my heart rate and blood pressure. I was 22 when it happened. It’s not normal and I even believe that being unhappy for long periods is completely unnatural. You need to be aware of how you feel and how you act.
These things tell a lot about you. The only problem is that you postpone the pain by numbing your pain. I did this as well in the past because it was the easy way out. Turns out that the easy way out isn’t the best way to take.
Ring ring….. Isn’t it time to answer your wake-up call?
So people try to numb the pain of their lives in every possible way. This can be true drugs, alcohol, the combination of the previous, traveling, partying, shopping….. even your phone is a way to escape your reality. Just face it. What’s the first thing that you pick up when you get up? Your phone? Easing the pain of the fact that you need to go to school or your job without you wanting it? So you seek pleasure, ease your mind and hope that you forget about it. But you won’t forget it so you keep on doing the same thing over and over again. Until…. you suddenly feel drained, sluggish. So you feel burned- out. So you take pills to get better but those pills won’t change your life. You’re just making it worse and worse by not picking up the wake- up call.
This is just a simple example but there are more examples. People who party every single weekend and go passed out drunk every single time. I get that you go to a party to celebrate something and even that you get drunk on an occasion but every single weekend? Really? I don’t see the point in doing something like that. Could be me though. It’s like those people don’t get that they’re not happy but the physical pain (hangover) probably kills the emotional pain. Problem solved right. Well not quite…
Ring ring….. Isn’t it time to answer your wake-up call?
Life is all about the little things. They add up over time. So you can build yourself or bury yourself. It’s both at a slow pace but burying yourself is more painful in the long run because you have to climb out of a dark hole and then you’re just back at where you started so that sucks (if you get out of it because that’s not a certainty). Because it will feel like you made zero progress. But it’s good if you get out of it because that’ll make sure that you change your life big time. You’re just playing Russian roulette. You can keep can on ignoring the phone but that one time can be the wrong time and BOOM it’s over.
So why do people ignore the wake-up call?
Because most people never leave their comfort zone. Even the suckiest situation can become so damn comfortable. It can kill you slowly inside but you won’t do anything to change it. You don’t take the action that is needed to turn your life upside down. The reason why is pretty damn simple. Taking action isn’t comfortable. You have to step up to do it. This means pissing off a whole lot of people (trust me on this one) but it’s worth it. You have to realize that you should be selfish in a good way (read here what I mean). So learn to master the use of the word no.
Will you stay in your job to make your boss happy? NO
Your girlfriend might be hurt but will you stay with her to make her happy and yourself miserable? NO.
I’ll quit my job instantly when I’ll travel to Thailand for 2 months.
Will people be mad at you and me? Probably. Can you change their behavior? I highly doubt it. So just don’t give a fuck and move on. They might stay mad for years or a whole lifetime. Some people will realize that you made the right decision and others will never get it because their ego is hurt. Either way, it’s not your responsibility. You can try to make other people happy for the rest of your life but guess how it’ll end. You’ll be miserable. Besides, there are plenty of open jobs in the world. They won’t be gone when you come back. So say yes to adventure. You only live once you know.
Ring ring….. Isn’t it time to answer your wake-up call? AYW.
AYW is short for “access your why”. So use this next time you feel depressed, sad, frustrated and so on. You’re in a negative state of mind for a reason. Let me explain. I once dated a girl and my gut feeling told me to pull the plug. But I kept on dating her anyway. I also got the feeling that I wasn’t the only guy that she was dating. Eventually, it turned out that I was right about the multiple guys so I pulled the plug. But it didn’t end there, I felt frustrated so I tried to figure out why I was frustrated. There had to be a reason why I felt this way right?! It wasn’t because she wasn’t dating other guys behind my back. Eventually, I found out that it was because I didn’t listen to my gut feeling.
This happened over a month ago but it stuck with me because I could have concluded too early and then I’d probably no lesson to share in this blog.
The main lesson here is that you always face a negative state of mind for a reason. You should find out where it comes from before it slowly kills you or before you do dumb things. Keep asking why you feel that way until you found the solution. You can’t reach a happy state of mind if you never solve your problems. You’ll keep on making the same mistakes as well.
So Ring ring…
Isn’t it time to pick up the wake- up call instead of your phone?!
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