Loneliness can be either good or bad but most people don’t realize this.
It was a sunny day and I had to get up early to get to school. Actually, this time I wanted to follow a specific course, it was called social profit management and the lessons were really valuable for my upcoming life.
The lesson covered the biggest mistakes beginning entrepreneurs make. While I was listening carefully to learn and implement this in my life the others were nagging about how boring it was.
Suddenly I realized that no one of my friends had the ambition to make something out of life. They were just craving for a degree, craving for a low paid job with little to no vacation.
Suddenly the idea struck me that I was pretty lonely in this crowded class. I was the hungry wolf of the sheep.
Suddenly I noticed how many guys were complaining about the fact that they’re single and that their life is miserable.
Their next problem was that they’re short in money and so on.
Constantly listening to those stories day in day out isn’t the best thing to keep your mood in check. After a while, you get as depressed as they are just by listening to them. I can imagine that everyone can relate to this specific situation.
I was craving for a bit of “loneliness”.
I was craving back for the loneliness, craving back to some music and my laptop to type on. Or at least for some time with people from the wolf pack.
People always link loneliness to people who have no friends but this is actually pretty wrong. I don’t consider myself lonely; there are better time consumers than a nagging group of sheep.
I hate the fact that I’ve got to act dumb to look like them, even when I do this they notice that I’m different than them.
I admit that sometimes I release the wolf and it happening more and more often. I’m releasing the real me into the world.
You’d think that this is utterly stupid but the funny thing is that people are actually listening to me. They see the leader in me and I’m not backing down anymore. When we do a group assignment I’m suddenly always the leader even when I’m not the leader on paper.
My loneliness feels like freedom and it’s great. But do you think that most people view their loneliness in this way? Most people have more than 1000 Facebook friends, tons of text messages and still, feel lonely.
Pretty weird right? It’s like being in a relationship where you’re unhappy, it makes no sense that you stay in it but for some reason most people do.
Do you know why you do this? Because you’re afraid of the unknown, you’re afraid of getting out of our comfort zone. Because you’re afraid of the upcoming loneliness. Why be alone and happy if you can be together and unhappy? It sounds like the life we’re all dreaming off.
I guess I’m the only one who doesn’t share that dream.
The downside of loneliness
There is no downside for me to be honest. Some me-time can be relaxing after all that has happened in my life. But there are people who are really lonely and they tend to do weird things to escape it.
There are tons of (divorced) people who just drink alone and that’s one of the most dangerous things there is. Like I stated before being alone makes you think and you need to cope with all of your thoughts, the good but also the bad. You want to do the great escape over and over again if you constantly face these bad thoughts.
The great escape
People are afraid because loneliness can be confrontational. Suddenly you start thinking about all the things that are going wrong in your life or went wrong. You feel completely imprisoned by these thoughts and you need to escape. It’s time to escape all the situations that cause you tons of stress.
Luckily you’ve got a smartphone so you can text all your friends to go out.
So you go out, get completely wasted and have the best hours of your life, away from the horrible reality.
You go home with your friends and vomit in several gardens on your way home. Still completely happy because your head is empty and that’s the only thing you’ve ever wanted.
Once you managed to walk the stair, you properly end up in your bed. Your head is spinning and you’ve got troubles sleeping but after a while, you’ve managed to fall asleep.
In the morning you wake up with a big headache and suddenly you realize something. You didn’t escape from reality, it was just a boomerang you’ve thrown away and once it was gone you turned around. Guess what the boomerang is coming back at the same speed and it hits you really hard on the back head.
So now you’ve got two options, do everything to escape reality and keep drinking/taking drugs or you take action and give a twist to your reality and upcoming future.
Do you want to have a bottle as a best friend or do you want it to be high testosterone?
Make your choice
Shouldn’t be that hard to make the right one.
Till next time
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