Recently I noticed that more and more people are starting to use magnesium oil and I was wondering why. So I asked it to a guy who’s a credible source. He has used steroids in the past (he doesn’t do them anymore) and claimed that this was better than steroids. I became really curious so I gave it a shot because you can buy it for a relatively cheap price. I don’t want to crush some people’s dreams but I won’t turn you into the next Arnold Schwarzenegger. Aw BOO HOO HOO, the struggle is real.
I already covered magnesium a bit on this blog. I did a series where I talked about recovery and I covered Epsom baths in the last of this series. Epsom baths are great but I dislike a warm bath. I tried it for a while and noticed that I lost my discipline when I did these. Suddenly I shifted to warmer showers and got back into old behaviors that I didn’t like.
So I got in a shower and turned the heat off and stayed under it. I felt like a reborn man. The warm showers turned me back into a pussy and I didn’t even realize it.
Anyway, magnesium oil is the new shit.
Do we get it? No
Do we want it? Yes
Yeah, I used the lyrics from Marilyn Manson’s song called This Is The New Shit. You caught me on that one.
Magnesium oil is more important than you can imagine
Magnesium plays a crucial role in more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body. Here are a few things in which magnesium is involved:
- Maintaining normal muscle
- Maintaining nerve function
- Keeping the heart at a steady rhythm
- Supporting a healthy immune system
- Keeping the bones strong
- Regulating blood sugar levels
- Promoting normal blood pressure
- Energy metabolism
- Protein synthesis
- Improves sleep quality
So I guess we can conclude that magnesium is important.
So why magnesium oil instead of regular magnesium?
Well, that’s because not all forms of magnesium are absorbed in the same amount. In some forms, only 10% of the amount you take gets absorbed. In the best-case scenario, 100mg of magnesium oxide would be absorbed if you take a gram. That doesn’t sound like the best bang for your buck in my opinion.
Do I have to supplement with magnesium oil?
Many people are deficient in magnesium according to this study. Almost 70% of the adults in the United States would have a deficiency in magnesium and it doesn’t stop there.
You’re evaporating magnesium from your body through sweat. So you’ll lose magnesium whenever you’re exercising or just sweat a lot in general. You could try to get it out of magnesium-rich food but it’s wise to supplement with it. It’s even wiser if your diet isn’t in check.
A lot of people haven’t got their diet in check. So these people should already be considering buying it.
Magnesium oil and testosterone
There’s a book called The Magnesium Miracle (don’t ask a question about the title, just don’t) in which Dr. Carolyn Dean claims that supplementing with magnesium can increase your testosterone levels. She’s right and there are tons of studies to back this up.
The second study had 399 participants which were 65 or older. The conclusion was that higher magnesium levels in older men correlate with higher testosterone levels. On the side note: higher magnesium levels were also correlated with higher IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor) levels. This can be anti-aging but also improve your immune system and so on. There’s a whole list of benefits linked to IGF-1.
There’s a particular syndrome, called the Gitelman’s syndrome, which leads to imbalances in magnesium and calcium levels. This will lead to delayed puberty in young boys because these boys have got low testosterone. The low calcium and magnesium levels are linked to low testosterone.
Should I consider using magnesium oil?
Well yes and no to be honest. You should consider it if you’re not planning on taking Epsom salt baths. You can read more about these baths here.
I prefer to use magnesium oil because it’s inexpensive (just like the Epsom salt) and easy to use. I don’t have to with till the bathtub is filled with water and taking a lot of baths can become expensive in the long run.
The best timing to use magnesium oil
I experimented a bit with the timing of when I took my magnesium oil and I noticed three things. It’s oil so watch out for your clothes (sorry mom I was in a hurry), it can make you feel itchy sometimes and sleepy (there’s a reason why they put magnesium in almost every sleep aid supplement).
I used it preferably after a shower or just before sleep. I like the latter the most because being sleepy and feeling a little itchy isn’t that bad when you’re falling asleep. The itchy part doesn’t occur a lot, to be honest.
Is magnesium oil really powerful?
I had a week where my sleep wasn’t as good as usual and I was pretty sore at my chest and shoulders. That day I bought magnesium oil and used it at night. I woke up the next morning at 6:30 and noticed that I wasn’t sore anymore. I was so happy that I jumped out of bed, forgot to meditate and immediately started working out in my garden. It was a damn good workout.
The increased energy is another great benefit of magnesium oil. Yeah, I’m the one who got diagnosed with ADHD and still can get more energy. It’s possible and probably the nightmare of every parent who reads this blog post.
Anyway, you can buy the spray from Ancient Minerals here.
Another great and cheaper option is the spray from Swanson Ultra.
Both are 8 oz. (225 ml) bottles and will give you around 1600 sprays.
I have one suggestion for the people who prefer Epsom salt: buy it in bulk.
You can buy 2 Lbs. (900 grams) here.
Your body will thank you, especially after grueling workouts.
So spoil yourself with some magnesium oil. It is a natural alternative for steroids.
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Till next time
I actually just started to use the stuff too before bed to help me sleep deeper and keep my heart rhythm in check because I have an overactive sinus node that speeds my heart up. It works!
Yeah this is the real deal when it comes to recovery and sleep aid