
Why you should take the high road in life.

By July 10, 2018 March 1st, 2020 No Comments
Ever heard the expression always take the high road in life? Well, I'm now going to tell you that you should do it and why you should do it.

Ever heard the expression always take the high road in life? Well, I’m now going to tell you that you should do it and why you should do it. Well, there are multiple reasons but the biggest reason is that of the fact that the low road won’t bring you any happiness. It’s so damn easy to be a piece of shit to other people and it’s easy to take insecure people down. There are still a lot of people who do it. Most people act completely according to their feelings and that’s not the meaning of taking the high road. It means that you shouldn’t let your feelings get the best of you. You mostly don’t know what it means until you actually get older.

Because life throws a lot more obstacles at you as you get older. Then it comes in handy to realize that your reaction to a situation can affect the entire outcome. It’s all about perspective.

Why you should take the high road in life.

So there’s a guy who’s talking a lot of shit behind my back lately. He avoids me but somehow he ended up at the same party as me. We were sitting in front of each other and he avoided me at first but then he asked me something with the intention to mock me. So now I could have gotten completely angry and punched him in the face but I didn’t. I didn’t really react to it. But I did call him out on his bullshit when he was selling it but in a polite way. He didn’t react to it because most people who talk smack behind your back don’t like to be confronted with the fact that they lie.

So he didn’t react and I didn’t make a scene at the table. But why didn’t I do it? Cause I could have done it. You might even argue that I had a solid reason to do it.

It’s all about taking the high road in life.

You see I could have called him a piece of shit. I could have kicked him in the liver or elbowed him to the face because that shuts people up but I didn’t for one good reason. I actually feel really sorry for the guy. He’s so caught up in his own web of lies that he’s unable to see reality. This is dangerous because he tends to change stories to make sure that it seems that he’s always the one who did the right thing. He can’t learn and is stuck. It’s really sad in my opinion.

You always get what you serve and he’s going to get a lot of shit.

Why you should take the high road in life.

But there’s a difference between taking the high road and letting people walk all over you. That’s not okay because that’ll affect you emotionally! The sad thing is that people will keep on walking over you until you make them stop. You’ll mostly have to do it once because people who try to walk over other people are really insecure. That’s why you should call people on their bullshit from time to time. But walk away as soon as you set your boundaries. People rarely change. They just put on an act and get tired of it and then they’ll act like they did before.

It’s like the unhappy couple that about to divorce because they guy doesn’t do any effort. The fact that they’re almost going to divorce is a wake-up call for the guy so he starts doing effort.

His wife is happy but notices that the effort slowly fades. After that, it’s back to the same old rut but now she accepts it and then they live unhappily ever after. This is the sad reality with most couples.

In conclusion: the high road.

So what did we learn today?

Never get comfortable in a long-term relationship.

Always take the high road in life and don’t be afraid of walking away from people who give you tons of shit. They’ll mostly never change and they always find someone to pick on.

What can I say? Be a good human being. You’ll stand out because most people will never know what it is to be one.

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Till next time






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