
So Monday sucks? Explain it to me, please!

By May 1, 2018 February 29th, 2020 No Comments
So Monday sucks? Explain it to me, please! No seriously what makes Monday so special that 99% of the people hate it? I mean most people are acting like Debbie Downer because it's that particular day. It's a day that occurs every 7 days and people don't act upon it.

So Monday sucks? Explain it to me, please! No seriously what makes Monday so special that 99% of the people hate it? I mean most people are acting like Debbie Downer because it’s that particular day. It’s a day that occurs every 7 days and people don’t act upon it. It’s really strange if you ask me. I’ve never heard someone say that Tuesday sucks. Nobody ever claimed that hangover Sunday sucks and Friday is always the best day of the week. Strangely, so many people link a negative feeling to that certain day. You would almost feel guilty to be happy on a Monday, don’t you? Everybody is pissed and you’re happy. To me, it’s just a day like any other so I missed the hype train on this one.

But somehow I get why people hate this day. This day is the start of a new week and you know what a new week means right?!

So Monday sucks? Explain it to me, please!

It means that you’ll have to go to work or school. Sounds so much fun doesn’t it? The sound of the alarm clock first thing in the morning 30 minutes before you have to go. I always wonder why people keep doing something if they don’t like to get up to do it. It’s a strange occurrence but people keep on mindlessly doing the same thing over and over again. Even if they don’t like it. That’s the danger of comfort I guess. It’s really hard to change your life when you’ve got a roof over your head. It’s really hard to change anything if you’re not forced out of it. So most people will endure that sucky day until they retire.

Here’s a reason why you actually shouldn’t hate it.

Just take a look at your average weekend. You can do whatever you want but somehow people find a way to feel bored all the time. So you hate the first day of the week but you hate the weekend as well because you’ve got so much spare time. That’s why you shouldn’t hate on Mondays. You can go to a job that makes sure that you earn money which makes you able to live. You might have a shit job but you can look for another job. People who have no clue on how to spend their time wisely should be happy that they can do a job. Just imagine that you wouldn’t have to work at all.

It’s not Utopia

It might sound like Utopia at first but it’ll turn into a nightmare over time. Doing nothing will not make you happy. It won’t fulfill you at all. You’ll be depressed before the second week starts because you have no sense of purpose whatsoever. You might even miss those hateful Mondays while you mindlessly sip cocktails on a beach. So you can dream all you want or you can stay on the job until you find a solution to get out of it but that’s not the easiest path that you’ll take in life. It’s worth it though if you ask me.

Just ask yourself the following question: How can you crave to have not a job at all if you’re already bored during the weekend? Would you want to do nothing for a period of 40 to 60 years if you’re already bored after 2 days?!

Don’t complain!

It’s that simple: fix your situation or don’t complain at all. Do what makes you happy in life it’s that simple. You won’t even realize that it’s Monday if you do what you like. Days are just irrelevant if you have something that wakes you up first thing in the morning and I’m not talking about an alarm clock. I’m talking about something that you like. Something that fills your heart and body with happiness. That’s when you’ll never have to face a sucky start of the week ever again.

So does Monday suck or are you saying it to be part of the cool kids?

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