Whatever you do, do it in moderation. This quote about moderation is simple but there are still tons of people who like to overdo it. People tend to forget that moderation is the most underrated term in this day and age. Our society just doesn’t know how to live in moderation anymore. It’s pretty sad, to be honest.
Most people start something, overdo it and then quit because they did a complete overkill. I see people making this mistake all the time but they don’t want to listen. They did everything right in their eyes but you get results by doing it right don’t you?
So do you want to keep failing and quit or do you want to do it right and keep on going?
A quick trip to the panic zone and back again
They listen to my view of the comfort zone and then completely ignore the comfort zone. They go straight into the panic zone and call me the idiot for putting them there.
A worst-case scenario is that they keep doing it and completely ruin their health, life….. Say goodbye to moderation and hello to the doctor.
It all starts with why
But why do we like to overdo it? Pretty simple we want quick results or we can’t control ourselves from going completely overboard. You need to address your inner self and take a look at the things you can’t do in moderation. This will be basically everything. You either overdo or under-do it.
People diet for a whole week and eat crap all weekend long and they are sad that they don’t get results. I’ve seen a guy eat clean all week and stuff himself fully with 1-kilo lasagna on Saturday. That was one of his six meals and it contained tons of empty calories.
People drink whole bottles of booze because they don’t drink on the other six days. Instead of facing a problem they try to drink it away, literally. Some even sniff it away because it gives them a better effect.
Single guys watch tons and tons of porn and fuck up their hormonal health without realizing it. Too much porn affects your body and mind in a bad way.
These people are all victims of the endless unhappiness in life and they act like it too.
…and ends with moderation
Why do people forget to do everything in moderation? Why don’t they learn from their mistakes? They keep doing it over and over again with all the new things they try.
That’s because it’s easier to stay in a comfort zone or give up. People don’t want to get uncomfortable. They need comfort to stay alive, or that’s what they assume. It’s easy to stay there because it doesn’t take effort and most lack some self-esteem.
Only dead fish follow the flow.
They don’t know that the zone behind it can be much more satisfying. The zone where moderation lays waiting to be discovered. Some people will discover it pretty late and others will never discover it.
There are tons of guys who want to look like the superheroes in the movies. They want to look like Wolvelean instead of Wolverine. They constantly glance at all the celebrity transformations and just want to look the same.
Too bad that they forget to work for their dream body. They come up with tons of excuses to skip the gym. They follow tons of diets myths and give up because they’re extremely confused. It’s either that or they consider and start taking steroids.
Debunking the diet myth
Moderation is great, it feels like you’ve hit the jackpot and suddenly life becomes easier. “Dieting” becomes easier, even drinking less alcohol will be pretty easy.
It sounds like a pretty great way of life, doesn’t it?!
That’s the reason why I changed my way of doing cheat days. I used to take one cheat day per week, mostly Saturday, where I ate whatever I wanted.
Saturday was a tactical choice because I went out with friends, went out eating…
It was easy to cheat on those days but what If you’re invited to eat cake on Sunday by your grandma?
You can’t refuse that! But you just ate crap the day before. So you eat pie. Crying you’ll get fat and lose your six-pack. The picture would be complete if you watch a melodramatic movie afterward with some ice cream and tissues.
Real-life struggles.
The cheat day revisited
So instead of planning a cheat day I just eat healthily and see when something unhealthy shows up. This basically means that I have sometimes weeks where I don’t cheat once. Other weeks I’ll eat a piece of pie and a pizza on another day.
I’ll never go overboard when I eat this stuff since I don’t like sugar; it’s easy to resist it. Homemade pizzas are more difficult to resist, they’re healthier than most pizzas but I still consider it as a less healthy option.
Just forget about it
By the way, forget the word cheating. You don’t cheat on your diet, you’re human. Not going overboard and eating something less healthy doesn’t fill me with guilt at all.
As long as you’re eating 85% to 90% of the time healthy you’ll see that’s it’s easy to stay in shape. No pills, powder other stuff required. You really become Wolvelean instead of Wolverine in no time by pursuing moderation.
Moderation and bodybuilding
Almost every guy has seen pumping iron. Arnold Schwarzenegger was the prime example of the dream physique. But look at the modern-day bodybuilders, those guys have muscles on their hands. I’ve never seen a normal guy with such hands.
Those guys are juiced up to the eyeballs. It’s like steroids are the secret ingredient of their eyedrops. They put their own health at risk and I’m not really sure why they do it!
Let’s go back to the old days. I’m sure Arnold will have the same opinion.
Moderation will help you in life
Most people work their ass off in their jobs or that’s what they’re supposed to do. They plan a holiday to go as far away as possible. They are pursuing a good life so they go to a sunny country with palm trees and a beach.
Are you already dreaming away? Good because I’ll also give you a reality check.
So they lie all day at the beach or at the hotel pool. Spending hours in the sun and afterward they complain about the fact that they’re burned.
Do it right
They do nothing and get used to it. This makes returning to their jobs pretty hard and painful. You’re back at your desk with tons of paperwork, constant phone calls, negative people, the gossip at the water cooler and so on.
Take a different approach instead of this one. Try to enjoy it but still be active. Walk around and visit the country, never stop being active. You’ll be a lot happier.
So what about?
Articles like this always bring up questions because people get confused all the time by science.
So what about coffee? Do it with moderation
So what about tanning? Do it with moderation
So what about training? Do it with moderation
So what about drugs? Do it with moderation. Just kidding, don’t do it.
So what about drinking water? Do it with moderation, drink when you’re thirsty.
So what about racism? Don’t do it, it’s an act of cowardice.
Moderation is a way of life
But what’s the deal with alcohol? I didn’t mention this one on purpose.
Just go overboard and see how you feel afterward. Did the loneliness boomerang hit you in the face? Was it just a fun experiment or does it really hurt? The outcome is almost the same, you’ve got a massive headache, and you’re hanging over a bucket if you’re really unlucky.
Oh and you lowered your testosterone by doing it. Forgot to mention that one.
Moderation take it into consideration
Till next time
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I really enjoyed your blog post well written & great content
Thank you Andy
The drugs in moderation cracked me up hahaha. But it’s true about moderation. I think the problem everyone has with moderation is that we have easy access to more of what we want whenever we want it. There’s no appreciation when everything can come so easy.
true, nobody enjoys the small stuff anymore