The productivity myth: You’re not productive! Damn what an opener for a new blog post. I mean I’m already offending you with the title. So there’s a productivity myth and most people are buying it. Most people besides me and a few others. I got a lot of hate after I wrote the blog about the fact that the “no time” excuse is pure bullshit. I could have argued with those people but that would have been a complete waste of time. Why would I argue with them if I can write a blog about it?! They’ll probably read this one as well and they’ll probably hate it too but I won’t pay any attention to it. I don’t return hate. It’s just the wrong thing to do.
I do on the other hand write offensive blog posts. Well, they’re not offensive at all, to be honest. Just the people who can’t handle the truth are mostly offended. There is 1 group of people who aren’t included in the blog. The ones who take too much work on their plate right from the start. That would be a blog post on its own but you’re probably not a part of this group. Those people want to run before they can even crawl and will eventually trip.
The productivity myth: nope you’re not productive!
You’ve got 3 types of people in this world when it comes to having a work ethic.
- the ones who work hard, are productive and don’t talk about it. Why would they?
- the ones who assume they work hard, aren’t productive and talk about it all the time
- lazy people who don’t work hard and brag about the fact that they’re lazy
We’re not even going to discuss the third group. That would be a complete waste of time.
The productivity myth: the people who work hard and are productive
So how do you know if someone works hard and it productive at the same time? That’s pretty easy if you ask me. They just show results. People who work hard don’t focus on bragging about their work. They just work and focus on the results. There’s more to it but I’ll explain it once I’ve covered the second group.
The productivity myth: the people who assume that they’re productive
Those are the people who brag or talk about the fact that they work hard. But why would they talk about it? Because they’ve got no results to show for so they try to convince themselves by talking about it. Those people confuse being busy with being productive. So how do you know if you’re busy or productive? Easy, busy people always claim that they’ve got no time. I was once part of this group until I changed my life of course. I don’t want to be part of that group ever again.
The productivity myth: let me debunk the myth once and for all
Being productive means that you do a lot of work in a relatively short amount of time correct? I hope that we agree on this one, otherwise you’re completely lost. Now I’ve got one simple question for you: you’re so productive but why can’t you find time to do things besides your work?! You can’t work hard, be productive and have no time to relax at the same time. That’s just contradictory. People who work hard are productive and have spare time. Now I realize that some people will still bitch about this post because their fragile ego got hit. Don’t worry, I have one great example that’ll prove that not everybody is as productive as they assume.
The productivity myth: Try to do it the Virgin way
Enter Richard Branson. He’s the founder of Virgin and he’s a billionaire. So it’s safe to say that he’s productive and a hard worker. This guy runs a company and still finds time to play sports every day, spend time with this family, spend time on social media, checks on his customers and so on. So what’s his secret you ask? He gets up early and plans his days ahead. He knows his priorities and doesn’t waste time. There’s nothing fancy about it. We all have 24 hours in a day and what you do within those 24 hours will define your life.
For the ones who still don’t believe me: 10 years from now will know if you worked hard and produced great results. You weren’t productive if you’re still in the same place as you’re now. But why would you wait and waste 10 years? Why don’t you start being productive right now? It’s never too late to change.
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