Life will challenge you every day so you better stop whining and start working hard. You’ll hit speed bumps every single day of your entire life. Someone will hate on you and you’ll never know why (here’s why). You’ll achieve more than someone else and those people will envy you. Every single day there will pop up something or someone that challenges you. So what do you do? Just shut up and do what you have to do. Don’t pay to much attention to those haters because they’re just a waste of time. Make every single second of the day count and work towards your best self.
Let me share with you a secret that most people don’t even realize. You only get one present in life and that’s your own life. That’s it, so what are you waiting for? Why aren’t you working to realize one of your dreams? Is it because you worked hard yesterday or the day before? That doesn’t count because you didn’t work today. Today is the only day that counts in life.
life, work and yesterday
Most people will always claim that they’ve worked hard in the previous days. They weren’t feeling it today so they didn’t do any work. Those people don’t get the power of now. They’re living in the past instead of the present. You’ll be two days behind if you’re working tomorrow instead of today. Your progress has stalled and you’re not a step closer to your goal. Get back on track before this turns into a habit. Leave your comfort zone before it’s too late.
But Alex I don’t have the time to do it. MAKE THE TIME. You’ll always find a way if you’re eager to get what you want. I always hear people complain about the fact that they got out of shape after they had a baby. Saturday I saw a couple running in the park with a pram. I have nothing but respect for those people because they didn’t use excuses, they just did what they had to do.
There are obstacles in life for a reason
Most people shiver when they think about the fact that they could fail (read here how you should deal with it).
They get anxious when they have to think about adversity (read here how I lost 15000 euros and a car).
Your progress will stall if you’re not properly dealing with both of them. 99% of the people are focusing on the problem or a potential problem. They waste a tremendous amount of time worrying and it’s all for nothing. Fear lies so you need to conquer it. I never worry about my problems since I know that I’ll be able to fix them. Sometimes it’ll take some time but I take care of them. That’s what mister Alpha would do.
Life is challenging you so you become a better version of yourself. So why would you complain about all the speed bumps? Life would be pretty boring if everyone would be easy.
Make sure that you make your life count.
So what do you do when life hits you on the chin? You hit back twice as hard.
Show the people what you’re made off.
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Till next time
Today is the only day that counts. So true man. No excuses.
Thank you. Most people are eagerly waiting for tomorrow to come