Are you a pussy without realizing it? It’s a pretty confrontational question but it’s one you have to try to answer. Try to be honest because most guys who’re a pussy think they’re the real deal.
Everywhere you go the word emancipation is thrown at you. Women want more respect and stand up for equal rights and they should. Everybody deserves the same rights there’s no doubt about that but men are getting soft.
Men and women are different in many aspects and this is neglected by many people. Wel men and women should be different but both genders are becoming more alike.
What’s happening to modern men? Why are they becoming so soft? It’s like they’re okay with being a pussy. I guess that some of them don’t even realize it. Have you never wondered why this is happening?
I tell you what’s happening, it’s called pussyfication. Men are becoming more and more feminine and girls are craving for real men. Men who can protect their self’s and others. But instead, most men walk away from danger, they take the easy or pussy way out. It’s painful to see how society doesn’t do anything about it, they let things go. Why should people care? People will think it is part of evolution.
That assumption is WRONG, the only thing that makes sure this evolution keeps on happening is the laziness of the people.
All the things I list below are mistakes I made myself. I wasn’t perfect and I will never be perfect BUT now I show the best version of myself to the world.
Those mistakes make you unhappy and will affect your environment.
You don’t believe me?
Here’s an example: We went out with some friends to a club and one of my buddies suddenly asked how his hair looked. Now I don’t care about how people’s hair is and don’t expect such a question from a guy. So I answered “goes great with your purse”. Everybody laughed and his masculinity was hit.
Now let’s take a look at some of the mistakes that make you less of a man
You don’t walk the walk and don’t talk the talk
This is a mistake I made during the time I was insecure and had depression. Everybody knows girls like a bad boy so you try to act like one. The only problem is that you’re words are much bigger than your action. If you know you can’t keep up promises it’s better to stay silent.
Like I said I’ve made that mistake and I noticed that people didn’t take me seriously. After my testosterone increased I walked my walk and talked my talk as it should be.
This mistake is normal you’re always trying to be the best and compete with others.
If you’re confident you don’t need to prove your words, people will notice they can rely on what you say.
Always trying to prove your masculinity isn’t manly
When someone calls you feminine the first thing most guys will do is prove that they’re wrong. The big problem with this is that they use words instead of their actions from the past.
You don’t need to prove masculinity; people say you’re masculine because of how you behave. You can consider your behavior as masculine but you don’t need to point that out.
It’s like guys who are constantly claiming that they are confident while their posture shows the complete opposite.
Saying that you’re masculine makes you look like a joke or a showoff.
You don’t want to be either of those two; you’ll win nothing with it. Nobody likes showoffs, yeah even you hate those guys so don’t be one.
An empty barrel makes the most noise is probably one of the most overlooked sayings these days.
Always playing the victim aka the pussy mindset
People are experts in this, playing the helpless victim. The worst part is that almost everybody accepts this behavior. It’s almost like they tell you to be a pussy.
It isn’t manly that you act like this; it makes you look really weak. You come across as someone who can’t take care of his own life and problems.
Why would a girl pick a guy who can’t take care of his own life? Why would a girl start a future with such a guy? Luckily for you, some so many guys act like this that standing out isn’t a problem.
In the past months after everything happened no one has called me feminine anymore.
I stopped playing the victim and took control over my own life.
Fuck those bullshit excuses, admit a mistake. Everybody makes them but almost nobody admits them. It’s always someone else his fault. I just say “I fucked up”.
Didn’t do your homework just admit it instead of coming up with those excuses. Just admit that you thought that playing video games was more important to you. It takes courage to do this but you’ll reap the benefits of doing this.
People will start to take you seriously and that is a great feeling.
Blaming other people for your mistakes
This is even worse than blaming the victim, blaming a less experienced co-worker for a mistake you made. I generally hate those people, they get you into trouble because they’re afraid. You can be a pussy but this is taking things up a notch.
Don’t take the blame if you’re ever in this position. I made this mistake once when I worked in a grocery store. People will abuse this pretty quickly and you’ll get deeper into trouble. At the worst point co-workers blamed me for three mistakes at the same moment in different parts of the store.
Pretty funny but it blew up in their face. I was the one who had to report to the boss and I did what I had to do since the beginning. That’s right I didn’t take the blame on me, I’ve told the truth because I realized this was the best timing to do it.
They had it coming but realized it when it was way too late.
The best timing is in the beginning when somebody tries this for the first time.
Don’t be afraid to hurt other people’s feelings, they are the ones who make the mistake. It’s also their job to learn from the mistake.
I still go grocery shopping there and I notice that some of them don’t like me. But I don’t care, I don’t. People need to learn that throwing somebody else to the wolves is the shittiest thing they can do.
You don’t fight especially not for the things that matter
People tend to give up real quick in almost every aspect of life. I’ve seen relationships go bad over some stupid argument that escalated. Things just don’t work anymore. People and their petty feelings, it is something strange.
I guess society made us hypersensitive but that doesn’t mean you should be like that.
Fighting for something shows that you know what you want in life. Nothing is lost if you don’t define it as lost. It just takes effort to fight for a cause, someone… I’m sure you get the point.
And the word effort sounds horrible to most people, they like being a victim/pussy because it’s easy.
I hate giving up, that’s not in my nature. People look up to people who are always trying to fight for things. They want to be like them but never try to do it. Why don’t you show what you’re made off?
In the beginning, it’s lonely but after a while, people will follow you and support you.
People are like sheep, they just follow the group. If you want to make your workplace a better place than go for it. What do you have to lose? Your job?
If you’ve got a shitty job in a bad environment you’ll win either way.
You’re whining and complaining all the time
These are the people who are destined for bad luck. They’re victims of things like karma and all the other reasons they pick.
Do you know why you’ve got that much bad luck? Because you attract it yourself, you’re the one who’s creating your problems.
Those people are always complaining that they’re single. Are you surprised your single with that mindset?
You’ll attract people with the same negative mindset.
When you’re positive and ambitious you’ll attract people with that same positive mindset.
So yeah I’ve lost friends and one relationship because I didn’t want to be part of all those problems anymore. You know who’s life became better after that? I don’t think I need to give a name.
Now there are two sentences that I want you to remember.
I came up with these quotes while I was walking in the morning.
When you whine you show a lack of spine
When you complain you’ll accept unnecessary pain
You can even tweet these quotes, isn’t that wonderful?!
[ctt template=”3″ link=”ijd9m” via=”yes” ]When you whine you show a lack of spine @ZeroToAlpha[/ctt] [ctt template=”3″ link=”8p12V” via=”yes” ]When you complain you’ll accept unnecessary pain @ZeroToAlpha[/ctt]Just retweet them, I know you want to do it.
Till next time
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Word. We should be the leading examples and Carry the torch to others before the flame stops burning
The pussification of the modern man is a terrible epidemic for sure. Luckily being a man isn’t completely dead and there’s a few of us left to carry the torch into a new generation. No more taking the easy way out, working on becoming better and better and moving forward with stride!