More and more people are holding grudges towards others and this is dangerous. I’ll explain in a minute why but first I’m going to tell you how I came up with this blog post. This must be the first time that I share my muse. So about one week ago we had Brazilian Ji Jitsu and we were sparring at the end. It was my first real training after I had been injured for a week. During that sparring session I got in a really bad position and all my bodyweight was pressing on my neck (a bit like the candle pose from yoga). I tried to triangle him but he escaped and we got in a bad position (google it if you’ve got no clue what I’m talking about).
He put pressure on me so my neck had to endure a lot. I felt some pain in my neck but kept ongoing. It wasn’t the first time that I had some pain in my neck. I was all pretty fine until I woke up the next morning. I could get up and it took me 20 minutes to get out of bed. So I made some coffee and stayed in bed for the whole day. I had a lot of pain and only got out of bed to take some ice for my neck or food.
The guy felt sorry but I never tended to hold grudges against him. Most people would but I didn’t see the point in doing that. He apologized later after he found out that I was still injured. I had forgotten all about it. I just wanted to train as soon as possible again. It took me about a week to be pain-free so it’s not a big deal. I had to endure some pain in the past but I’m pain-free in the now. Why bitch about something that happened in the past? There’s only one question that remains: why are people holding grudges and why shouldn’t you do it?
Holding grudges is one of the dumbest things that you can do
I don’t see the point in doing it. You’re injecting your brain with nothing but negativity. Your poisoning your mind. So you’re destroying yourself if you’re a person who tends to hate a lot of people. Just let it go. It’s easy to hate on others but you’re mostly to blame just as much. Like I could have told him to stop when I felt that there was a lot of pressure on my neck. I just learned a valuable lesson that day and he did as well. The word failure isn’t part of my vocabulary and holding grudges isn’t part of my mindset.
There are tons of people who hate their ex for some reason but it’s all bullshit. The nice guy will always get dumped because he’s too nice. The asshole will always get dumped because he’s just a jerk. Mister Alpha doesn’t have problems since he solves them all. There’s always a reason why something happened. Most people tend to look for an easy way out. They are just pros at holding grudges. It’s easy, you blame the other person and you forget all about it. Done deal right?
Well actually no. since you’ll never forget about it. I hate to be a dealbreaker but you’re acting like a fucking idiot. All those negative emotions will come back when you’re lonely or when you’re forced to deal with that person again.
Holding grudges and the fact that you’re completely fucked up
I will never give the guy a hard time when I’ll spar him in the future. Maybe I’ll joke about it from time to time just for fun. He’ll know that I’m just joking. You can hate others as much as you want but you’re hating yourself. You’re projecting all the hate onto them to feel better but you’ll feel worse. Hate is like a parasite. It’s eating his host alive. It will consume all your energy and it’ll drain you. It’ll consume you as well. Solve the situation instead of hating on it. Otherwise, you’ll turn into a dark fucked up person.
Maybe you’ll turn into an alcoholic that constantly wants to watch reality shows to escape his reality. Face the fact that you’re fucked up and start acting upon it. Some people hate me and I still don’t know why. They just try to be subtle when they throw hate at me.
I always ignore this kind of childish behavior. Talk to me if you’ve got an issue or don’t talk at all. It’s time to get rid of the diapers because you’re full of shit. Grow up and learn to talk like a real adult. I learned so much in 2016 and I don’t waste my time on people who’re craving attention.
Holding grudges and the fact that I and nobody else cares
Nobody cares about the fact that you’re holding grudges. Well nobody besides you off course. The person you hate won’t even realize why you’re hating them. Most people have no clue what they did wrong. They’ll probably laugh at it and ask you if you’re still mad about something they did. They don’t consider it a big deal but you will. You see your thinking is ego-driven and theirs probably as well. Forget about your ego, it’s your worst enemy. They’ll be partying while you’re still hating.
So what do you do when this situation occurs? It’s easy:
- Talk about it since it can solve everything
- get rid of them and this works both ways
Stop holding grudges and just get rid of some people
Some people are just the source of a lot of misery. They always hate on something or someone. Their whole life is a mess and they never seem able to get their act together. Get rid of these people because most of these people are doomed. I’m not saying that they can’t change but I haven’t met someone dark inside and suddenly made an overnight change. It takes time and a lot of hard work. Most of them are too bored to do a single thing with their life.
Another option is to get rid of the source of your pain. Some people will do the same thing to you over and over again. Just get rid of them and find out where you went wrong in the whole process. Life isn’t that hard. You’re making it hard.
Holding grudges is a waste of time
There are tons of people with a pretty hateful mentality these days and we all know why they’re like this. These people will hate on everything and everyone till they grow old. They’ll suddenly realize that the reaper is on his way and they’ll regret everything. I’ve heard multiple old people say that they wished that they hadn’t been so hateful their entire life.
So what can we conclude? Every grudge is fudge.
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