Let me share with you an example of where your mind controls your body. Well, your mind is always in control but you can’t let it control you. Most people quit way too soon. They quit when they’re at 40% of their capacities and that’s why they’ll never get anywhere in life. I go all in and probably put more in than most people. I don’t finish when I’m tired, I finish when I’m done. It may sound like a cheesy tagline but that’s just how champions roll. They work and keep on working.
So how did I realize this lesson? I had agreed to meet up with someone and she was going to take care of everything. She had planned the whole day but I woke up with pretty bad food poisoning. I didn’t want to cancel the plans just hours before it would take place. I went but I was exhausted after just the bike ride to the bus station. The bus ride felt like hell since it was a pretty hot day. I told her immediately that I had food poisoning to make sure that she wouldn’t ask questions on why I didn’t eat or drank a lot.
I was fine after a while, okay still a bit tired, until we visited a medieval building. We had to climb to the top and I felt like I was going to drop down after a while. I felt like this as soon as we were on the first floor. I just pushed on even when my body was extremely tired. So why didn’t I give in? Why didn’t I quit? Well because I didn’t want too. My mind was fueling my body to keep on moving. It was a great day and I’m glad that I went. Most people do it the other way around. They don’t go and regret it afterward. I don’t want to regret the things that I didn’t do, I want to enjoy the things that I did.
I slept for 14 hours that evening/night. That’s like double the amount of sleep that I normally need. I was back to normal the next day. Well, it took me till the afternoon to get active again but that was a lot quicker than I had expected.
Will people think that I’m crazy? That’s a possibility.
Will some people don’t want to see me anymore after I pull off such an act? Possible as well.
Do I care? Hell no because I’m just being me. Besides, I have got a pretty high pain barrier. I wouldn’t go if I really couldn’t go. Don’t forget that I’ve got ADHD (this makes sense to a lot of people.) I realized most of this stuff after I came home and not at the moment itself. Once again it’s just an attitude you can love it or hate it. In the end, you’ll still be entertained by the story. I’ve done a lot more stuff like this.
Things like getting into a fistfight with a broken nose. Doing barbell curls with a broken bone in my hand.
Finishing a soccer game with a sprained ankle. I sprained it after 5 minutes but scored a beautiful goal 10 minutes later. I always survived it because I know when I need to quit. Well, I assume that I know.
So what the lesson here? Didn’t wear Hugo but still bossed it.
I’m not the only one who did this kind of things
Alistair Overeem, a Dutch MMA fighter and kickboxer, fought on UFC 209 after he had suffered from food poisoning the day before. He still fought anyway and KO’d Mark Hunt with a vicious knee. He just didn’t want to give up the fight. Much respect for this since fighting 3 rounds after a food poisoning must be extremely tough. He didn’t even mention it, he went in and it was mentioned after the fight itself. He also earned a shot at the title so it doesn’t get much better than that.
Your mind controls your body not the other way around
Your mind can make you go through a lot. Sometimes I’m surprised by what I can endure. Not just in MMA but in life as well. You really can take on big beating and be able to walk afterward. It’s all inside your head. Pretty epic isn’t it? Your body will recover anyway. Man, I’m just 24, I’m in the prime of my life. I’m not going to complain like I’m a senior already. I won’t even complain when I’m a senior. Don’t be a pussy and get over it. Pain and exhaustion are just temporary. You’ll get over it.
I’m able to do this because I don’t know anything else. I’m fighting my whole damn life. I just don’t want to quit when it gets tough. You can do a lot but you’ll never outwork me. I prefer to drop dead than being outworked. I also prefer to drop dead instead of giving up. This is just an example of how your mind controls your body. There something magical that makes sure that your body can be controlled by your mind.
Martial arts toughen your mind
I’m obsessed with martial arts, I really can’t about anything else, to be honest. Martial arts will make you tough. They teach you one simple lesson: Hard times go away, real men don’t. Those sports develop your mind big time. There are a lot of people who laugh at the traditional martial arts but have you ever take a look at their mindset and lifestyle? They have a poorly developed mindset and a crapy lifestyle. You don’t get it if you’re hating on it. Martial arts teach you respect, discipline and so on. They just teach you everything that most people are missing these days.
You wouldn’t act like a victim if you realized that there was a link between fighting and life. So realize that there’s a lot more in the tank when you’re about to give up. Be the toughest motherfucker out there. Be a man instead of a boy. Boys cry and give up. Men cry and keep ongoing.
Your mind: some motivation
You may hit rock bottom but don’t change your mind.
Don’t let your circumstances control your mind.
Don’t let it slip into negativity.
Your circumstances should not define who you are.
What you do doesn’t define your mind.
Your strength is in the fact that you can maintain your mind.
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Till next time