Do you invest or waste your time? That’s a good question right?! It’s all a matter of perception to be honest. I’ve met people who were convinced that they invested their time wisely. In reality, they didn’t. Now we could argue about whose perceptions could be wrong but that’s just a waste of time. You’ve got to draw a line somewhere. You’re wasting precious hours if you’re constantly in bed because you’re “tired”. Most people aren’t tired. Their brains are tired because those aren’t challenged at all. Or you’re tired because you’re not active enough. That’s a pitfall when you have a desk job. Those bed potatoes mostly waste tons of time on their phone. They scroll their life away. They could swipe it away as well of course.
Do you invest or waste your time?
Most people have no clue what an investment is. An investment pays off in the long run. Stuff like reading books pays off in the long run because you become smarter over time. Complaining all the time is a waste of time because you’ll gain nothing from it. Get it? Good! Now we’re going to take a look a the easiest way to waste time. Busy people are timewasters. Busy people seem to do a lot but they accomplish very little. Productive people do a lot in a short period and that’s why they can relax from time to time. I played a video game last Sunday to blow off some steam. I probably wouldn’t be able to do this if I was busy all the time.
But now there a question that arises: Alex how do you keep doing it? Somebody asked me this question a while ago. It’s more than getting up early although it surely helps. I know people who get up early and get nothing done.
Do you invest or waste your time? Just keep creating momentum
It’s pretty easy if you ask me. I plan and make sure that I don’t face brain fog. Brain fog is the worst if you’re trying to be productive. I faced brain fog when I was working in a factory and I wrote tons of bad blogs during that period. My problem-solving ability was far from what it used to be as well. Sparring wasn’t fun back then. Anyways I plan my days and even week ahead to make sure that I get the most out of every week. I know what I want to accomplish and what needs to get done. Some people assume that I only train and blog but that’s not correct. They’re wrong, I do relax and I’m able to it because I invest my time.
I don’t glance at my phone or social media every damn second. I get the job done and that’s when I can glance at my phone. Phones can ruin your life and that’s what people don’t get. So I believe that it’s all about priorities and that’s what most people don’t have.
Do you invest or waste of time?? It’s all about priorities.
You need to set priorities when you start your day otherwise you’re starting in the wrong way. Say for example that you made plans to go to the gym on Saturday afternoon but suddenly get invited to a party at the same hour. The struggle must be real. This shouldn’t be a struggle at all. People who made it a priority to get the training will train first and then go to the party. Others will go to the party and skip the gym. Those are the people who lose track so easily. They set a goal but always choose comfort over pursuing the goal. So these people choose to waste time instead of investing it. They never get to the part where they invest in themselves.
Those people come up with excuses when they’re facing discomfort. That’s why they’ll never get anything done. You’ve got to make sacrifices from time to time. But are you making sacrifices if you’re doing something that you like?
Do you invest or waste of time?? The perception issue
Most people have no clue that they’re wasting time. Well, they feel it but they don’t act on that feeling. They feel sluggish after watching tons of episodes of a certain show but go to sleep instead of taking action. Those people only do it because they’re bored. I seriously don’t get how you can be bored in this day and age. These people have no direction in life and that’s where the perception issue comes in. They don’t feel like they’re wasting time because they’ve got nothing better to do anyway. These are the people who hate on people who invest their time but don’t get that it’s an investment. They don’t get it because they only see things from their perspective.
These people are blind. Those people will never get it until they’re willing to change their mindset. But I have on simple lesson for these people before I end this blog. You’re going to face hell if you’re wasting all the precious seconds away.
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