Look around you, more and more men care about how they look. Spending hours in the bathroom just to get their hair done.
If you make a joke about their appearance they’ll start nagging and cry like a little bitch. They’re attacking you like you’ve insulted them and their whole family.
That’s a bit hypersensitive, isn’t it?
Men look like boys instead of real men. Instead of going to the gym or practice a real sport they rather eat fast food and video game all night. The excuse they use to justify their hours of gaming is even worse, “but it’s a real sport”.
No, it isn’t. Gaming can be fun sometimes but don’t overdo it. Go outside instead of putting yourself in the dark like a little zombie.
My grandfather once said that his three sons in law aren’t real men and that our generation is even worse. He always shows his hands and asks how many men have hands like this?! He’s right his hands are gigantic because of the many years of manual labor.
Even in his sixties, he was still stronger than my dad was in his early thirties. I’m glad that he raised me a bit. I can work with my hands, I’ve got his vision and work ethic and I love it. He keeps mowing his lawn even now when he’s in his eighties and dealing with some health problems.
He can’t walk without some support but he keeps doing it. After that, he’s tired and has a heavy breath. But he’s proud that he still does it. It’s like if he’s telling “I was born as a man and I’ll die like one”.
Strangely, such a great mindset disappeared after just one generation.
I’m not surprised and there are multiple reasons why this happened.
1. Emancipation is not good for men
Don’t get me wrong emancipation is in some way a good thing. Fighting for an equal paycheck is great but there is a big IF. It’s only great if everyone benefits from it.
While women are getting more power and get more to say, men are becoming weaker and don’t share their opinion anymore.
If you share your opinion these days people will slaughter you almost literally. What happened to our freedom of speech? What happened to our testosterone?
The date that that proves this point
I once dated a girl and I was accompanying her to her car since it was late. I quickly noticed that she was really cold so I did what every guy should do. I put my coat on her shoulders so she wouldn’t shiver.
The second my vest was around her she returned it to me. She told me that she was a strong independent woman who would ask for my coat if she was cold. I wasn’t allowed to give it to her.
Now I don’t know what kind of pussies she dated before but this goes a bit further than emancipation. This is pure arrogance in my eyes. I wasn’t cold at all so I just wanted that she was safe and warm.
If girls can’t even appreciate little things like this I’m getting worried.
How the fuck can we do right for them?
Women like that aren’t worth a second date. Go for a real girl that appreciates that you take care of her.
Man up and stand up, it’s not because women want a better life than our lives need to get worse. A better life for everyone is a lot better than a better life for just one gender.
2. Women protect you instead of you protecting them
There are a lot of guys who have been protected by their girlfriend. It’s a common scene in the clubs and parties, two guys bump into each other but acting like they’re an alpha and in the end, their girls solve it.
When a guy challenges me I’ll deal with it. If he doesn’t hit me I won’t hit him. But no girl is going to solve that problem for me.
I’ll take care of my problems like a real man should do.
It seems like both genders are confused about how to behave because in the end women still like real men.
3. Missing a real father figure
How can we expect that we become strong if our father isn’t strong?
I know a guy with no father figure, the only thing his dad does is whining and reading books.
Do you think I’m exaggerating? His dad always complains when he needs to cook. Mostly he doesn’t do the dishes but when he needs a pan for heating some water the show begins. He claims that he can’t heat anything because all the pans are dirty.
If you tell him things like “just clean one” he gets angry and plays the victim. He also starts multiple projects in the garden and finishes none. A great example of how to wreck a marriage buddy. He’s lucky that his wife hasn’t left him yet but she deserves better.
Yes I like to cook
I learned how to cook when I started training with my bodybuilding trainer. I enjoy cooking and that’s what I told my mom. She was looking at me and gave me some strange looks.
She still thinks that men shouldn’t cook.
Like I said I’m lucky my grandfather wanted to make a real man out of me. He doesn’t mind cooking either.
Another fact is that more and more boys are raised by single moms. Women defiantly have a place in the education of a young man but he needs a real father figure.
Someone who teaches him to be tough and strong.
4. Lack of good food and exercise
There’s a new diet protocol that’s becoming a real hype, it’s called the lazy man diet. Stuffing yourself full of fast food and all those sugars because you’re too lazy to cook. You can eat healthy food when you eat out.
