Setting the record straight on “sales” tactics.
This post will be an a follow up to a blog from 2019. The blog was called “your misery makes some people a lot of money“. I suggest you read that one before this one.
Let’s dive into it.
A lot of guys who start making money online quickly realize that it might take quite a while before they could escape the rat race.
Baffled by the idea that one might have to pick up another 9 to 5, these individuals resort to online mentors.
Because by investing in someone that made tons of money, one would assume one would have the same result no?
The reality is that most of these coaches are good at selling you thin air.
The quality of their product isn’t good, their ways of manipulating your feelings are.
Just like most people they realized that you can exchange skills or cash.
The issue here however is that they master little to no skills. So instead of focusing on acquiring a skill, they learn sales tactics aka scam tactics.
Because, it’s easier to scam unhappy people than to become good at something since the majority of people are miserable and stuck in a rut.
They are an easy prey.
What if…
The script of these calls is mostly similar, once you know the structure you can spot easily how they are trying to set you up.
The goal of the calls is actually pretty straight forward, make a sale. It does mostly get marketed as a “get to know you call” though.
So they start of by building a rapport and work from there.
The goal is to find your pain point, hit it hard and go for the kill.
In other words, double the pain of a potential client and offer them the required solution. At a price of course…
These kind of sales tactics are based on manipulation not on actual exchange of skills for money.
They target the emotional, not the rational. Because the former is an easier prey than the latter.
The former will glance at the sellers social media, see a glamorous lifestyle and will want the same.
The latter might actually question some things.
Sure they have a nice life but how do they actually make money?
What is the main source of their income?
Why do they need to boast so much about their life? Could it be all fake?
Maybe a show to lure people in?
Important questions but nonetheless most people that “invest” in a coach can’t answer these questions.
… I gave you an offer you can’t refuse.
Once you get to the actual sales pitch, most people will find the price to high.
So the trick is to convince them that they can afford it, they just don’t want too.
They’ll make claims like “your priorities are not in check” or “you have to see this as a life changing investment”.
But if you keep saying no, they’ll ask you a question where the only possible answer is “yes”.
Let me explain.
When a coach charges 3000 dollars a month, he will make you believe you can pay for it.
So he’ll say something like “I know you think 3000 a month is a lot of money and that you can’t get it by tomorrow. But what if you got diagnosed with cancer today, would you be able to get 3000 dollars by tomorrow?”.
Of course you say yes.
The issue here however is that ones life and a coaching program are not of the same value.
The seller knows this, you can only answer yes to the question. It is obvious that they’ll try to pressure you into buying their stuff if you don’t fall for this trick.
But that question is the perfect assist to put the pressure on you. Because they will tell you that you could try it alone. But why risk all the pain and disappointment if they can share their “secrets” with you?!
The reality is that they don’t offer you any quality There are NO secrets They just want to hit the right button and take your money.
If you end up paying but didn’t get the results it’s because of you or because you just had “bad luck”.
Its all bullshit, you got cheated with an overpriced product.
It’s like the saying goes “when a millionaire tells you how to get rich you better listen, but he’s a scam artist when he got rich by teaching other people how to get rich.”
A millionaire in bar.
That last quote reminds me of a marketing guru that wanted to teach me sales tactics.
He shared the following story.
One day a millionaire sat at a bar and the guy next to him asked what he did for a living. “I’m a millionaire”, he replied.
The guy wanted to know how to be one as well and said “give me 5 dollars and I’ll tell you how to be one”.
The guy handed over 5 dollars and the millionaire replied “this is how I do it”.
Are you getting it now?
They don’t care how they get your money as long as they get your money.
It’s is an obvious display of a lack of morals.
On mentors and coaching programs
There is nothing wrong with investing in mentors or coaching programs.
In the end, there are people out there who really offer you quality stuff in exchange for money.
Just beware of the people who sell you stuff that sounds to good to be true.
There are no shortcuts, no 30 days to elite confidence/tons of money/a six pack etc.
The people who sell this know this as well but they also know that most people want things fast and easy.
Hence they take them as a target audience.
Until next time
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Until next time.