What could the most powerful supplement on earth be? Could it be my favorite pre-workout? Maybe I started reading fitness magazines again and started taking whey protein again? I’m taking protein powder again since yesterday, to be honest, but that’s not the right answer. I’m still not reading those magazines. Try to figure out for yourself what this supplement could be.
Can you guess it? Here’s a hint: Arnold Schwarzenegger used it.
Steroids? Nope, wrong again. I’m talking about the mind. The mind is the greatest supplement on this earth. Because you just can’t beat someone who believes that he can’t be stopped.
You can pay tons of money to all kinds of trainers but they can’t provide you with the right mindset. You won’t get results if you haven’t got the right mentality. So you can work out all you want but you’ll never be able to outrun a bad diet. Why don’t you start reading books and forget about the looks? Be kind and feed your mind.
How I used the supplement this time
I’m pretty obsessed with MMA. I trained a bit too much and went into an overtrained state. I was burning out so I realized that I had to take a week off. It was fun for the first 3 days. I didn’t felt comfortable at all after that, I read and didn’t do that much, to be honest. This was the first time that I hated the comfort zone that much. That feeling eventually led to this article.
I was writing for 5 minutes and I fell a lot happier. My smile got bigger as more words appeared. The dangerous part was that I wanted to train again but I could resist the craving.
Okay, I maybe did some shadowboxing in the end but I survived it.
Supplement yourself to greatness
“The mind is the limit. As long as the mind can envision the fact that you can do something, you can do it, as long as you really believe 100 percent. Arnold Schwarzenegger”
There can’t be excuses when you want to achieve something. Those excuses will make sure that you’ll never grow. But Alex, I’m so tired because I slept badly last night. Nobody cares, just get up and get in the gym or whatever you want to do. KICK SOME ASS. One hour sleepless won’t kill you and getting ten calories less than you should doesn’t matter either. Set your standards instead of looking at other’s standards. Their supplement could be extremely weak because they rather go out and face the loneliness boomerang.
Forget about the small stuff. It doesn’t matter. Go for the things that matter. Be the hero of your movie.
Debunking the dumbest excuse of all time
People often claim that they don’t have enough time. So a day consists of 24 hours and you sleep about 8 hours a night. This leaves 16 hours open at the weekends and maybe 6 to 7 on weekdays. How can’t you have enough time? How is this possible? Arnold suggested that you slept a bit faster. I always liked this quote for some reason. But there could be other reasons. Maybe you’re wasting time on social media?! Are you a social media zombie?
Or are you committing the worst crime of all? Are you busy instead of productive? That would be a real-time killer.
In conclusion: you’re shooting yourself in the foot if you’re coming up with excuses all the time.
Supplement yourself to hard work
Failure doesn’t exist if you learn how you should deal with it. Failure is not an option but hard work is. You don’t want to fail because you didn’t work hard enough. It has to suck to be number two because you didn’t work hard enough. Being number two will always suck. Some people can live with it but a real winner can’t, they will just work harder and harder until they’re number one.
They just do it over and over again to get the job done.
Someone else will work when you’re out partying. Someone else will work a whole year while you wasted one. That’s one year closer to your death. Don’t get on your death bed with regret. Start acting on your dreams and stop wasting time. You can party when you made it and not a minute earlier.
Do you know what you want?
Forget about what your environment wants you to be. Ask yourself what you want. Do you want to be a sheep or a wolf? Do you follow the herd or do you embrace hard work and loneliness? Do you find your obsession and are you going to get it? Are you doing something that makes you happy?!
Don’t think you can’t because YOU CAN DO IT.
It’s great to be a lone wolf because you start things that others will never do. The most successful people wouldn’t be where they’re now if they followed the herd. We would all be successful if this was the case.
In conclusion: you’ve got one supplement. You either use it or lose it.
Hard work pays off: it supplements your supplement
I remember the time when I started this blog. I had two readers and just kept on publishing. After a month and a half, I decided to install a new plug in to get a better view of the traffic. I got a lot more visitors than I expected. This motivated me even more to work even harder.
People whom I haven’t heard in ages or never really knew started contacting me and told me to keep on blogging. They told me to keep up the good work. It feels great that it pays off. There are haters too off course but I don’t pay attention to those. They’re full of shit and try to keep me down. To those people I just have one simple message: I can’t stop.
Be grateful and give something back: supplement others
Endure the pain and good things are what you will gain..
Be grateful for the people that are supporting you and helping you. Nobody is self- made. Being self- made is the biggest myth there is. Give back to the world and the people and you’ll feel even better.
You’ve got a mission on earth and that’s giving back. Never forget that one.
Supplement and go get it
I got a grind, won’t stop, hustle won’t quit
Shine like no other, I be on some other shit
I got high price lifestyle, super bad bitch
If I want it, bet I got it
If I don’t bet all I gotta do is
Go, get it, stay up out my business
Ball ’til I fall, flossin’ til I’m finished
I just go, get It, stay up out my business
I’m living just to kill it, stacking millions to the ceiling I just go
Dope song by T.I. Do you get it? Good, now it’s time to use your supplement and go get it.
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Till next time
I liked the article you write. hope that you dont stop publishing
I won’t and I have an upcoming podcast and YouTube channel don’t worry.
looking forward to it . Good job dude .
Thank you!