Recently I read an interview where Clint Eastwood called the millennials a pussy generation. He got a lot of hate thrown at him after that quote but technically he’s right. Men have lower testosterone levels than ever before. Clint Eastwood was always one of my favorite actors when I was a kid. Everybody knows the quote “go ahead, make my day” from the movie Dirty Harry.
That guy is in his mid-80’s just like my granddad and they both claim the same. They both claim that we’re a pussy generation. I can’t argue with them since they’re 100% right in my opinion. Most guys act tough until they get hit in the face for real. Or they give up as soon as it hurts. They prefer to lay in bed the whole day instead of doing something with their lives.
The millennials are surrounded by comfort since they were born and I guess that’s where it all went wrong. They don’t know the beauty of getting out of your comfort zone. How can you expect to live a full life if you’ve never been out of your comfort zone? Get out and see how your life evolves in a good way.
They don’t get the beauty of religion and philosophy. It’s all bullshit to them but they’re missing the bigger picture. But reading a book is a lot harder than being lazy. I get it. The less you’ve got to work the better. There are more and more young people who’re sharing the same vision as me. Those guys are also afraid that we’re destroying our modern-day society. Men like my grandfather helped to build it up after the war but now it’s not becoming any better.
We all became slaves of the comfort zone. This is a sad reality because this is dangerous. The Roman empire was destroyed because people got comfortable over there. We’re not learning from the mistakes that we made in the past.
The pussy generation makes alcohol even more dangerous than smoking
I stopped drinking alcohol and I’m never drinking it again. I don’t have anything against people who’re still drinking alcohol but somewhere there’s has to be drawn a line. I’ve never heard people hear some call a pussy or a loser when it comes to smoking (I guess that would have occurred if we lived in the ’60s). You have smokers and none smokers and we’re all happy about it.
There’s a whole different approach when it comes to alcohol. I noticed that there’s a lot of pressure to drink when you tell people that you’ve stopped drinking. So to honor these people I’ve selected my favorite quotes about being sober.
The top 3 consists of:
- You’re a pussy
- Real men drink alcohol (it lowers testosterone so it’s not that manly)
- You used to be a lot more fun back in the days (this is my favorite one. To this day on I’m still looking for the link between fun and alcohol.)
It’s really strange how people aren’t seeing what a lot of alcohol can do to your health. I had my fair share of hangovers and I don’t want to have one ever again.
The pussy generation does a lot of talking but no walking
I’m not here to talk about the fact that they don’t talk the talk and walk the walk. I’ve covered that matter in the previous blog post on this subject. I’m talking about the fact that some people just don’t want to work anymore. This applies to almost every aspect of our modern-day lives. It goes from relations to just work in general.
Most people want to be rich but play the lottery instead of working hard to get rich. The lottery is a numbers game and not many people ever win it. Most of them go broke after a while anyway. The people who lay in bed all day are the ones who’re going to insult the people who’re working the fastest. They claim that they work the hardest but you’re not the hardest worker if you’re not working every day. There are no weekends or off days. Just workdays. Most guys who’re claiming that they work hard don’t do it at all. They’re trying to convince themselves.
Don’t try to prove that you’re the hardest worker in the room. Just be the hardest worker in the room and people will notice it.
The pussy generation takes everything personally
I hate the fact that you can’t make jokes anymore in this day and age. People get offended so damn easily. I have a mug with the quote “I’m surrounded by idiots” on it. Some people asked me if I thought that they were idiots. It’s just a freaking mug with a funny quote don’t bitch about it.
The fact that they took it personal surprised me, to be honest. Once again it’s just a mug with a funny quote.
I don’t want to be controversial (I am by writing this post) but this is also applicable to racism. I hate racism I do, I even wrote a post about it. But recently I got into an argument and I was labeled as a racist. To those people I can only say one thing: read my blog (I never thought that I would use this phrase in my life).
The argument was about the fact that Santa Claus and his Black Petes caused a racial issue. In Belgium, they wanted to forbid the black Petes and I was like what’s wrong with you people.
I’ve never heard a little kid link black Pete to another race. Most kids assume that they’re black because they come through the chimney. I have come a long way when a four-year-old can outsmart grown-ups.
They really should reconsider the fact about changing this tradition. Are we going to take away other children from their childhood? Focus on what matters and stop arguing about such a dumb matter.
Just remember that racism remains an act of cowardice.
The pussy generation waits for the perfect moment
There will never be a perfect moment to do something. This is once again the easy way out. People assume that the perfect moment will walk by but you’ll wait a long time my friend.
You need to grab the moment and make it perfect. Just start whatever you want to do and keep on doing it till you make it.
There is no perfect time, no perfect person that will make you succeed.
So what are you going to do? Be a pussy for the rest of your life or are you going to start and never look back?
The pussy generation gives up so damn easily
They give up on a relationship after a first fight because things didn’t work out. People give up so damn easy in this day and age. People are dieting, reach a goal weight and suddenly they start eating unhealthy again. In this way, they regain their weight and they’re back to off. You’ll never stay in shape if you’re not paying attention to what you eat.
You have to work hard and keep on doing it. It’s either that or getting out of shape again. Consistency is the key.
The pussy generation is the first generation that came up with the dad bod
The dad’s bod was a new trend that suddenly popped out of nowhere. Suddenly girls like the out of shape guy who drinks beer. Guys with a high-fat percentage have higher estrogen levels than normal men plus beer will increase the estrogen. Sound like the perfect man.
I get why girls like it though. The media gives them unrealistic images with all the models and so on. They all want to look like them but most of them end up frustrated. So they assume that guys are confronted with the same issue.
We are, it’s called the natty delusion where we all assume will be as big as Arnold Schwarzenegger. Girls label us as skinny and we end up frustrated. I think both genders are a bit confused in this day and age.
But there’s one thing that you should realize before you cancel your gym membership. Women are attracted to guys who’re in shape. It’s a sign of high testosterone levels and women can smell it when you’ve got high testosterone. I love science and I guess you’re also a guy who likes science now.
Leave the pussy generation behind.
Walk away from the herd and become a lone wolf.
Hard work always pays off so you better start grinding.
So what do you think? Are you a part of the pussy generation or do you have a different perspective? Let me know in the comments.
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Till next time
[…] the wife of your children. Most guys give up if they’re not getting laid after the second date. Those guys are freaking pussies. Real men know what they want and do everything to get it. They work hard and invest time in that […]
I consider myself a manly man (especially compared to other guys) but I am guilty of some of the stuff above and now I feel like the pussies I criticize and despise.
However, I think your post is an oversimplification of the “pussy generation” or whatever you wanna call it.
I believe that hard times breed hard people (and by consequence hard men) and since our parents and it more rough than most of us do now it is in some cases and to a certain extent normal to grow a bit softer than the previous generation, but that can also be influenced by what example you see at home. What kind of men, the men in your life are. Other factors might be your childhood and present friends, your experiences and how you educate yourself. Personally my views on masculinity changed after I had joined the merchant navy and had spent my first month on a ship sailing half the continent working and reading. The sailing part hardened me, made me tougher, and the reading part…I guess that depends on what you read. During my voyages and afterwards I started reading Yukio Mishima, Bukowski (not the poems) and Hemingway. Three authors that changed my view on masculinity and made me realize that compared to their generation, we are a bunch of pussies.
since our parents had it* more rough.
(should’ve checked for errors in my comment before posting it)
You “made my day.”
Glad I did.