Ever heard of burritos? I’m addicted to those, and it’s freaking delicious. But even when you eat at home skip the pre-packed meat and opt to go to a real butcher. They don’t use plastic and we all know what plastic boxes do to your health and hormones, don’t we?!
Now I hear most people thinking if I want to eat like a man I’ll need to eat steak and eggs right?
You do.
With a great diet comes a training program. Obviously.
Instead of hanging on your couch you should practice some sport. Do some pushups, pullups, go for a run… the options are endless. You will feel great and look great in no time. Well once you’ve left your comfort zone because every sport sucks in the beginning.
5. Social media makes you hypersensitive
Yeah, social media has its benefits but it harms people’s life. It makes people hypersensitive and gives a lot of stress. I’m pretty sure that not all people are aware of the dangers of stress (you can read all about it here).
Hypersensitive people are the worst because you’ll almost always offend them even with a joke.
It needs to stop; people need to get their backbone straight. Yeah, I’ve got a dark sense of humor with some sarcasm and it alternates with some dry humor. I call it the golden threesome other people call me a jerk.
I don’t care people need to see the difference between a joke and a real insult.
6. Ditch the porn
Some guys watch porn when they’ve got a relationship. I’ve got just one question for you.
WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?! Porn is something that came up with the internet but in the old days it didn’t exist and that was a good thing.
Porn has no benefits for your life, it’s better to meet real women. I’d rather have a longer period where I have no sex than including porn back into my life.
7. Low testosterone makes you less of a man
Almost every guy has low testosterone levels in this day and age but most of them don’t know the dangers behind it.
Low testosterone affects you more than you think. This post was a shocker to some of my friends and I’ve helped two people who felt like crap. They had no clue why but I noticed it from a mile away. They both went to the doctor and they had low testosterone levels.
Both of them read my two posts about living with high testosterone and now they’re increasing it as well.
Read the first one here, this one is a bit more scientific.
Read the second one here, this is more about my personal experience.
I can’t imagine that you’re not curious about your hormonal levels after reading these posts.
8. Society doesn’t allow us to be a man
When you’ve got high testosterone you’ll notice you’re full of energy and positivity. There are a lot more benefits which you can read here.
Now, what happens when you notice that little kids are full of energy? You’ll go to the doctor and he’ll diagnose ADHD. Now you can stuff your kid full of pills and make him as active as a plant.
I’ve had that diagnose around the age of six and I used to take Relatin. The parents are happy because their kid is less active but what about the kid?
Have you ever read the potential side effects of Relatin?
It COULD cause depression, panic attacks…
Every time I took it my morning was completely wasted. I was dizzy, had a bellyache and didn’t feel like doing anything.
It killed my productivity and everything that made me feel alive.
After my depression, I stopped taking these pills.
My parents were furious because they were claiming that I would waste my future if I would stop taking these.
Well, guess how it turned out. Pretty positive actually.
I’m not the guy who will sit still but I noticed that concentrating on things was easy if I wanted too.
The money business
The pharmaceutical industry is a big business and they won’t be afraid to give you a pill that you don’t even need.
People are taking more painkillers and anti-depressants than before and it’s a bad thing.
Those things should be your last resort, not the first thing you take and even then it’s not a good idea.
Ditch those anti-depressants and get out of your depression as you should.
I never took one pill to get out of it and I could do it.
So if I could do it, you can do it too!!!!!!!!!
So take a good look at your pills, open your trashcan and throw them in.
Spend your money on some good quality food instead of these chemicals that are wasting your life.
Besides, multiple investigations prove that anti-depressants are no better than a placebo. (study, study)
A short reality check
Do you know where depression starts? It starts inside your head. You are the one who creates it so who should solve it? That’s right you should solve it yourself.
So instead of relying on others and on pills to become happy you can create your happiness and learn how to be happy.
The pharmaceuticals won’t be happy that I’ve put this into the world but I don’t care. I care more about people’s happiness than about making big money by telling them lies.
Some books to put some hair on your chest
The way of men is a great book about how our ancestors lived. The author will put some real hair on your chest. I don’t agree with everything but it’s a real pageturner and a must-read (buy it here).
