Racism has become more and more present these days. It’s a shame that this occurs. Humans treat other humans different for no reason that can be justified. My promise was to make you a better man or a better person, for the female readers, so I’ll keep it. I’ve always hated racism but I recently witnessed something which really opened my eyes even more.
There’s no better time to release this post about racism
Most people probably won’t realize this but tomorrow (13/09/2016) it has been 20 years since Tupac Shakur died due to shot wounds. Tupac was considered one of the greatest rappers of his time and he became more than legendary after his death.
One of his greatest hits is a strong one when you take a look at the lyrics.
His song Changes is just the ongoing example that we don’t deal with our problems. There hasn’t changed much since this song besides the fact that the United States got a black president. Tupac assumed that this would never occur.
Racism is everywhere
I was standing just outside the parking garage of the airport with a group of friends. We just arrived and we’re going to meet up with the rest inside. We were waiting for the elevator when suddenly two men started arguing. They even got a bit physical and their wives got involved at some point. The one guy was an older Belgian and the other one looked Turkish or Moroccan. I have to guess the second one’s nationality but his place of birth has to be somewhere in that region.
I didn’t understand the discussion because they talked French and I never studied it really well. It wasn’t until the older guy left that he told me something that I could understand. He was furious and his words were racist. He said “go back to your country and never come back. Die or stay there but don’t come back.”
What a coward, was the first thing that came up to my mind. I didn’t react because we had to catch a flight and I didn’t want to make a scene in front of all these people. What do you think of this action? It’s not because you lose an argument that you need to say something like that. It’s not because someone is different than you should act this way.
The social media zombies were present
It’s also pretty sad that this scene was surrounded by some social media zombies who were recording the whole scene. Isn’t this sad? People tend to spend more time on their phones when they should really help.
Look at any real-life situation where a disaster happens. 99% of the people will look and film the whole damn thing.
the conversation probably goes down like this
Tom: “Hey Eric that house is on fire, shouldn’t we help?”
Eric: “Let’s film it and put it on YouTube instead of helping. I mean this a job for the firefighters”
Tom: “Great idea”
Don’t be like these guys, don’t follow the herd and stand out. Start being a lone wolf.
Say no to these situations and say no to racism.
Racism should stay in the past
Remember the history lessons in which they taught us that the European conquerors went to Africa? They brought them to Europe and America to put them into slavery. Luckily slavery is long gone but in this day and age racism is still extremely present. There are tons of contemporary examples.
Will Smith didn’t want to go to the Oscars because they were too racist.
The police shoot black people without a reason in the United States.
People start to make Facebook groups remove all the Muslims from their country. In those groups, they stated that they wanted to remove a culture because they had no respect for ours.
So removing this religion makes us….? No better than the extreme ones. Not every Muslim is a bad person, I know two Muslims and they work hard. They respect my culture and I respect theirs. I never viewed them differently after all those terrorist attacks. Other people look at them with contempt. It sickens me to witness this, you can’t put labels on people without knowing them.
The garden comparison
A couple of months ago we suffered a terrorist attack in our capital. They attacked the airport and the whole country was shocked. It was the first time that we had one this close to us. It was a wake-up call but most people got the wrong image. They were claiming that the world had become an ugly place.
I told them to take on a different perspective on this matter. You have to see the world as a beautiful garden but sometimes there will grow some weed in it. Now there are three options.
- See it spread across the garden and complain
- Trim the weeds and restore the garden
- Change your focus on the garden instead of the weeds
People tend to focus too much on the weeds in life and that’s why the world seems like a bad place. Focus on the good things but don’t ignore the problems. Take care of the problems and restore the garden to its full beauty.
Fear makes us do stupid things
People are afraid when they witness something that’s different. It’s new and scary so you can discover new cultures or hate them. We live in a multicultural society in this day and age so we grow up together and there are still people who are afraid of “other people”. It’s also easy to follow a group when they act racist.
I don’t care what people think, I’ll tell them that I hate racists over and over again. People who know me won’t act racist in my presence.
Say no to racism
We are all equal because we’re all human beings. It doesn’t matter if you’ve got a different skin color, gender, religion, sexual preference… never forget that you’re dealing with human beings and not objects.
We gotta make a change…
It’s time for us as a people to start makin’ some changes.
Let’s change the way we eat, let’s change the way we live
and let’s change the way we treat each other.
You see the old way wasn’t working so it’s for us to do
what we gotta do, to survive.
And still, I see no changes.
Can’t a brother get a little peace?!
It’s war on the streets and a war in the Middle East. Instead of a war on poverty.
They got a war on drugs so the police can bother me.
Some things will never change
Rest in peace Tupac
gone but not forgotten
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Till next time
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