Are you ready to make the rules and beat the fools? I wanted to write something new, something that wasn’t written because people hated on a previous article in the series. Yes, that’s what I did in my yesterday post. They hated a post in the past so I wrote a new one about the subject (alcohol in this case).
I make the rules and beat the fools. It’s a bit like breaking the rules but now we’re taking it up a notch (read the break the rules beat the fools post here). We’re giving the rules a big injection of testosterone and make it work over and over again.
There will be haters but hate is mostly a good sign (not always). It’s a sign that you’re trying something new or trying to become better. In other situations, you’ve done something wrong (I won’t cover that one).
Just do nothing new or exciting and nobody will hate you. You’ll live the life of a houseplant. You’re breathing but nobody notices you.
Make the rules and beat the fools: the signs
Suddenly you realize that the most common rules are the ones that keep the sheep in the herd. You realize that returning to the herd is the last thing you want but sometimes it’s good to dress up like a sheep and surround you with them. I don’t do it that often anymore since it’s pretty boring to deal with normal people.
College life as it is
When you go to college 99% of the people will be like this. So instead of talking about your true ambition, it’s better to tell them what they like to hear, at least in the beginning. In this way, you ensure that you won’t be a social pariah.
I used this tactic for six months in college, nobody knew what I was planning to do, and nobody knew that I was launching a blog. The only thing they knew was that I was working on Fridays/Saturdays instead of going out.
They thought it was strange that I wasn’t going out and drinking too much alcohol just like them. They were even more astonished when I cut the alcohol completely. You’ll fit in in modern society as long if you keep doing what the majority does. But I didn’t do it, I was surrounded by mystery.
But there is nothing more stressful than pushing yourself in a role you don’t even like. Stress is a silent killer that shouldn’t be neglected.
I realized that I needed to make the rules and beat fools.
Make the rules and beat the fools once you get up
Whenever they asked why I was up so early I told them that I liked it. It makes my days more productive. So they started to become curious and asked me if I was a morning person… I replied always with the same line, “I’m an all-day person”.
People were shocked by this, how can you be energetic all day long? Is this possible? After the 10 seconds of brain activity, they went back to their smartphones to play candy crush or another lame game. Every answer to their questions brought up more questions.
People started labeling me as crazy because I told them I enjoyed cold showers instead of the hot showers. But they never tried it, something different became weird and bad for them.
When you suddenly take your shit together people realize that something changes inside of you. It’s like they feel the positive vibe and they desperately ask how you do it.
But you’ve got to realize that people aren’t open-minded enough for your ideas.
I’ve written a guide on how you can hack your mornings and become more productive. Many people will say they need their breakfast and hot shower. They aren’t open for the big change since it’s unknown.
I’m not doing it because nobody else is doing it and they keep on being unhappy. They think that they’re really happy because they never leave their comfort zone. Can you ever be happy if you don’t know what real happiness feels like?
Now this leads to one rule: make the rules and beat the fools
Make the rules and beat the fools
People will always tell you that something is impossible when you’re trying something new. But that the best thing that they could tell you! If it’s impossible and never done by anyone before you’re able to make the rules and beat the fools. In this way, you’ll make the world a better and more interesting place.
I mean who wants to listen to naysayers their whole life? Do they make the rules and beat the fools? Come on what do you think? They follow the rules and are fools. Sometimes they even look like tools. Do you want to be that person? Or do you want to be the person who does what he wants, when he wants and how he wants it?
I know what most people want, the latter. Just try dating with that mindset, it’s great. A girl (in my case) has no clue what’s going to happen and what I planned to do. I just tell them that place, that hour (if they can), if fix the rest. Sometimes I don’t even plan but they’ll assume that everything is.
So what do you do when they ask you what you’re going to do? Tell them that you’ll fix it. Nobody has got time for stupid text games. Make the rules and beat all the fools (in this case all the other guys).
Make the rules and beat the fools: the ex complex resolved
There are a ton of guys who’re blaming themselves when they get out of a bad relationship (myself included, at least in the past). They all think that it’s their fault and lose complete control.
It gets even worse when the ex decides to come back. Do you know why she’s coming back? Because she knows she had it good but you weren’t bold enough. Some of them will take advantage of this and keep on doing it.
So what do we do? Well, ditch the….. (you know what was going to follow). Work towards your best self and you’ll attract a better person. You’ll end up in a better relationship (trust me you do).
Just make the rules and beat the fools. Make your own rules. There are more than enough guys who’re eagerly awaiting to be tricked.
Make the rules and beat the fools at work
Are you late for a project? It’s easy to solve this one make sure that you’re liked and deliver quality work.
Does nobody like you? Deliver quality work and make sure that you’re on time.
Does your work suck? Make sure that you’re on time and that everybody likes you.
Make the rules and beat the fools since most people try to do all three. The sad part is that you can’t excel in all three. Two out of three will suffice.
But Alex what if I’m only good at one of those three? Well, you’re screwed period.
Make the rules and beat the fools: make some god damn art
So what do you do when life becomes harsh? Well besides the fact that you make the rules and beat the fools?
You make some god damn art. So how do you make art?
Start a blog, do some painting, learn an instrument, write a book, start a YouTube channel, turn your body into that of a Greek god(des). There’s no better feeling than being in shape all day.
Practice some other sport if you’re not into fitness. Do what you love and love what you do. Just make sure that you’re comfortable with making the rules.
Arnold did it in fitness.
Muhammed Ali did it in boxing (he boxed with his hands down and that’s rare)
You can never excel from anything if you’re following the rules.
Make the rules and beat the fool because, in the end, they’ll follow you. Well first they’ll hate on you but after that, they become your biggest fan and follower.
Make the rules and beat the fools one last time
I recently joined Tinder again. Just yesterday but that’s pretty recently in my eyes. Some people will find this weird especially the ones who’ll be able to recall my post about chasing girls. I’m still not a big fan of Tinder but it has some hidden opportunities.
I told them that I’m a blogger in my bio and made sure that they can visit the blog. I also linked my Instagram to my profile. I’m promoting my blog on Tinder with the possibility of a future date (I don’t count on it).
How many bloggers have taken this approach? None as far as I know.
So what did we learn today? You have to make the rules and beat the fools period.
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Till next time