I recently read a post on Danger and play about normal people. This blog is owned by Mike Cernovich and he’s also the author of the Gorilla Mindset. I suggest you check it out since it contains a lot of valuable information. (buy it here) He covers You inc and self-awareness. I used self- awareness when I had to give a radio interview recently. I was pretty nervous the minutes before this interview but I totally owned (according to others but I was happy as well) it due to this technique. It felt good to give that interview, I forgot about the stress and the fact I had to give an interview.
Anyway, he talked about the fact that he hates normal people but a guy had convinced him to go back to normal life one more time. The result was that he published a new blog post about the fact that he hates normal people. Normal people treat others like outcasts when they don’t like to party or never drink alcohol. They constantly feel depressed due to the opinion of others.
My biggest advice is that you should stay true to yourself. Changing yourself for a better opinion of others is a waste of time plus you’re on a highway to depression in this way. Embrace the difference and look for normal people.
The cool kids aren’t that cool at all
Everybody looks up to the cool kids in college, well most of them look up to these cool kids. They party all the time, drink tons of alcohol, get bad grades and get one night stands all the time. Do you know how all these people end? At a regular job with a regular paycheck with an average life. They will also face depression and burn out but they just don’t realize it yet.
These cool kids are far from cool in my eyes. They bring no value to your life. Their stories may look cool but what’s cool about banging one chick after the other? What’s cool about being hungover and drunk all the time?
I used to be an outcast when I was younger. I didn’t have many friends because I liked to read and was obsessed with The Vikings and the Greek culture (The Spartans and The Athens). The combination of the brute force of the Spartans with the wisdom of Athens was a golden one in my eyes. But somewhere along I lost track. I stopped reading and became a zombie just like everybody else.
I’m a real introvert and this is extremely surprising for most people. They all know me as the social guy but that’s not who I am. I learned how to be just like the cool guys and became one eventually. It was boring and got eventually in a depression.
The wake- up called depression
My depression was my real wake up call. I returned to the real me. I still believe that depression is the result of not being the real you. Deep down inside you can’t be happy because you’re not real. You’re just as fake as your smile and your smile becomes a frown after a while. Most people never get the true message behind depression and just pop some pills. They get lost and never return to being how they’re are. They wander through life and but will never be the same.
Exposing the real you to the world is pretty damn hard because you will be treated as an outcast. This doesn’t make it easy but you have to push on. Better times are coming. Besides in the end loneliness can be a good thing. You can work on what you like and don’t have to give a fuck about what others think. There will always be haters but at one point you become so good at what you do that they can’t ignore you. You’ve achieved mastery and this makes you excel in your one thing.
I don’t care what others think when I read or write on a bus. Just like I don’t care what others think when I shadowbox at work. I do what I love and love what I do. In the end, that’s what I like.
Normal people never find their one thing
Your one thing is what transforms you into the real you. You’re obsessed but in a healthy dose. Your one thing makes things like going out pretty boring and even dragging. I won’t go out unless I have too and those occasions are pretty rare. I don’t see why you should party if you haven’t achieved anything yet.
Finding one thing is crucial for your overall happiness.
Normal people are time consumers
It sucks to drive home with a clueless person because they really will look at everything even if they have no interest at all. Just take a trip to a random shopping mall and prove me wrong. You’ll find tons of old people, low life scums and whatever lives there. Only during the weekends, you’ll find families over there.
Normal people don’t have a single clue on what they should do with their lives. They are all pro in sleeping till the clock reaches noon. They are all pro in wandering around clueless in a shopping mall. They’re all pro in wasting your time. These people will ask you tons of questions just to waste your time. I have tons of people who’ve asked me how I stay in shape year-round. I noticed that they don’t care since some even get fatter after listening to my advice.
The same thing occurred when I was selling supplements. You could see from a mile away who would buy something and who came just to fill their time a bit. Those people asked tons of questions and all tried to outsmart me. They never bought something but all claimed to come back later that week. You shouldn’t be surprised that I never saw one of them return.
But they’re always short in time
People are always short in time, ever heard that one? They always claim to be so busy but in reality, they’re eagerly awaiting a phone call to get out into the world. These people don’t get that you can fill your days pretty easily once you’ve found your one thing.
It’s funny that they haven’t got any time when you ask them to read your blog or something like that. They have time to binge-watch tons of shows but no time for reading or practicing sports.
Richard Branson (CEO of Virgin) is one of the most successful people of all time and he can make time. If he can do it you should be able to do it? So what’s your excuse now?
It’s all about priorities in life and these people don’t have any that’s for sure.
Normal people are the so-called experts
I’ve sold supplements at a shopping mall and I was addressed constantly by these so-called experts. I hated these people they claimed to know everything but where wrong or their claims were already debunked by science.
