Porn comes into our lives when puberty kicks in. You become extremely horny due to all the new hormones in your body
The internet is an open source full of free porn. The more lesbian porn they have the better.
Jerking off in your dark cold bedroom while you’re constantly peeking over your shoulder because you’re afraid that mommy or daddy catches you sounds even better.
Addicted to porn? I can help you.
Before we dive into this post, I want to point out that there are tons of guys who have issues since they watch porn daily or multiple times a day.
I can help you get rid of this nasty habit in less than 2 weeks, just like I did with many other guys.
Tackle this issue now and change your life forever!
Bite the bullet and buy it on Gumroad.
Getting back to the basics or porn
When you finally learn to know the real joy of sex while having a girlfriend you want to keep having that feeling. There is just one problem you’re single again and what should you do now?
Meet new girls when you walk in the streets? I know you prefer porn and lots of it too.
You become lazy and addicted to porn, glued to a 15-inch screen watching hours and hours of porn. In the worst part, you’re busting a nut while using your smartphone.
So the technology doesn’t only rob us of our sleep but also from our high testosterone levels.
My dad didn’t have that freedom nor did my granddad. My granddad met my grandmother in the streets. Talking about a real man with the balls to go to a woman.
My dad had probably some magazines but he met my mother on a ship and just went to talk to her. I guess having the balls to eventually go to a girl runs in the family.
Porn in a relation: don’t even take it in consideration
Do you know who I pity the most? The guys who watch porn while they’re in a relationship. I mean why would you do that? Why would you prefer to watch porn instead of having sex with a real girl?
I don’t get it, I don’t. It’s easy for me to say that I was together for two years with a girl and I never watch a second of porn. I only had real sex, lots of it and I enjoyed it too.
Most people don’t believe me, there are even girls who say “even my boyfriend does it”.
Good for you but I’m guessing you’re not amused by the fact that he watches porn and has less sex with you.
This is what I call the stupidity of the modern people, just accepting their horrible faith without doing anything about it. Always staying in their tiny little comfort zone that is the worst place to stay in.
The porn industry is a big business and all the movies are fake. You get a wrong image of sex and in the worst case, you’ll get social problems.
Do you want that? I say no way José. Besides, it’s not respectful towards your girlfriend either.
Porn and your testosterone
So what are the side effects of porn?
A porn addiction increases the risk of several social (do I hear anxiety?), emotional and physical problems.
It makes your testosterone levels drop and this has more side effects than you can imagine. For men, this is the most important because it makes you manly but it also regulates functions such as appetite. A big drop in testosterone levels increases your chance to become obese. But there’s also an increased risk of some cancers and have a lower rate of weight gain.
Porn addiction has also been linked to:
- Depression
- Low motivation
- Erectile dysfunction
- Concentration problems
- Negative self-perception in terms of physical appearance and sexual functioning
Porn and it’s relation to dopamine and testosterone
There is no doubt about the fact that our testosterone levels are dropping, they are 22% lower in comparison to 1980. That’s a big drop, but what caused this? Our new lifestyle causes this, it’s a sedentary one with less sleep.
Yes, you’ve read it correctly, it’s our fault that men become more feminine and lazy.
All of your favorite porn confuses the evolutionary programming you came manufactured with. With modern internet porn we can see more hot girls in a couple of minutes then the cavemen in their whole life. The big danger is that your brain rewires itself to an artificial porn harem and in this way, you’ll lose your real desire in women.
Porn messes up your dopamine levels and in this way, it shorts out your reward circuit. After a while, you’ll notice that porn addiction and some side effects go hand in hand. You have a less intense reaction on porn, your libido will drop and in the end, you’ll get ED (Erectile dysfunction).
The worst nightmare of every guy can become a reality because of porn. I mean we all had a moment where we had difficulties to perform but there is a difference between having some difficulties and ED. So yes there is a correlation between male sexual dysfunction and high-speed internet porn.
Some testimonials of former porn addicts
Gary Wilson did a big porn experiment and there are two success stories that I wanted to share.
“I’ve been approached by quite a few women, but they quickly flew away due to my incredible weirdness. I’ve been a hardcore porn addict since the age of 14. I finally realized porn has been an issue. I stopped it completely 2 months ago, it has been very difficult but so far incredibly worthwhile. My anxiety is nonexistent. My memory and focus are sharper than they’ve ever been. I feel like a huge chick magnet, and my ED is gone too. I seriously think I had a rebirth, a second chance at life.”
-Anonymous 28 Years Old
“Since giving up porn a month ago, I’ve started a business, taken up piano lessons, have been studying French every day, programming, drawing, and have more awesome ideas than I know what to do with. My confidence is sky high, I feel like I can talk to any girl.”
-Anonymous Subject
A myth debunked
When you abstain from jerking off you’ll make your testosterone levels shoot through the roof. Even the Greek sportsmen were big believers in the fact that ejaculation makes your body weak. This is no rocket science since men become tired after having an orgasm.
