Let’s talk about the tragedy of life because somehow it’s a bit tragic right? I mean some things are in- and out of your control and you have to deal with both of them. I don’t like people with a victim mindset but somehow we’re a victim at some point in our lives. You see we’re all going to die one day and we don’t know when. It could be any minute. So that makes us somewhat of a victim, doesn’t it? Most people don’t seem to be able to handle this reality and neglect it as much as possible. They say stuff like ‘yeah yeah one day I’ll die but that’s a long time from now’. That’s a delusional mindset if you ask me. This makes sure that you keep on procrastinating until you die. But there’s more. There’s something else pretty tragic about life.
Let’s talk about the tragedy of life.
You will face times in life where you’ll face suffering for no real reason. You’ll suddenly face one or multiple problems out of nothing and you’ll have to deal with them. Most people keep on complaining that it isn’t fair but crying about it won’t change a thing. That’s what a victim does. It’s safe to say that we all face these problems. So what do we do when we face those problems? Well, the Bible has a pretty great verse about it: you carry the cross up the hill and don’t complain about it. Sometimes you just need to get through it. Standing still with the cross on your shoulder won’t make it easier. It’ll become even heavier over time.
You shouldn’t wish for an easier situation or an easier life at that point in life. You just need faith that everything will be okay. You need to wish for the strength to endure all of this. The pain might be cruel but you should use it as fuel.
One more thing. This is a message to all the people who claim that karma is a bitch: karma might be a bitch but so are you.
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