Today I’m going to address the difference between talent and hard work. Most people realize that there’s a difference but somehow they can’t get the true meaning behind the quote. You probably don’t believe me but I’m going to share a story that will make you facepalm when I’ll reveal the plot. So I was training with a buddy and he asked if a girl whom he knew could join us. I agreed so she joined us not long after I’d agreed. We were both quickly extremely surprised that she wanted to talk all the time. It didn’t seem like she wanted to train at all. She was looking for attention and it got frustrating. She was constantly claiming that she couldn’t do anything and asked for advice on how to do it.
I noticed that she didn’t even try the exercises. She just did an attempt with zero effort and claimed that she couldn’t do it. After a while, she told us that she had a great quote and somewhere deep down inside I knew that we were going to get a grand finale. She told us that hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard. We both agreed and she said something that just showed that some people get dumb and dumber after the age of 23. She said that she didn’t have talent so she didn’t see the point in working hard. She started laughing hard after that.
You did a facepalm as well didn’t you? I didn’t have a clue why she laughed at it. But then I realized that most people laugh at their stupidities. My buddy didn’t talk to her much after that. He realized that she played an act just to impress him.
Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard
She was right when she told that hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard but she was wrong as well. She told that she didn’t was talented to ease her mind that she didn’t work hard. Do you get what she was trying to say? She didn’t see the point in working hard when you’re not talented. It’s safe to say that she missed the point of the whole quote but she’s not the only one. There are more and more people who claim that they can’t perform due to bad genetics or a lack of talent. Most talented people are fucked as well because they think that talent alone will suffice. Guess what it won’t. You can never neglect hard work. You need to get addicted to the process and forget about the result.
I hate the word talent
I believe that some people have little advantages over others. It might sound weird but I didn’t realize how long my arms were until I started doing MMA. Others are tall so they could exceed in basketball. You might have a natural tendency to like one sport more than the other or you can even be obsessed about it but you’ll have to work no matter what. Being tall doesn’t mean that you’ll become a great basketball player. Skill can only be developed by hours and hours of beating on your craft. That’s it.
Talented people and lazy people will never claim that you need to work on your mindset to improve your game or whatever you’re trying to improve. Don’t forget that most people claim that it’s hard. It’s called HARD work for a reason. Oh, normal people entertain me every time. The word talent neglects all the work that most people have put in.
You might a natural talent to twerk but you’d better start to work. Talent won’t get your far but hard work does. So be kind and embrace the grind.
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Till next time