Low testosterone, do you have it? Do you know the answer? The answer will be yes nine times out of ten if you’re born in the last 60 years.
It’s actually pretty shocking that men these days have low testosterone due to their own lifestyle. Men need to produce testosterone in order to be healthy. You don’t have to aim for the high levels like mine. Just aim for a higher one if one of these symptoms occurs.
It’s like buying an old-time Mustang without using it. It’s a waste of money if you don’t use it. Low testosterone levels come with a price and it isn’t one that you want to pay. It’s a price you can avoid if you maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Some men won’t understand the true importance of testosterone, it like they don’t care about their health. It plays a key role in things like muscle mass, bone density, and body hair. It also plays an important role in the major organ system, from your arteries to your brain. Do you still fail to see the importance of it? Is it even possible to neglect the importance of it?
I can back up all these things from my own experience. I suddenly started growing chest hair and even beard at the age of 22. Then I realized the true importance of testosterone, it was the magical substance that could and would change my life.
The first symptom is an easy one, lets dive into the guide to recognizing low testosterone.
Low testosterone causes decreased muscle mass
Once you’re injured you keep losing your precious gained muscle pretty quick. So once the injury is healed you’ve got to start all over again. It doesn’t matter how much you train, it seems like you can’t put on any muscle at all. You keep looking at the other guys that seem to keep growing and the only thing you can do is be jealous. You blame your genetics but those aren’t the ones to blame. You get into a delusion and you’ll want to quit. In the worst case, you’ll maybe opt for steroids. Neither of those options are good ones.
I injured myself and couldn’t train for two months. In this period I almost didn’t lose any muscle. People assumed that I was cutting. After two weeks of training, they already asked if I was bulking again. Sounds great, doesn’t it? You don’t believe me?!
Here’s a picture from my Instagram after one month of injury.
This one was taken after almost two months.
Look pretty in shape in my eyes.
Low libido and erectile dysfunction
Not being able to perform with a girl is the worst nightmare of a guy. When this happens it can affect you mentally and haunt you for a while.
You feel like a joke and a loser. Your self- esteem is shattered and you’ll need to fight those inner demons. Well, even more, inner demons than you’ve already got.
It’s easy to know if your testosterone is below a certain point. Just track your morning woods for one week, you have low testosterone if you have less than three in a week. You have higher testosterone when they occur every morning and it’s optimal once you have spontaneous erections during the day.
But yeah I also suffered from low libido at one point. At the worst time, I had problems to perform. I didn’t enjoy sex anymore and I stopped craving for it.
I never want to experience these symptoms again! But don’t forget I’ll also never chase girls again.
Constant fatigue
You’ll have no energy what so ever because you’re lacking the fuel you need. Testosterone gives you energy, regulates your mood and gives you focus.
When your testosterone is low you’ll have the common known brain fog. Brain fog can be described as feelings of mental confusion or lack of mental clarity. You’ll notice that you have constant thoughts and self-doubt when you’re suffering from brain fog.
I thought I was going crazy when I was facing self- doubt and constant thoughts. You feel restless and they influence your whole life. You’re constantly seeking rest but you can’t get rid of the thoughts. This had a big impact on my studies in college because I wasn’t able to focus anymore. Those drove me straight to the suicidal thoughts. The fact that I had a course about depression, suicide, and other problems didn’t help either.
Now my head is clear again and full of positivity.
Meditation became a powerful tool during this period; I’d meditate for 10 to 15 minutes every day. This was the only moment where I was able to control these thoughts more or less. Now I still meditate but sometimes I’ll walk instead of sitting down.
Abdominal fat deposition
It’s pretty easy to stay lean when your testosterone levels are high. You’ll gain fat once your testosterone levels are drastically low.
This may even occur when you’re cutting, extreme dieting can fuck up your hormonal levels. This is a pretty big delusion which I had to face. I was shredded to the bone but I felt terrible and fatigued all day long.
You’ll become (over)sensitive
This is something that you want to avoid at all costs. You’ve defiantly got low testosterone.hen you cry during a sad movie.
Some sensitive guys claim that women like sensitive guys and I can guarantee you that they don’t. You’ll just end up in the friend zone for the rest of your life. There’s a difference between offering a shoulder to cry on or asking for a shoulder to cry on.
Girls even make jokes about guys who are too sensitive or more feminine than their other friends.
This a conversation that took place in a bar with a friend. We went to a coffee place and this friend asked for some help because she was moving. She asked if I wanted to help together with X (a male friend). I was like sure why not but what about Y (another male friend). She looked at me and started laughing at me. “I’ll call him when I need to know if my curtains match the rest of the house”.
Lucky for him he wasn’t around to hear the joke, he’s one of the guys that suffers from low testosterone at the moment. Although he would never admit it, this joke would have crushed his low self- esteem and made his self- doubt even bigger.
Do you want to be like that guy? I don’t think so.
Low testosterone has some serious side effects that’ll affect your overall health and you’re self- esteem. It’s absolutely not healthy for men to stay in this state for a long time.
So how do I Increase my testosterone you ask? You’ll read all about it in my future posts
Till next time
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[…] It makes your testosterone levels drop and this has more side effects than you can imagine. For men, this is the most important because it makes you manly but it also regulates functions such as appetite. A big drop in testosterone levels increases your chance to become obese. But there’s also an i… […]