Most people like to showboat with a degree or even multiple degrees. You’ll come across as really smart, well at least according to our society. It’s a bit funny that people need a piece of paper to prove that they’re smart. Someone gives you a piece of paper while you may have cheated to pass every test. So you can be extremely dumb but 99% of the people will say that you’re smart. How stupid is that? It sounds a bit dumb, doesn’t it? People with a degree have also a higher chance to be forgiven extremely quickly. He’s an alcoholic but he has 3 degrees so it’s alright. She doesn’t do shit with her life and constantly hurts people but she’s almost an engineer so it’s all fine.
People seem to be obsessed with that piece of paper and I don’t get it to be honest. There are multiple hidden traps here. On the side note: I respect people who’ve got a degree as long as they’re really smart.
I don’t have a degree and I don’t mind it
Yes, I’m a college dropout but it was the right decision for me. I never feel dumb or ignorant, not even when I’m in the presence of people with university degrees. Jay Z has said it the best: they just learned a bunch of words while I lived a bunch of life. I wasn’t studying something that I liked or would give me an edge to what I wanted in life. So what’s the lesson here? Do what you love and love what you do. In other words, study if you want it and not because you have to.
It’s almost a year ago since I dropped out of college (it’ll be a year in July). It’s safe to say that I learned more in the period after college than when I was in college.
The discussion that opened my eyes
I got into an argument with a guy because he said some dumb stuff and was proud of it. I hate it when people try to impress others with their dumb behavior. He got in a massive argument with his girlfriend, went clubbing and cheated on her. He was proud of it and said things like “I’m really glad that I did it”. So I told him that he was a dumb guy and his ego got crushed. He became mad and told me that I’m the dumb guy since I dropped out of college. He told me that he was way smarter because he had a degree. I laughed about it and said “good for you, you’ve just proven my point”.
He didn’t get it. It was painful to see that he couldn’t figure it out. He was constantly convincing himself that he wasn’t dumb. The sad part is that most people are like this. More people assume that I’m dumb because I haven’t got a college degree. The weird part is that they’ve never talked to me. Oh, normal people entertain me every single time. The know it alls but their ignorance on display every single time that they want to prove a point.
A degree puts you into a comfort zone
Most people say they’ll achieve all their dreams as soon as they’ve got a degree. Why don’t you pursue them without a degree? I mean why would you do it if it’s not your dream to have one in the first place. Anyway, you’ll graduate and enroll in a career and you’ll never achieve what you wanted to achieve. It won’t happen because you can fall back on your degree as soon as things go wrong. You can’t handle the failure, give up and go back to doing what you don’t like. This is extremely well explained in Think And Grow Rich. The other downside is that you’ll never put in the required work because you’re already planning to fail. You just don’t know it yet.
Can you guess where you’re heading if you’re constantly looking for comfort? You’re taking a one way trip to the failure zone in no time. Those people become really unhappy and do dumb stuff due to unhappiness.
Embrace the fact that you need to be uncomfortable and you’ll start living.
A degree might make you hate a learning process
Most people go to school because they have to but they’ve never questioned why they’re doing it. They just do it because everyone else does it. Or just to go to all the parties of course. It all might sound fun but you’ll hate the learning process over time and that’s pretty dangerous. You’ll become dumb and dumber because you’re not evolving anymore. You can’t evolve if you’re never going to read anymore as soon as you drop out of college. These people are all wishing for the cover model looks and they forget about the books. They just drift through life without a single sense of purpose and they feel cheated by life by the age of 40.
The process should be more addicting than the result and not the other way around. These people will come home from work, eat unhealthy food, never do sports and watch tons of reality shows to satisfy their monkey brains. These people are looking for ways to escape reality but you can’t escape it. You’ll get a reality check anyway. Spoiler alert: the longer you wait, the more it’ll hurt.
A degree makes you able to handle words but not life
Life can be hard, there’s no doubt about that. Life will punch you in the face when you least expect it and it’ll hurt bigtime. I’ve noticed that some of the “smartest people” (aka school smart) can’t handle life. They make extremely poor life choices and don’t seem to learn from their mistakes. It’s like they need a textbook to learn how life and other things work. They can’t deal with life if there isn’t a manual available and guess what there will never be a manual for life. We all go through different things in life and we all have our way of dealing with them.
You’ll be afraid to break the rules
I like to break the rules and beat all the fools and that’s something that most people are afraid to do. They live by the rules and aren’t able to achieve a single thing in life. They’re extremely frustrated when someone breaks the rules. They complain hours about the fact that someone cheated to achieve something. That’s life just deal with it. Just listen to the most successful people on earth. They’ll all tell you that they’ve broken the rules to achieve more than the fools.
In conclusion: In college, I was the one that sucked but in real life, you’re the one that’s fucked.
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