Have you noticed that so many people are assholes these days? Are you surprised by this fact? You shouldn’t. It’s something that has always has been around. Just read Marcus Aurelius mediations, even he mentions assholes (he didn’t use that exact word). So they were always around but these days more and more people are acting like it. They hurt others, say sorry and do it over and over again. That’s why nice people get run over all the time. They accept the fake apologies and then they get run over again and again and again. This can go on and on but it’s safe to say that most people just don’t care about others. Hence they mostly even wish that other people do worse than them (and some people do bad).
So to all the assholes in the world: take out a pen and a notepad and start taking notes. Oh and get your ego in check, it won’t do you any good.
Why so many people are assholes.
I’m going to make it very easy for you: you can’t take care of others if you can’t take care of yourself. Most people don’t even care about themselves so why would they care about others? Those people will be like “but I’m in shape and eat healthily”. Yeah, people can take care of themselves from a vanity standpoint. Most people don’t go to the gym to be healthy or get better (if you’re into martial arts or another competitive sport). Most people want to be in shape to impress others. I don’t get why you need a nice body to impress others. But I get that it’s fun to be in shape. You feel great because you look great but…
Don’t cheat yourself, treat yourself.
So you might have a nice car, body, house and so on. But how much time do you spend on your mental side of life? That’s a pretty damn important part of life but I get why you don’t read. You think that books are for nerds or something that doesn’t belong in this day and age. Well, tell me, how much did you learn from binge-watching all your television shows? How did you feel after you cheated on someone or told lies behind someone’s back while you knew that they weren’t true? That’s what happens when you don’t care about your mental aspect of life. You’ll act like an asshole because you are an asshole.
You’ll treat people like shit because you deep down know that they’ll treat you the same. Deep down you know that you don’t deserve to be treated any better so you act like a complete asshole to be treated equally.
Ditch the fake alpha act.
There are a lot of YouTube videos on how to be an alpha or blog about the characteristics of an alpha. So guys try to act like an alpha but it’s an act. Do you think that a real alpha male wants to be an alpha? No, he’s just that guy and probably doesn’t even consider himself alpha. Other people might call him that but he probably doesn’t even care. The guys who want to act like an alpha are mostly insecure and assholes. They think that they’re acting alpha but they’re not. They just attract girls with tons of issues. Their act won’t work on a classy girl. Those will just laugh at them and go away. These guys will be butthurt that they’re rejected and completely freak out like a toddler who just lost his favorite toy (learn how to handle rejection here).
Boohoo one girl rejected you, there are only a couple of million left. I guess that you’ll be forever alone. I hope that you noticed the sarcasm in those last two sentences.
Get into self- development. You’ll learn to know your true self and you won’t feel the need to put up an asshole act anymore. You won’t have frustrating dates anymore but you’ll still get rejected, that’s just a part of life.
They put up a wall.
A lot of people are ego-centered these days. They assume that they’re God on earth and that everybody wants to be friends with them. Those people are deeply insecure. They put up this wall to make sure that people don’t find out a thing about them that they don’t like about themselves. These people keep on acting like this because nobody calls them out on their bullshit. So they keep on putting this act while they’re deeply unhappy. I can’t imagine that people are born like assholes. They learn to act like one that’s for sure. But this won’t end well for them. They’ll attract tons of misery, lose friends and relationships all because of their behavior. It’s pretty sad but it’s really hard to explain to these people that they’re the ones who need to get their act together.
They’ll mostly come up with excuses to make sure that they don’t have to change.
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Till next time
I just typed in to Duck/Duck, almost the very words of your article. Hence, I followed the link. I think that your perspective is close but missing the target. People today (especially Americans) are so full of themselves, conceit, spoiled, lacking nothing materially, full bellies. This present day American has never known adversity, hunger, poverty, etc. The rampant homelessness is to a large degree self-inflicted. No one forced drugs on them, it was by their own choice. We, as a nation, have now tossed off the notion of right and wrong. “Religion, who needs it?!” seems to be the new mantra, uttered by “the educated” from our universities and colleges. This is a nation in decline and it pains me more than anyone will ever know. I am a Christian, I am a Veteran, I am a married man (of one wife), my children were home schooled, they are married to Christians, my grandchildren, are Christians, my son is a Veteran, my son-in-law is a Veteran…. see where I am going with this? You. missed the mark because the mental part that you mentioned has another BIG component . The SPIRITUAL component. And I’m not talking about being in tune with the earth & animals & peace & love. This bassackwards notion that LOVE in any form is acceptable. Man/man, woman/woman, man/dog, man/child…. It’s almost strictly verboten to mention the Bible but hear these words from the Bible, “GOD will not be mocked”. There is a price for this and it’s going to be paid for. One way or another. Better hold on!
This article was written 3 years ago while I was still an atheist. I understand the God part but there are still people who are Christians on paper but straight assholes. most of them don’t follow the Bible (even the Pope doesn’t). So we’ll see where the future leads us.