Do you know the only opponent that you’ve got to beat in life? It is a tough question because most people will be able to name more than one. The most chosen option will probably be in life. Life is harsh according to most people. Life is the only opponent that they try to beat their whole life but guess what, that’s not possible. You’ll become bitter if you see life as your opponent.
I have a better suggestion when it comes to your opponent in life. Why don’t you try to see yourself as your opponent? Yeah, that’s right the person you see in the mirror every morning should be the one which you compete against. You’ll become better instead of bitter and isn’t that what life is all about? Maybe that’s part of the meaning of life?
The normal people see life as their opponent
Normal people don’t try to get better in life. They’re not trying to be the best version of their selves. I guess that this is not intentionally but they get bitter before they even realize it. They become a nagging version of their selves. They’re constantly wondering what others think of them and try to impress them. Just look around you most people will complain hours about the weather is bad. Those people probably haven’t read Meditations by Marcus Aurelius.
Ever heard the quote: winners focus on winning, losers focus on winners. This sounds dumb but this is true though. It doesn’t matter what you do but if you pick the wrong opponent you won’t become better only… bitter that’s right. You paid good attention so far.
You vs you: the toughest opponent there is
Competing against yourself is damn tough. It’s something that most people underestimate. In the beginning, it will be easy to beat yesterday but after a while getting better and better becomes hard. Also a bit addictive to be honest. In the beginning, you’ll have a whole list of things you want to change but what if the list runs out of things to handle?
That’s where you need to look deep into yourself because there is always room to improve. You can always become 1% better than you were yesterday.
How do you become your own opponent?
I remember the day as if it was yesterday. It’s almost a year ago since I changed my whole approach. I had already changed a lot but there were still a lot of flaws. My biggest flaw was the fact that I was still chasing girls and it backfired extremely hard in my face.
On the 27th of December last year I had finally beaten the depression which had been suffering from. The monster inside my head was gone after 2 years but I still had a lot of work to do (you can read my whole story here). I had a series of extremely bad dates (damn you tinder) and the last one was the worst.
After that I said fuck this, 2016 will be my year. I’m going to improve in every aspect of my life. Most people laughed at me because we all claim that the next year will be our year. The only difference was that I turned 2016 into my year.
I learned how to deal with failure
I didn’t do everything right from the start but I kept on pushing and did everything that I said I was going to do. Let’s be honest here, I failed multiple times at things but I persevered and that made the difference in the end.
So whatever your goal or goals are, don’t worry about the naysayers. Just give them a smirk and crush your goals one by one. There’s no better feeling than saying what you’re going to do and doing it. Become your opponent and beat yourself every single day.
There are still 4 weeks in December so make them count. Start today instead of tomorrow. Do it now and not within 5 minutes.
Learn to say to dumb distractions and face the only opponent you have to face. It’s you vs you.
Have a great day and good luck smashing your goals.
By the way: 2017 will even be better, mark my words. In 2017 I’ll do what I like the most: I’m going to break the rules and beat the fools.
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Till next time
Good stuff bro! Always push for growth. Never be normal.
thanks man. Being “normal” is freaking boring
I could not resist commenting. Well written!
Thank you Jack