Respect is an unknown word to most people. People like to forget how to have respect. I realized this soon enough after I visited a foreign country. I quickly noticed that people like to give bullshit excuses to talk about the fact that they’re not respectful. Even acts like racism show that you can’t respect other people. It’s a shame that people forget how to act respectfully but it’s never too late to change.
The eye-opening event and respect
Ever heard of Mario Balotelli? He’s an Italian striker who didn’t want to cheer when he scored twice. His team went to the final and everyone was surprised. A reporter asked him why he didn’t cheer and his response was pretty unusual. He told the man that he did his job and that he never saw a postman cheer when he posted a letter. It’s a strange comparison and it doesn’t show much respect for the fans.
I had completely forgotten about this incident until I traveled to Spain. On the way home, some people didn’t clap when the pilot landed the plane. Some people labeled it logical when they didn’t clap because the pilot did his job. The fact that they have to land safely to save more than 100 lives. I don’t get why people forget this, luckily nobody made the postman comparison.
Empathy is a forgotten form of respect
Most people can’t deal with the fact that you won’t say sorry. Most people aren’t used to someone who puts real effort into solving issues. They will think you’re a bit weird at first but after a while, you’ll have a better relationship with them. When you break the rules you’ll always beat the fools. When you put time, respect and effort into people they’ll do the same to you.
People can’t forgive anymore these days
There are tons of people who hold grudges towards people for the rest of their lives. Why would you do that? Does it make your or the other person’s life better? I don’t think so. Learn how to forgive and do it right away you’ll notice a big change in the outcome of an argument. It takes time and effort to learn this but it’s worth it. I can suggest two books if you want to go into depth into this mindset. Meditations by Marcus Aurelius and How To Win Friends And Influence People by Dale Carnegie.
Don’t forget that the right mindset will get you set. Set for what Alex? Set for life off course.
Blaming others for your mistakes
This is something that most people do these days. I’m not surprised since we’re living in a pussy generation. I used to do this all the time when I was younger but I suddenly realized this isn’t the right way to live life. In this way, you show no respect towards others and yourself. Learn how you can deal with failure and you’ll get a head start. Most people will be grateful that you don’t blame them even when they made a mistake. It’s all part of the learning process and you can’t learn a single thing by blaming others.
People are egocentric and can’t accept help anymore
I was working when I witnessed an older lady who was holding a grocery bag that was way too full. The bag ripped apart and the whole content dropped down on the floor. Nobody helped her so I took a grocery bag and rushed over to her. I offered her the bag so she could put her groceries into this one.
She gave me a weird look and didn’t accept the bag. She was stubborn and chose to carry her groceries instead of accepting help. It wasn’t an act of respect in my eyes. Sadly, our society has evolved in this way but that’s the reality these days. People are stubborn and want to be better than you. I will always act as I did in that particular situation because in the end there will be people who will accept it. There will be people who show respect.
Show respect for everyone
I hate people who look down on the cleaning ladies or people who work at a grocery store. It doesn’t matter what job people do, you should always show respect for these people. Without a cleaning staff, you wouldn’t have got a clean building. No cashiers would mean that nobody would put your groceries in a bag.
Why would you throw hate towards them? Does it make you feel better? Does it make you sleep better? I think it’s pathetic, it’s disgusting that you try to feel better in this way. These people are people that are trying to provide food for their families. They want to be able to buy gifts for their kids at Christmas. They aren’t that different from you, are they?! Realize that you’re dealing with human beings. Realize that every human deserves respect. Because respect is a thoughtful act. Some people will never get this and it’s pretty sad.
People forget to say thank you
People get a compliment and they ask “really” instead of saying thank you. They forget to say “goodbye and have a nice day” when they leave a store. People forget a lot but especially the act of respect. They’re the ones who will complain first when someone is rude to them but never look at their behavior. Are the other people the bad ones? That’s the million-dollar question. I’ll give you a hint: the law of attraction will provide you with the right answer.
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