
Why you should avoid people who’re just full of shit.

By June 7, 2018 February 29th, 2020 2 Comments

Some people are just always full of shit and you should avoid them. I think it’s safe to say that we all know one or multiple people who just can’t tell the truth. I always said that only cheap people can’t be honest, which I still think but there’s another group of people who can’t do it. Weak men can’t do it either. What do I mean with weak men you ask? Weak men are essentially men without norms and values. They’re fake and lie all the time, they hurt people and do everything to make sure that their ego gets satisfaction.  They act like little boys without their toys.

A funny story about someone full of shit.

I rarely give away my inspiration for a blog but this one was too funny. So I met someone whom I hadn’t seen for a long time in the mall and that person tried to annoy me right from the start. That person told me “so I’ve heard that you’re jealous about this guy’s paycheck”. That person had a very good source. So I just started laughing and told that person to check the source again. No hard feelings but I already knew who had told it and that person is just full of shit. Some people just leave the house to feed themselves with drama. Mission failed I guess but there’s one last attempt to get a reaction from me. It went like this:

person: “But the guy earns more than you no?”

Me: “That’s correct.”

person: “So you’ve got to be jealous because he earns more.”

Me: “The best source for that story would be me and I just don’t care about his paycheck.”

I told that last sentence with my Stoic face I guess so the person moved on pretty quickly after that.

Why you should avoid people who’re just full of shit.

You see some people just can’t be honest with themselves and others. They’re masters at manipulating reality and they do it one step at a time. But over time the lies add up and they live one big lie. The big problem is that they don’t see that they’re living in a false reality. They think that they’re the star of their show. So why should you avoid these people you ask? Well because they’ll fack you over overtime. You’ll suddenly hear stories about yourself that aren’t true or you’ll hear these people tell stories where the whole reality is twisted.

The problem with these people is that they’ve got a giant ego and that ego makes sure that they’re not so smart. Although they believe that they are. Their main goal is to impress people. That’s all they want so they seek people which they can impress easily. So they mostly pick insecure people because these are easy to impress and they won’t stand up to them. You won’t see a lot of smart people with them. None to be honest.

Some people are just always full of shit.

It might be hard to recognize these people at first but you’ll notice it after a while. They portray themselves as always perfect. They’re so delusional that they believe that it’s true. They blame a lot of others as well. These people are full of shit and you should avoid them. They’re not a good addition to your life. You might think that you’ve lost a friend but did you? You just got rid of a toxic friend. 

Don’t forget to check out my book. The ones who read it liked it.

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Till next time





  • Luke says:

    Man. It amazes me that someone would even hold out a measuring stick like that and think you’d even care! You have your own site to run and faces to punch in sparring sessions 😂 So many people run their mouths.

    • Alex says:

      Yeah me too. Hahahah that’s a great quote! Yes in the end of the day everybody has an opinion.

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