
Life is all about creating momentum

By December 5, 2017 February 28th, 2020 No Comments
You need to create momentum in order to get something out of life. But you'll have to create it in everything that you do.

You need to create momentum to get something out of life. But you’ll have to create it in everything that you do. You can’t expect tons of results of short-term intensity. You have to have long-term consistency. How do you create the long-term consistency you ask? By creating momentum. It’s even a law in physics: An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. This is called Newton’s first law. There’s a lot of truth in this law and most people don’t seem to get it at all. They’re an object for sure but they’re not moving at all.

You can’t expect a couch potato to do great things. They eat chips in front of the television and that’s it. Those are the people who hate others because they’re jealous of their achievements. You didn’t create momentum so you can’t bitch about it. 

You didn’t create momentum and now you’re fucked

People like to stay in their comfort zone. We’re wired to do it and only a small percentage gets that you need to leave it to grow as a person. You’re leaving that comfort zone as soon as you start something new. So most people start with high expectations but get frustrated early on as well. It didn’t go as planned. They want results and they want it fast. That’s just the wrong mindset to start things with anyway. But that’s also where it goes completely south. They start skipping more and more days on whatever they’re doing. So they lose momentum and eventually they stop progressing. It’s like the people who used to read and suddenly stop. Good job my friend, you’re only going to get dumb and dumber after this. You probably don’t believe me because you won’t notice it.

All your non-reading friends become dumber as well. All your friends who don’t work out get out of shape as well. It just happened as they like to say. It’s your fault but you don’t notice it because you follow the herd. But you were right about one thing though. You’re in it together and you’re in deep deep shit.

How to create momentum: it’s so damn easy

Pick something that you want: like working out, reading, starting a blog. Just pick something and commit to it every day. You don’t have to train every day but you can research it to get more results. That’s it. Just start doing it and you’ll notice that you spend more and more time doing it after a while. There’s nothing more to it. Don’t try to make things complicated. There’s nothing complicated about it. Do it every day or make sure that you research it. You’ve got so much spare time to make the most out of it. The one who creates momentum lives a happy and fulfilled life. The one that makes up excuses will live a life full of frustration.

So keep going once you’ve put effort into something. Really in everything you do. Yes even in relationships. The people who take things for granted stop creating momentum. Those are the people who face a divorce in their 40’s and most of them have no clue where it came from. They don’t but we do.

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Till next time






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