![Are you problem solving, purpose finding or trying to escape reality? That's a hard question, right? I mean I'm basically forcing you to take a look at how you react to certain things in life. I'm pretty sure that some people will leave the blog right here. They'll be like "I'm not escaping reality, I'm just unlucky".](https://www.zerotoalpha.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/130220-F-JA000-001.jpg)
Are you problem solving, purpose finding or trying to escape reality? That’s a hard question, right? I mean I’m forcing you to take a look at how you react to certain things in life. I’m pretty sure that some people will leave the blog right here. They’ll be like “I’m not escaping reality, I’m just unlucky”. You’re screwed if you’ve got an attitude like that kiddo. You’re acting like a victim and that’s why you’re fucked. This mindset will make sure that you’re in a lot of pain and yes it’s all your fault. Now I’m going to start this blog off with a personal experience that learned me a valuable lesson. Let’s take a trip back in time. Let’s go back to the beginning of this year.
Are you problem solving, purpose finding or….?
I got offered a cage fight at the beginning of the year but the fight was on a date that I had to work. So I asked my boss if I could get a day off to fight. It was impossible so I figured that there would come a new opportunity and that I just had to live with it. I assumed that I was going to alright. I was pretty damn wrong about that. That whole event made sure that I opened Pandora’s box into my own body. So I was tired that whole time. There was just no reason to get up anymore in the morning and my mood was far from a good one. My mind and my body were in a bad condition but the doctor said that I had to rest so that’s what I did.
It took me a whole month to figure out that this whole thing was caused by the fact that I didn’t live align with my purpose. But it didn’t end there. My trainer told me that he probably was going to stop the MMA sessions and replace them. Oh, and I got rejected out of nowhere an hour before a second date. I was like “what happened”. I couldn’t get a hold of it and was in a lot of pain, to be honest. This was a lot to process since 1 problem suddenly turned into multiple problems (there were more than those).
That’s where I asked myself a question that changed everything. I asked myself what I wanted in life.
How I got rid of all the pain with one simple action.
I took out my goal list and started reading it. So I took a deep breath and asked myself if I wanted all those things in life. I questioned everything and it helped. You see instead of reading the list to motivate myself I decided to rewrite it. That’s something that I hadn’t done since it was originally written. I was redefining my purpose and forget about the rest. I woke up full of energy the next day but it didn’t end there. The week after that I entered a room where 3 other people were present. They all knew me and they all knew that I went through a rough period. They just noticed it in my body language.
But now they were all staring at me. They told me that they felt like the room was too small for me. They didn’t get it. And I was like: this is what confidence looks like. I was okay after that, the MMA problem solved itself and I’m able to stay at my gym. I went through a lot of pain but that pain made me grow. The pain was transformed into fuel.
So it was all for the better?
Well yes, apparently it was. I mean I started the 11-day blogging challenge which could be continued if it goes on like this (update, it’ll be a 30-day challenge). This is all pretty crazy because I assumed that the pain would shut me down. This all changed by rewriting a simple piece of paper. Nobody has ever read this paper well besides me of course. It’s only written for me and no else. I advise you to do the same write down what you want to achieve by the end of the month, the end of the year and within 5 years. This is the start of a better life. That’s the beauty of purpose finding.
Sometimes you just need a lot of pain to realize that you’ve got to redefine your own life and it’s goals.
The YouTube video that popped up out of nowhere.
I was working on my laptop when suddenly a video suggestion popped up. It was a video that was titled “How to Find Purpose in Your Life | Robert Quinn“. I watched the video and I could resonate with the message of the video. Especially because the subject of the second story faced something similar as I did.
I guess that the law of attraction came into play here since I didn’t search for the video. This is crazy but I didn’t even know that it existed.
Are you problem solving, purpose finding or….?
There are 3 ways to face a problem: you solve it, you find a new purpose or you try to escape it. I used to do the first one a lot in the past. I was pretty analytical when it came to problems. I just took a look at what happened, where it went south and what I could to avoid it the next time. But sometimes you need to do more than that. Sometimes you need to take an honest look at your life and see if it still resonates with who you are. That’s the beauty of purpose finding. It gives you a reason to get up first thing in the morning. It makes sure that you’re happy and it makes your problems go away because you simply don’t care anymore.
Sure I got rejected painfully but that doesn’t add up to what I want in life. The pain of losing your purpose is a lot more damaging. That rejection was just the pain that I needed to get back up after I got beaten down. I just turned it into something good. All of this leads to one simple thing. I suddenly found balance again in life. I improved in one area of my life and all the other areas followed. The thing that basically should have broken me down lifted me up.
Are you problem solving, purpose finding or….?
But what if people face something like that and can’t handle the pain. Well, those people will get bitter and resentful. They’ll be like: “this is the real-life and the real-life sucks.” Well, that’s just partially true. It’s a part of real life. Pain and joy are both a part of life. Some people get over it but others don’t. Those people do a thing that will harm them even more in the long run. They try all sorts of escapism. What do I mean with all sorts of escapism you ask? Well stuff like drinking until they’re drunk, drugs, partying all the time, traveling to escape it all, fucking around (one night stands and stuff…).
All of these things have one thing in common. They’ll make sure that you’re in a lot more pain than you were before and you’ll get even more bitter and resentful. I guess that that’s the reason why so many people feel cheated by life but in the end, they cheated on themselves. Those people have never heard of the art of purpose finding.
In conclusion: Are you problem solving, purpose finding or….?
I think that humans are designed to find purpose in life. Life is pretty meaningless without a purpose. But I’ll cover that matter in an upcoming blog post.
Life is a series of things that happen to us and some will be good and others will hurt you. Both will shape your life and learn you something about yourself but they’ll also help you define or redefine your purpose in life.
That’s why getting all bitter and resentful is just a waste of time. It just doesn’t help you with anything in life. Every painful experience is an opportunity to grow and become a better version of yourself. You don’t want to be the person that grows old and suddenly realizes that you lived far beyond your potential. That’s just hell on earth.
Don’t forget to check out my book. The ones who read it liked it.
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Till next time