The Gorilla Mindset has been mentioned already in my post about normal people and I recommend it again. This book will give you what you need to get out of your comfort zone. (buy it here)
The last book is The Way Of Superior Man. It’s about how you can become a better man. It tells you how masculinity affects your relations. You’ll learn how to match the emotion of your girlfriend. This shit is legit, it will make you the voice of reason. (buy it here)
Did you like this post?
I suggest you check out the 2 posts that I wrote on lessons I learned before turning 24 and 25.
You can read the one I wrote for my 24th birthday here.
You can read the one that I wrote before my 25th birthday here.
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[…] trend of Men adopting femininity tis becoming an increasing concern for society as more men report lower testosterone than women […]
Is there a possibility that the processed foods and sugary drinks are messing with peoples hormones? For example… I am sure the hormones we get from processed meats… Esp. chickens mess with us. I am female and as a kid i ate a Lot of chicken. It was cheap and tasted good… My family didnt know any better. I literally have no curves. I got my period Super young (about 9 or 10) and was hormone tested when i was older and they found i had a high level of testosterone. Theyre messing with hormones and its turning men into women and women into men. This is a message to you America… If theyre messing with our food here… They’re messing with it there. Be careful what you eat… Cut out sugar. Educate yourself. Get Grass Fed meat. Men… Dont blame yourself if youre not some macho man… Shit is happening to your food that you cannot control… Once again: educate yourself. Women will be putty in ur hand when you gain back your true identity… Men
I think you answered your own question! But yes some foods and lifestyle choices that are being pushed these days are horrible for your health.
This is an amazing article. I dated someone before and they complained all the time but wouldn’t do anything about it. They would sit around being all lazy and just play video games. They tried to get into a sport (track, to be specific) but they dropped out because they “didn’t like being sore and tired”. It eventually felt like he grew a pussy as he grew into one. He doesn’t do things just because they’re “too much work” and he’d rather take the easy route. Now, I might sound like a bitch myself, but you’d get it if you were in the situation. Anyway, thank you for saying everything I want to say to some people’s faces!
I get what you mean. I don’t like those people either. My ex-girlfriend didn’t want to do sports because she claimed that she didn’t look great when she did it. It’s not a male thing. Men just get a lot more shit for it.
Yea I’ve met both. I don’t think I’ll ever understand people that use excuses like that whether they’re a girl or guy.
That’s probably because there’s so much comfort these days. They design things so that people have to work less and that’s the result of it.
Number 6 especially. I have a boyfriend, we dont see each other every day, mostly at weekends. He watches a lot of porn, and it makes me feel unhappy. I feel that he should wait til he sees me. I feel it desensitises him, so it takes a hell of a lot to bring him to climax. The porn has done that.
Probably. Instant gratification leads to long term frustration
That is the wrong type of “feminist” there. How are you going to be upset that your date saw something and wants to help? That is the way it should be, both ways.
I keep dating and you are right about the type of man/child out there. I just broke up with someone and realized something. During the year we were dating and making wedding plans, my closet light was out. I placed a lamp in there about 2 months into the relationship, it’s still out. He couldnt even take the time to ask me if he could help with changing a light bulb since he knows I’m not supposed to go up ladders.
Yeah, this generation is just ass backwards. I need to find someone that wants to sacrifice to provide just like I sacrifice to help provide and take care of a home.
You’re right. Well, there should be balance in a relationship but respect as well. She just didn’t show respect.
A lot of guys are just too afraid to take responsibility or even take the lead. Our generation has a giant ego issue but doesn’t realize it. That’s what’s holding them back as well. You did well to break up with him.
You’ll find someone! Don’t worry about it. This takes time and sometimes you need to date the wrong person first.
well hey I’m a female hahaha I mean I’m not offended by any of your words actually I actually consider it a real thing I mean that girl rejecting your jacket..? I have a boyfriend of my own and if he sees I’m cold he takes his jacket off and wraps it around me yes at times I don’t want it but it doesn’t mean I am gonna be a little bitch about it an reject it honestly props for your cooking skills honestly although you want to like pass some tips with cooking ?hahaha
Thank You for Sharing your vision! Glad that You show respect for your boyfriend! Well sure give me those tips? I want to step up my cooking game!
What’s up with the chick handing your jacket back? That’s pretty stuck up. She probably wants a guy she can walk all over.
Cooking can be as manly as it gets. Great way to impress the women 😉
I assume that she didn’t know what she wants. Hahahaha true, you’re a way better cook than me 😉