This is due to the fact the during orgasm there are two chemicals released. These two hormones, oxytocin, and vasopressin are associated with sleep and their release is frequently accompanied by melatonin. Melatonin is the primary hormone that regulates our body clock, it makes you sleepy.
Another great benefit of oxytocin is that reduces stress levels and this leads to relaxation and sleepiness.
The science behind it
In China, they did a study to understand the relation between ejaculation and serum testosterone levels in men. Abstaining for six days from ejaculation had no impact on serum testosterone levels but on the seventh day, the levels peaked 145.7% of baseline. On the eight-day, the levels declined again. Researchers believed that testosterone declined from a negative feedback suppression that was caused due to the secretion of luteinizing hormone.
The researchers also found that testosterone levels did rise as a response to sexual stimuli. So an athlete could reap from the benefits of being exposed to sexual stimuli as a pre-workout. This would mean that the athlete would train with increased testosterone and aggression.
I don’t know how you guys think about it but this sounds way better than all the pre-workout powders that you’re gulping.
Porn addicts become a slave to dopamine
Men who regularly watch porn may have to deal with some disastrous consequences for real sexual encounters. This is because you’re overstimulating your dopamine, this is the force behind our most sinful desires.
So next time you’re watching a lesbian orgy in a shower you could blame your dopamine. But wait, is it the dopamine we have to blame? NOPE, it’s the individual that made the choice and not the dopamine. It’s doesn’t matter if you’re a drug, sex, porn or gambling addict, it’s up to you to take responsibility. You need to stop overstimulating your dopamine.
Now the sad thing is that many porn addicts become slaves to their dopamine
When you’re constantly looking for porn your libido will constantly be stimulated and the dopamine reactions become deaden. This means that you’ll need extremer and weirder porn after a while to get aroused.
The same goes for other addictions. I’ve worked with drug addicts, I’ve seen this in real life, so I know what I’m talking about. After a while, they’ll begin to crave stronger drugs to keep getting as high as the first time.
Now in the last part, I’ll make many of you happy because I’ve found an interesting study.
More Sex, higher Testosterone Levels? Yes, it’s true!!!!
Yes, you read it correctly, more sex means higher testosterone levels. You’ve got to love science.
In the study, the researchers used 1700 men who were about 70 years old or even older. These men were tested in the beginning and again two years later but by that time there were only 1300 test subjects still alive. They had to answer questions about sexual functioning, including how often they were able to get and keep a viable erection, how often they had a sexual activity that led to ejaculation.
Those men had to mention If the ejaculation was caused by masturbation or intercourse, they also had to compare their desire for sex to when they were 50.
They measured blood levels of testosterone and some other hormones at the two visits.
There was a slight decline in testosterone but no more than 10%, this was linked to a decreased sexual activity and desire. But it wasn’t linked to fewer erections.
They found a strong association with a reduction in serum testosterone levels and the reduction in sexual function.
There is one scientist who said that men who stay sexually active probably have other sound habits like eating better and exercising more.
So what’s his advice? If you want a good sex life and normal testosterone, it’s better to maintain good health and physically active life. Those people will more likely have a great sex life.
This sounds like some bad news for the couch potatoes among us.
There is no benefit in watching porn, I know every teen does it but you can be an example. I stopped watching porn and so can you. I rather have a spontaneous erection when I see a hot girl instead of busting a nut behind a screen.
Remember that I wrote about the fact that testosterone was man’s forgotten best friend? I was pretty damn serious too.
This blogpost gave you an excuse to have more sex. So what are you waiting for? Call or text your girlfriend, fuckbuddy or friend with benefits and have a good time.
Like I said I’m here to make your lives better and I didn’t lie didn’t I?!
Now turn off your computer and get out there and go boost your testosterone.
Did you like this post?
I suggest you check out the 2 posts that I wrote on lessons I learned before turning 24 and 25.
You can read the one I wrote for my 24th birthday here.
You can read the one that I wrote before my 25th birthday here.
2/2/2022 update.
I wrote this post back in 2016, and back then being addicted to porn wasn’t as huge as it is now.
Since I wrote that post, I met numerous people who were heavily addicted to porn, desperate because they were not able to quit.
I’ve helped many people break their bad habits and I have some good news for you.
I’m turning my method into a video course.
In this course I’ll teach you how to beat your porn addiction once and for all.
This course has been launched and is available now on Gumroad.
Be sure to follow me on Instagram to get an update about it.
Or send me an e-mail: alex@zerotoalpha.com if you want more information.
Till next time
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thanks alex, this helped me
Agreed 100%. There’s nothing manly about sitting alone in a room finding yourself especially if you’re in a serious or married relationship. If you’re sneaking around beating your meat that’s valuable time you can be sleeping too, adding to the testosterone
completely correct, thanks for sharing your opinion