No, skipping breakfast won’t kill you
Fat won’t make you fat. Your food choices do.
I don’t sell anabolic steroids
You didn’t lose muscle mass since you never had any.
Not every movie star got buff by taking creatine
You’re not an expert and you never will.
They claim to know everything but in the end, they know jack shit.
Normal people only live for about 60 days per year
They only live on Saturday or any other occasion on which they can go out. They hate Monday and look forward to that one day in which they can completely overboard. Girls are lying in the sink or crying at the curb. Guys lose complete control and both genders get into one night stands they both regret.
Drunk people are fun to watch till a certain point but after that, it gets completely boring. Alcohol is extremely bad for your testosterone levels, overall health, sleep, and friendships. You have got a problem when you’re constantly hurting your best friends when you’re drunk.
Normal people never leave their comfort zone and are afraid to do it
I wrote a whole article about the comfort zone and how leaving this zone can affect your whole life. The comfort zone is really fun but nothing ever grows there. Most people stop growing after college or university. They get in a rut and don’t see a way to get out. They hate all the others who try to pursue their dreams or goals (whatever you want to call it). Those people are the worst and you need to get rid of them or at least try to deal with them but that’s pretty time and energy-consuming.
These people will never become their best selves. (read here how you can become your best self)
Normal people fall for all the shortcut scams all the times
Normal people want to feel important but they’re not important at all. In the shopping mall, there was a guy who came in every day in an oversized suit and he took out his phone every 5 steps. His phone was a really old one and fitted the image well. He just wanted to look important but didn’t mean anything.
They are also extremely vulnerable to all the fitness scams that are floating around. “Get your abs now, result after 10 days.” This would be the most used link if it would have been one. They are constantly looking for the quick fix and fall for them every freaking time. These people are the consumers while the smart people are the producers. They produce the things that others want eagerly to buy.
This is how our society has been run over the centuries. The ones with the right mindset really got set and all the others paid and they paid literally. Do you want to be a part of that herd or do you realize that there’s more in life? You really can get more out of life.
Besides giving all the money from the rich to the poor is not a solution. The rich will become rich again and the poor will be poor again.
Normal people have a tunnel vision
Normal people can be extremely ignorant and dumb at the same time. They can’t help it, it’s just the way they are. They never look at the opinion of others and force you to accept theirs. They will always claim that you tell them bullshit and still have a lot to learn. Make no mistake because they are the ones that still need to learn. These people ruin relationships with lovers, friends, and family and they don’t even realize it. Maintaining a tunnel vision is the dumbest and ignorant thing that you can do.
Normal people live in the past
These people will always blame you for things that have happened years ago. Everybody makes mistakes but you don’t have to be reminded of them every single day. They tend to keep a lot of grudges and don’t seem to realize that they’re stuck in the past. These people stopped living and will probably never live anymore. It’s really sad for them but it’s also really true.
Normal people are cowards
They are extremely cowardly in their approach to other people. They have miserable lives and constantly blame others for this. Strangely, some people link their happiness or even bad sleep for other people. They’re constantly hating on others and give other people a bad feeling when they are the ones to blame.
This goes hand in hand with the fact that they’ve got a tunnel vision. They’re not open to the fact that they have got a problem. They don’t realize that they have to change. It’s easy to hate others because it doesn’t make an effort to do it.
It takes a lot more effort to change yourself. Just look at the difference between how I started as zero and what followed. The complete mindset shift that changed my life.
The only two options you have in life
You have only two options in life: live a life full of hate and fear or a life full of love. Choose for love because hate and fear will consume you and turn you into a depressed person. Those are the people that grow old with tons of frustration towards life.
But what about the normal people with the potential for more?
I’ve met a lot of people over the years but I completely look different at them. I always look at how they have a certain perspective. You could say that I’m looking for people with the right mindset. Some have and while others don’t. It’s easy to spot the ones who’re going to do great things in life and who’ll work till they retire.
But then there’s a group that could fit both, they could end up with the normal people or with the ones that are considered as an outcast. Some are afraid to become an outcast but in the end, it’s not that scary. I’ll always motivate them as much as possible or even help them to achieve their best selves. I’ll never push them since it’s their own life and they have to make the right choices. They need to decide who they want to be. The choice is there’s and I genially hope that they’re doing the right thing.
Are you going to be a part of the herd your whole life? Or are you going to go for the ultimate quest? Going for your real potential with your wolf pack. The choice is yours. I’ll just howl at the moon while I’m waiting.
All you can do is …
All you can do is all you can do. But all you can do is more than enough. Being someone you’re not is not “all you can do”.
So what about normal people?
So what about normal people? They hate on me but they’ll forget about it pretty quickly because there’s nothing more revulsive than social media. Yeah, normal people are real social media zombies.
Being a part of the walking dead is something you will regret.
Till next time
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