How should you deal with haters, critics, doubters and so on? I admit that it’s a hard thing to do if you’ve got no clue how to do it. Most people take it personally or try to fight it but both things aren’t the right action. Never fight fire with fire, it’s a recipe for disaster. Things will escalate pretty quickly. Just let it go. You’ll face more than enough haters, critics and other dark people in your life. You can’t spend all your time fighting them. They’re dream killers and they’ll ruin your life if you give in to them. That’s something that most people don’t get. They value the opinion of others way too much to do anything with their lives. Fear lies so learn to conquer it. Those people lie too by the way. Don’t give in, but don’t give a fuck either.
Haters, critics, doubters. Where does it even come from?
Well, this question is easy to answer. These people project their insecurities onto you. They don’t want you to succeed. They don’t because they’re afraid of 2 things. They’ll be afraid that you’re more successful but also that you’ll prove that they can do it as well. You see most people like to be lazy. They like to stay in their comfort zone but nothing good ever comes from staying in your comfort zone. It’s a dead end. I mean what are you going to achieve in life if you hate others while you Netflix and chill? Probably not a lot.
Aside from that, there are already more than enough self- proclaimed experts. The know it alls who know nothing. They’ll make sure to point out all the points where you’re wrong though.
How do I deal with these people?
Well, it’s pretty easy. Get rid of them. That’s it. I don’t spend a lot of time with these people. I don’t want to be like them so I don’t spend time with them. These people like to waste time but I don’t. They like to be busy instead of productive and I just don’t like it. Hating on others isn’t a time investment. They’ll do everything to make time go by. They’re just bored and they know it. So don’t argue with them. Just get rid of them and don’t listen to them because they won’t listen to you either. They just don’t have respect.
Haters, critics, doubters. Fault vs responsibility.
Most people don’t realize that there’s a big difference between fault and responsibility. Let me explain. It’s not your fault that people hate you. You might assume that it’s your fault but it’s not. You can’t control their actions. Let me repeat that phrase one more time: YOU CAN’T CONTROL THEIR ACTIONS. So why would you focus on something that you can’t control?! So it isn’t your fault but what is it then? Well, it’s your responsibility to deal with it. You’re responsible for your actions and thoughts. So it’s your fault if you let things escalate but also your responsibility that it doesn’t escalate even more.
You’ll never be able to live if you take everything personal. It’s up to you to deal with this. You better act quickly because this can ruin your life. There are a lot of people who can’t get under the pressure of these people. In the end, it’s all about proving yourself right and by you’ll prove them wrong by doing it.
Haters, critics, doubters. Those people are way too predictable.
Those people are way too predictable. They’ll try to take you down until you make it. Then they’ll say that they always knew that you’d make it. It’s pathetic if you ask me. They didn’t want to be part of the process but they sure want to be part of the result. Pretty sad, isn’t it? Those people would sell their souls to win you back. They just have no norms and values.
I just have one simple message to all the haters, critics and doubters: why don’t you give me a great motivational speech? Say one more time that I can’t. I dare you.
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