Let’s take a look at how you can kickstart your day the right way. But also how you can kickstart your day the wrong way. So sit down and let me tell you a story about two men. Let’s call them Jack and Tony. We’ll take a look at their mornings and later on the day. Let’s assume that they’re colleagues in the same firm but Tony is the new player in town while Jack works there for quite a while.
Take a lesson from this post and kickstart your day the right way. In the end, I’ll share my insights.
Kickstart your day in Jack his way
Jack is a normal guy who’s in his mid-twenties. He’s been married for about two years with his high school girlfriend and they live together for a while now. The relation isn’t the same anymore but they both can’t figure out why.
He’ll lose because he’ll hit snooze
The alarm rings at 6 am and Jack rushes out of bed to turn the alarm off. He’s already swearing and complaining that the music sucked. He opens his curtains and he witnesses a very rainy day. He takes an extremely deep sigh and speaks for the first time to his wife. It’s one of these days again he depressingly tells her. He gets back into bed looks at his wife and sighs again. They just stare a bit at the ceiling for half an hour and then both need to dress to get to work.
Jack goes to the bathroom and looks in the mirror and he sighs again. He thinks he looks like crap. He gets ready and goes down to drink his coffee while he will read his newspaper. The headline of the paper is “another terrorist attack scares the country”. He starts complaining to his wife and soon they get into an argument. They both sigh and deeply wish they could change the whole situation.
The road to work
Jack gets into his car and gets off to work and suddenly he’s stuck in traffic. He listens to the same old songs over and over again. He hears the news pass by multiple times and looks outside where it’s still raining. This day has just started and it can’t get any worse according to him.
It starts to rain less and suddenly he glances to his right side. He sees a guy drumming on his steering wheel, he’s singing while he’s in traffic and this early. What an idiot, Jack thinks to himself. Eventually, he gets to his work and gets to his floor while he’s ignoring all the rest. Suddenly he hears a voice coming from behind…
Kickstart your day in Tony’s way
Tony is a normal guy who’s in his mid-forties. He’s been married for about twenty years with his high school girlfriend and they live together for a quit while now. The relation hasn’t changed that much since the beginning. The only thing that changed was that they got two kids and moved in together.
The alarm goes off early
In this house, the alarm also rings at 6 am. Tony gets ups and starts dancing to the music. After a while the turns of the alarm. He opens the curtains and sees that it’s raining heavily. Well, that means that there’s more oxygen in the air and he smiles again. He gets back in bed and kisses his wife on the mouth and compliments her while he smiles at her. I don’t have to describe the next part but you’ll get how this will end.
Tony will get a happy ending and afterward, they’ll both have a bigger smile.
Let’s get physical
After a while, they get up and both do some HIIT cardio in their garage. They shower together and drink some coffee while the kids arrive at the table. Tony greets both of his children with a big smile and a good morning just like his wife.
Tony realizes that he has to go to his new job and doesn’t want to be late. He kisses his wife and tells her he’ll be back in time for dinner. He also kisses his both kids on the forehead and tells them to be nice as always when he’s gone.
The road to work
Tony gets into his car and suddenly he’s stuck in traffic. He picks up his phone and attaches it to the radio. He listens to some of his favorite songs while he’s singing along. What a great day he tells to himself. He knows that all the nearby drivers are giving him some strange looks but he doesn’t care, he keeps on singing.
The meetup
He arrives at his new job and greats all the people that cross his way. He’s awaited by his new secretary. Tony just became the new director of his floor and is his first day in his new office.
Let me take you to the assistant director she tells him. He thanks her and follows her but suddenly she gets a phone call. She sees the assistant director and points him out.
Tony gives her a nod and steps to his new partner. Hi, Tony says. The assistant director replies with “Hi what” and turns around. Jack suddenly realizes that this guy was the one who was next to him in traffic. This was the guy who was drumming on his steering wheel.
He looks at his name card and takes a deep breath because wasn’t polite to the new director. He knows he did something wrong and is waiting to get a huge scolding.
Tony gives him a tap on the shoulder and tells him that it’s all right since we can all have a bad day. Jack is relieved that he didn’t get humiliated in front of all his colleagues and is a bit perplexed.
Jack’s ride home
Jack keeps thinking about his misstep and the way Tony handled it. He realizes that he would never act in this way. So he reflects his life so far and realizes something.
He comes home while his wife is cooking. He turns off the fire, picks her up and carries her upstairs to the bedroom. You can guess the next part and they end up both smiling to each other.
He discusses what has happened at work and they both learned a valuable lesson. Jack’s morning where never the same again and neither were his wife’s. They suddenly got physical a lot more.
Tony’s ride home
Tony got home and greets his kids and wife in the same way as he left. His wife asks how his days was and he tells her that his first day was great. I gave someone the same lesson that my boss gave me 25 years ago. Since that day Tony and Jack became close friends.
Kickstart your day: the insights
There are a lot of people who get out of bed with an extremely bad mood. They even complain more as soon as they see that it rains… they have tons of reasons to be unhappy and that’s why they’ll never be happy. Sadly, so many people get upset so easily.
I suggest that you read the book meditations to deal with this problem. You can read here why.
The early morning issue
Getting up early sucks, even when you do it for a long time. I get up at 6:30 every day and I can guarantee you that it’s pretty hard in winter. But I keep on doing it.
I wrote a guide on how to become a morning person.
But I also wrote a guide on how to get more energy and become more disciplined.
It’s hard to change yourself I get it but there’s a reason why so many people end up divorced after a while. Some long term relationships are like a ticking time bomb. The couple doesn’t realize that they’ll split up but almost everybody else sees it. It’s only a matter of time before it happens.
So don’t be like Jack and aim to be your best- self.
Get out of your damn comfort zone before it’s too late.
Show what you’re freaking made off and make the change.
Kickstart your day the right way
Kickstart your day and the happiness will stay.
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Till next time
Man. I need to be more of a Tony. Sometimes I’m a frustrated Jack and that’s definitely no way to live.. gotta change that perspective. And listen to some good music in the morning 😉
Yeah man That’s something that has to change but it can be due to stress. Take your favorite song and jump right out of bed to dance 😉